General Information:

  • Date and Time: 2019, Nov 18th, 10pm~11pm Beijing Time, 9am~10am US Eastern
  • Meeting Room:
  • Meeting Recording:  
  • Meeting Chat Log:


  • Agenda bashing - 5 minutes
    • items for checking:
      • modeling glossary
      • ves spec
      • license management
  • Updates for dynamic parameter model - Kevin, 15 minutes
  • Modeling Process discussion - Ben, 30 minutes



  • Agenda bashing:
    • modeling glossary:
      • Arun is OOF, Kevin is still working on the topic (generate tables for classes, enumerations and remove attributes)
    • ves spec update:
      • no further updates from last week
    • license management:
      • there's need for continue discussion
      • Timo has contacted with Alla, she is ok to have the discussion. But there's no host Id available, Kenny is also OOF.
      • Use case meeting time slot is overlapped with the current resource IM call. Michela proposes to have a meeting after the resource IM call (hopefully from next week on).
      • Kevin has done some update on the reference in the UML to indicate it's not related to any use case (but built in ASDC).
  • Discussed items:
    • dynamic parameter refinement:
      • Presented last Wed on the service IM call
      • propose to replace the ParameterSpecValue with a set of classes to differentiate range value with discrete value
      • question on whether to have constraint on rangeStep (>0), continue discussion on Wed
    • Modeling Process:
      • continue M2 milestone discussion
        • check clean model with use case/arc team, identify if the model can fulfill the use case requirements / data model implementation
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