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Monday[sdc] Team ONAP3, Mon UTC 11:00 / China 19:00 / Eastern 06:00 / Pacific 03:00 calendar invite

See Calendar Invite

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Meeting Attendees

Michael Morris 

Krupa Nagabhushan 

André Schmid 

Anderson Ribeiro 

Vasyl Razinkov 

Christophe Closset 

Stasys Jurgaitis 

rajesh kumar 

Xue Gao 

Agenda & Minutes

Review open action items from last week

AgendaMinutes (Draft to be updated during call)

High Priority Bugs

High priority defects :


T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due

Open review
Istanbul release

Istanbul release planning schedule here: Release Planning: Istanbul

M3 (functional code freeze) on August 26th.

All JIRA issues with 'High' or 'Highest' priority need to be resolved


Inactive old issues with 'High' or 'Highest' priority to be reduced in priority. If anybody feels any of these issues should be kept as high or highest priority then please raise a discussion on it

Code coverage at 55.6 %


Some 'High' or 'Highest' priority issues resolved since last week. The following issues that will be reduced in priority: SDC-2716 - Getting issue details... STATUS , SDC-2325 - Getting issue details... STATUS SDC-1488 - Getting issue details... STATUS . If anybody feels any of these issues should be kept as high or highest priority then please raise a discussion on it.

Code coverage at 55.5 %


M3 postponed to Thursday 2nd Sept

No change in rest of the rest of the release schedule


M3 passed last Thursday 2nd Sept, no more functional content accepted in Istanbul


M4 planned for this Thursday 16th Sept. Releasing the docker images delayed by failure in, need to update version of maven from 3.5 to 3.6

SDC performance issue

During H release Stability testing for SDC, it was noticed that performance decreases over time, up to the point where onboarding is not successful

Not had time to investigate logs yet but saw some exceptions happening

Test details and logs can be found here :

INT-1912 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Cassandra configuration changes in stability tests resulted in significant improvement with success rate in excess of 90%. Remaining failures are likely to be due to timing issues

Duration per request increases as DB becomes more loaded. 

Patchset to be pushed with new configuration and to expose configuration through helm charts to enable tunning where required.

Test results:


Review push for exposing the configuration


SDC changed merged. OOM change in progress


OOM change pushed, waiting on SDC release 


SDC release to be done at M3 on Thursday


M3 postponed last week so release not done, plan to release at M3 this Thursday instead, but if needed earlier let PTL know


Release to be done when issue observed in deploying is resolved

Intermittent distribution failures in Gating

Intermittent failures in distribution causing Gating to fail. Was previously investigated, what is the current status?

Following issue reported during onboarding which can lead to distribution failures but the issue is in the onboarding: 

SDC-3508 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Suspected to be caused by consistency issue between cassandra nodes. Changes to consistent settings in cassandra has been suggested by Orange that may resolve this issue


Priority likely to be lowered, failures due to concurrent requests to cassandra 

Q&AIf you have time, pay attention to SDC mailing list and Slack channel questions

Action Items


Slack Channel: #SDC on LFN Slack instance (

SDC Dev lab on Windriver:

ssh ubuntu@ (with onap key) - LAb is installed with latest release (SDC 1.8.4) on helm 3 and K8s 1.19

 new wiki entry if you want to build a lab of your own : Deploy OOM and SDC (or ONAP) on a single VM with microk8s - Honolulu Setup

