


  • Mention the issue related to andrewrothstein.go ansible role and its workaround.
  • Discuss about the impact of Multus Kubernetes AddOn into the Pod Definition.

  • Share progress made on the implementation of  Multus Kubernetes AddOn in KRD.

Discussion items

10minandrewrothstein.go issueVictor Morales
10minPod Multus AnnotationsVictor Morales
  • Multus requires a new Custom Resource Definition object called Network
  • Into the annotations section is listed the networks used by the Pod
10minPlugin impactShashank Kumar Shankar
  • AAI requires to store the Networks supported/configured by Kubernetes cluster
  • It's necessary to define how is going to be provided the NICs information.
30minGoals and ObjectsGurpreet Singh
  • The information listed into COE wiki entry(Container based network service/function deployment (DEPRECATED)) is not deprecated but its scope has increased to manage VMs.
  • Nokia has developed VNFs in containers, the licensing is in process.
  • This project pretends to offer a MVP integrated to another ONAP services (e.g. SDC, SO, OOF, etc.)

Action items