
Meeting Logistics

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Monday[sdc] Team ONAP3, Mon UTC 11:00 / China 19:00 / Eastern 06:00 / Pacific 03:00 calendar invite

See Calendar Invite

Meeting Attendees

Michael Morris 

Kartik Hegde 


Stasys Jurgaitis 

Vasyl Razinkov 

Andre Barros 

Francisco Javier Paradela Vila 

Agenda & Minutes

Review open action items from last week

AgendaMinutes (Draft to be updated during call)

High Priority Bugs

High priority defects :


T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due

Open review
Jakarta Release timeplan


M1 (Global requirement freeze) scheduled for 2nd December

Release Planning: Jakarta


Tasks for M1: SDC-3786 - Getting issue details... STATUS


M1 postponed by 1 week from 2nd to 9th Dec. Other milestones unaffected

We should plan to release more often in Jakarta to move towards a more CI way of working. 


M1 approved by TSC


M2 milestone scheduled for 27th January


First delivery for Jakarta (1.10.0) built and submitted to OOM ( Content can be seen here:

Still in review in OOM

1.10.1 built and submitted to OOM (

M2 passed last Thursday 3rd Feb. Next milestone is M3 on 3rd March


M3 planned for Thursday week 3rd March - last date for merging in functional changes for Jakarta.

Code Coverage currently at 55.6% - must maintain above 55%


1.10.1 merged in to OOM

M3 this Thursday 3rd Mar


M3 approved last Thursday. No new functionality can be added to Jakarta, only big fixes, documentation etc.

M4 planned for 24th March


1.10.2 images built, but bug fixes merged in since, will create new version including bug fixes for inclusion in OOM


M4 postponed to this Thursday 30th March, other milestones not affected

OOM review:




M4 approved by TSC last Thursday, RC planned for 28th April

OOM reviews continuing

Kohn timeplan


Kohn timeplan has been approved by TSC.

M0 was last Thursday 7th Apr

Kohn Impacts

SDC-3777 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Implementation started

REQ-1044 - Getting issue details... STATUS - Implementation started

Any other proposals welcome

No meeting next week

No meeting 18th April due to public holiday in Ireland

Action Items


Slack Channel: #SDC on LFN Slack instance (

