See also POMBA Casablanca Demos

Dublin Demo 1

December 20, 2018


 The aggregated data is accepted by the Validation Service and processed for inconsistencies before a report is generated. This report is stored in Elasticsearch and viewed via Kibana.

Data-Dictionary POC Demo


This short presentation demonstrates how Validation-Service can be used to interface with a data-dictionary.

Dublin Demo 2

Attribute Rule Comparison (PNF and NETWORK)


The following demonstration was presented in ONAP meting February 21, 2019.   Two user stories were demonstrated: 

LOG-957 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Demonstrate the retrieval of network related data from various data sources (SDNC/A&AI/SDC/Network Discovery) to be compared as part of the attribute comparison  

LOG-958 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Demonstrate the retrieval of PNF related data from various data sources (SDNC/A&AI/SDC/Network Discovery) to be compared as part of the attribute comparison

Dublin Demo 3 (March 26)


The following user stories were demonstrated:

LOG-959 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Demonstrate the retrieval and attribute comparisons for P-interface resource between A&AI and Network Discovery

LOG-766 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Demonstrate the retrieval of l-interface from A&AI

LOG-767 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Demonstrate the retrieval of logical-link from A&AI

LOG-551 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Demonstrate transaction trace-ability end to end on POMBA components and reporting

LOG-665 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Demonstrate DataQuality reporting when resources could not be gathered or found.


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