
Bin Yang Fei Zhang Mehmet Toy Huang Haibin Gueyoung Jung Ethan Lynn Victor Morales Sudhakar Reddy Gil Hellmann

1, Bin Yang updated resources changes: Ke Yang and yun huang decided to stepped down as contributors. Fei Zhang joined the team as a contributor.

2, Gueyoung Jung briefed the impacted project w.r.t. F-GPS/Valet requirement in Dublin release. Bin Yang committed the support from MultiCloud Wind River plugin. Need further comments from other plugins Ethan Lynn Sudhakar Reddy Victor Morales Huang Haibin before weekly meeting on Jan. 9th 2019 .

3, Team shared the plan of attending ONAP DDF in Paris on Jan. 2019. Bin Yang will reach out to those planning to attend this event for proposing breakout sessions .

4, Updates the status about conversation w.r.t. further integration with ESR, ESR contributor Lv Bo promised to support this further integration.

5, Updates the status about conversation w.r.t. further integration with SO (Heatbridge, network, volume group) . All team member are encouraged to participate this conversation.

6, Victor Morales shared the Dublin plan for k8s plugin and will update the  MC planning wiki for Dublin.

7, Sudhakar Reddy shared the Dublin plan for azure plugin and will update the MC planning wiki for Dublin

8, Due to the Christmas Holiday and New Year,  Bin Yang will send out notes to cancel weekly meeting for next 2 weeks. Any urgent/important issue should go with email.

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