
Timo Perala

Eric Debeau

Rich Bennett

Andreas Geissler

Thomas Kulik

Sofia Wallin

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Topics, Notes, Status and Follow-Up Tasks

TopicNotes / Status / Follow-up
Dublin Release status

Jira tickets, other issues

Walked through all tickets. Good progress and we will follow up on the ones remaining offline. 

Related to the DOC-448 - We will invite David Perez Caparros to the next doc meeting to discuss structure for the BSS documentation

ONAP DDFWho's going? Planning page 
Shared TOC lists" (Andreas)


  1. Hi Sofia Wallin, I won't be able to attend the next DOC call, May 30 is bank holiday here in Switzerland. In DOC-448, I am asking what would be the right place in readthedocs (if any) to document the set up & configuration needed to run the BBS use case. It is a kind of developer guide for BBS. I am currently documenting those steps here: BBS Documentation (Dublin) 

  2. Hi David Perez Caparros, I brought this up last week but we all agreed that it would be good to invite more people to this since there is no obvious place. Or rather, the topic brought more questions that just the location. It is a public holiday in Sweden as well so I'd propose that we take it to the mailing list or discuss this during the DDF. 

    1. thanks, both are fine for me. I will attend DDF