
at 15:00 UTC

Note time is 15:00 GMT = UTC now

Meeting Link:


  • Recording:zoom_0.mp4
    • Chat Log: 
  • M4 next :  Frankfurt Milestone Status  - Update, https 
  • Java 11 image  EXTAPI-384 - Getting issue details... STATUS  from SECCOM   completed
  • https is currently blocked by  AAF-1104 - Getting issue details... STATUS  which is related to  EXTAPI-375 - Getting issue details... STATUS   
  • TMF-MEF-ONAP API Harmonisation update
  • Update on ONAP APIs Style plus ONAP Documentation Andy Mayer

Last week Items:

spectral could be used for swagger validation . 

          Ludovic Robert provided reference to similar API Guidelines work on-going in the TMF

other potential updates

  • Performance Mgmt Gautam Kumar potential APIs TMF 628, 649, 657  - High level flow  Steve Harrop, working on updates in TMF to these APIs
  • https self signed certificate Matthieu Geerebaertistio provide loadbalancing - updates oom - not Frankfurt, for Guilin.
  • Colin Hutchinson to present Kong to Architecture subcommittee, how Gateway fits it with architecture. @chaker Al-Hakim 

Next week:

  • Examine TM Forum specs such as TMF 641 v18.5 (e.g., added service type) Should we group services to service type?

Last week: