The above mentioned combination is the one which is configured in the HEAT template as the time of writing of this WIKI page and may cause error when starting VID from the portal.

If you get a page with a JAVA stack trace or a static HTML page with some "Missing result set" message, you might to try these steps:

Edit /opt/vid_vm_init and remove two times "_epsdk" from the database names:

docker run --name vid-mariadb -e MYSQL_DATABASE=vid_openecomp_epsdk  ....
docker run -e VID_MYSQL_DBNAME=vid_openecomp_epsdk

Edit /opt/vid/lf_config/vid-pre-init.sql and make sure the database named there is vid_openecomp.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `vid_openecomp`.`schema_info`

Restart /opt/ This should fix the issues with VID

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  1. Found my issue to be using docker version 1.1 instead of 1.0, leaving this comment in case anyone else has similar issues.

    I also had to update a number of SQL scripts contained in the vid.war deployment. I have had it up using vid_openecomp_epsdk and vid_openecomp. The issue I have is that the current VID deployment in 1.1 is using a welcome.htm landing page where the portal is currently pointing to vidhome.htm. The SQL scripts pulled to the VID VM reference vidhome.htm but the ones in the war reference welcome.htm. I've updated fn_menu/ETC in the MariaDB associated with VID with no luck. I also went into portal and updated the fn_app entry in its DB to point to welcome.htm. However, I get an authentication mechanic error when it opens.

    Has anyone else run into this issue? I dropped VID to 1.0 and the vidhome.htm link works and I can get up to the deploy step, but I get an error that the service templates are not available from SDC, though I see it getting the TOSCA back from SDC so I assume its an incompatibility between SDC 1.1 and VID 1.1. I'm stll tracking that down.

  2. VID starts up OK for me (artifacts_version: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT, docker_version: 1.1-STAGING-latest) without the need for the above change.  However when I access VID from the portal for the first time I get 

    HTTP Status 404 -
    type Status report
    description The requested resource is not available.

    When I close the tab and try again I get..

    required key [authentication_mechanism] not found 

    message.  I am not sure where to start to try and debug this.  I thought perhaps it was related to this error in the portal - Unknown database 'ecomp_sdk_os'

  3. Stephen Moffitt we are also getting same issue ( PORTAL-38 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) .

    Please let us know if there is any updates for this issue.

  4. subhash kumar singh - I don't know of a solution yet, but I use the workaround as described in VID: required key [authentication_mechanism] not found i.e. log into the VID directly.