This page captures the details of the extensions to UUI and EXT-API in alignment to relevant standards, as a part of E2E Network Slicing.

Main Contact(s): Adrian OSullivanSwaminathan Seetharaman

Participants: Chuanyu ChenLIN MENGPriyadharshini B,Fei Zhang

Scope and Details

  • Standardization of interfaces across the Slice Management Functions.
  • Unified architecture supporting the different options.


  1. The architecture and interface diagram to support different deployment configurations to be updated.
  2. For Guilin release only the following items to be considered:
    1. Implementation of TMF 641 APIs for Service Activation/Deactivation/Termination using TMF 641 API in ExtAPI.
    2. UUI Implementation and Integration with ExtAPI for Service Creation using TMF 641 API, as well as Service Activation/Deactivation/Termination in UUI are stretch goals.
  3. Potential use of (modernized) TMF 628 API for KPI monitoring - to be deferred to H-release.

Supporting Files

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