

Ahila P 

Alessandro Gerardo D'Alessandro 

Brijesh Kumar

Dong Wang 

Klaus Negle 

Yogendra Pal 

Discussion items

S.NoAgenda itemResponsibleNotes
1DCAE PTL Review with IBN team - sync up
2Approach to follow for CPS update in RAN Slicing

3Suggestion to explore updating RAN NF details in AAI for the CPS update

Action item: Ahila P  to check the details about this 

4Request for Demo and Documentation on E2E closed loop with CPSNeed to verify the existing recording. If it is not perfect, based on the lab status demo will be presented in the upcoming weeks
5Support for activation & deactivation in external RAN NSSMFClose the review comments and test the feature in Winlab
6Leverage the existing system to support TRACE or any type of files coming from RAN network elementsYogendra Pal Define and problem statement and work towards the solution and further implementation


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