
Trevor Lovett

Vijay Venkatesh Kumar

VNFRQTS-869 - Getting issue details... STATUS Damian Nowak

@Oskar Malm

Agenda & Minutes

  • Determine process for issues to be worked.  Potential proposal below:
    • Proposed Process Reviewed and Revised on the call: 
      • New items submitted via ONAP JIRA
      • Submitter can self-assign or leave unassigned (NOTE: if unassigned ownership will be discussed at the weekly meeting)
      • If needed, use weekly meeting to align on issues, gaps, and approach
      • All final language should be submitted as a Gerrit review (not in the JIRA ticket)
      • Standard set of reviewers for all VES related changes
      • Rules for merging changes:
        • No change will be merged if there is a -1 from any mandatory review
        • Merging will required approval from the VNFRQTS PTL and at least 1 person from 2 companies has approved
        • All reviews will be open for a minimum  5 working days before being merged.
        • Any Gerrit review flagged with a -1 will be reviewed on the weekly unless resolved offline prior to the call
  • Review current open issues 
    • T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due

  • Assign owners
  • If possible, determine initial tasks for ONAP Guilin release

Action Items/Decisions:

  • Determined process for VES events. See above
  • VNFRQTS-869 - Will be worked in 7.1.1 update (make eventName requirements for camel case to SHOULD instead of MUST) - Owner: Trevor Lovett
  • VNFRQTS-844 - Vijay clarified handling of batch events (see comments).  This ticket will be worked in Guilin release, but the specifics are depdent on a specific feature proposed in Guilin. Awaiting confirmation - Owner: Vijay Venkatesh Kumar
  • VNFRQTS-842 - Damian will take this issue to 3GPP Harmonization meetings for direction Owner: Damian Nowak
  • VNFRQTS-813 - Trevor will take a first stab at proposals for rationalizing VNF Reqt's and VES Spec Owner: Trevor Lovett
  • VNFRQTS-843 - Trevor will devise a proposal for publishing VES schemas to Nexus/Maven for consumption by DCAE
  • VNFRQTS-812 - Vijay will review current monitoring and management requirements to determine if any don't align with current DCAE implementation 
  • 3GPP Alignment Timeline
    • Planned for G (7.2 or 8.0)
    • Goal is for it to backwards compatible, but that is not confirmed. If backwards compatible, this will by 7.2 otherwise 8.X
    • Next step it so review this with the ONAP Requirements subcommittee (Marge Hill has shared a draft presentation.  Additional reviews this week.  Requirements review planned in next 2 weeks) 
    • All impacts to the event listener spec related to this alignment will worked through this meeting series


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