• VNF Healthcheck @ VNF Package (VVP/VNFSDK)
  • VNF Healthcheck @ VNF Instance Test (SDC)
  • VNF Healthcheck @ VNF in Service Test (APPC)

  1. Title:   VNF Healthcheck @ VNF Package
  2. Requirement #           R-31809 The VNF MUST support the HealthCheck RPC.
  3. Summary:  ONAP Actors (VNF, Operator, ONAP Platform components etc.):

To support the healthcheck RPC, the VNF must have a connection to APP-C and the port number, URL and authentication information must be provided by the VNF Provider.  The existence of this information should be validated in the VNF package.

  1. Preconditions ( ONAP, VNF states, test equipment/ data patterns, measurements) :

VNF Package is available for inspection.

VNF Package includes HEAT templates or TOSCA topology

VNF Package Information model includes fields for Healthcheck RPC port number URL and authentication information

  1. Operational sequence ( e.g. Message Sequence chart + text explanations) :
    1. Parse the VNF Package Heat Template / TOSCA topology and verify whether a network interface connection to APP-C exists.
    2. Parse the VNF Package to verify whether the HealthCheck RPC port number, URL and authentication information
      1. Exists
      2. Is syntactically valid


  1. Post conditions (any post processing of the measurements, any cleanup of the ONAP configuration, reset of the test equipment etc.):

VNF Package remains available for other tests.

  1. Test Result decision ( measurement  decision criteria ):

Test FAILS if

  1. No interface to APP-C identified or
  2. Heathcheck RPC port information is not provided or
  3. Heathcheck RPC port information is not syntactically correct.



  1. Title:   VNF Healthcheck @ VNF Instance Test
  2. Requirement #           R-31809 The VNF MUST support the HealthCheck RPC.
  3. Summary:  ONAP Actors (VNF, Operator, ONAP Platform components etc.):

Operator   tests the function of the healthcheck RPC using  operator console functions on a running instance of the VNF.

  1. Preconditions ( ONAP, VNF states, test equipment/ data patterns, measurements) :

Test above passed

VNF onboarded into SDC

            Ie VNF and associated information available in A&AI

  1. Operational sequence ( e.g. Message Sequence chart + text explanations) :
  2. Normal VNF operation:

1)    Operator instantiates VNF and configure VNF and waits for VNF to stabilize

2)    Operator requests VNF Healthcheck from operator console

3)    Healthcheck response analyzed

  1. Inhibited VNF operation

1)    Operator instantiates VNF and misconfigures configure VNF and waits for VNF to stabilize

  1. Post conditions (any post processing of the measurements, any cleanup of the ONAP configuration, reset of the test equipment etc.):

VNF Instance is deleted.

  1. Test Result decision ( measurement  decision criteria ):

(a)    Test FAILS if no response within a reasonable timeout OR if health check response is NOT 200 OK

(b)  Test FAILS if no response within a reasonable timeout OR if health check response is  200 OK



  1. Title:   VNF Healthcheck @ VNF in Service Test
  2. Requirement #           R-31809 The VNF MUST support the HealthCheck RPC.
  3. Summary:  ONAP Actors (VNF, Operator, ONAP Platform components etc.):


  1. Preconditions ( ONAP, VNF states, test equipment/ data patterns, measurements) :



  1. Operational sequence ( e.g. Message Sequence chart + text explanations) :


  1. Post conditions (any post processing of the measurements, any cleanup of the ONAP configuration, reset of the test equipment etc.):



  1. Test Result decision ( measurement  decision criteria ):
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