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Feature Status

OOF Casablanca use case/functional feature status
CI/CD updates

CSIT: Fixed - picking up the latest image1.2.2

Health-checks: OSDF is doing okay, HAS failing due to Music issues.

OOM: Pods are up and running. Intermittent problems due to 401.


Need to figure out how roles are inserted in OOM: Add it to the test instance through GUI, AAF team will back it up and ensure it gets bootstrapped.

Pairwise testing

Music: MUSIC-152 - Getting issue details... STATUS

MultiCloud: No changes from last release

Policy: Failing due to AAF root certs (Vikas Varma), Current issues: POLICY-1206, POLICY-1207

SDNC (Config DB interface): TBD

SO: Done from OOF perspective Pending verification from Marcus.

AAI: Done. Ruoyu Ying to run some additional tests(?)

VFC: In progress (no blocking issues from OOF end)

High Priority Issues

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution


CLM issues are fixed

Daily-jobs: Release artifacts pending. Daily jobs are running fine.

Code coverage

CMSO: Vikas Varma to estimate and provide status.

HAS: Ikram Ikramullah to bump up coverage.

Usecase testing


HPA & Cloud Agnostic Intent - R3 Test Plan (In Progress): Some challenges for the cloud intent, double-dip on the HPA testing since formats are identical. Only changes expected would be for the cloud specific intents.

Prepping the policies for integration: Avteet Chayal to ensure this works.

Release OOF artifacts

1.2.2 (for both OSDF and HAS)

1.0.0 (for CMSO)


Documentation for new features/APIs added:

HPA: Dileep Ranganathan

VFC: Ruoyu Ying

CMSO: Avteet Chayal

PCI: Vikas Varma, (PCI team offered to help).


What did you do last week?

What will you do this week?

Are there any impediments in your way?

Invite Gil to present his deck on Modeling 5G slices as AR