


VES message formats for PM, CM, FM

Jakarta Requirements DCAEGEN2-2986 - Getting issue details... STATUS



Jakarata Release 

11/08 - SON Use Case Jakarata plan presented in Requirements Subcommittee on 11/08/20201 call

Jakarta release - functional requirements proposed list#5GOOFSONUseCase 

(PM VES formats)

Discussion focused on VES message formats for PM, FM, CM.

Objective is to align with O-RAN O1 and 3GPP.

All comments from the discussion are captured and updated in DCAEGEN2-2986 - Getting issue details... STATUS  

For FM, we have a good sample message.

For CM, we have a good sample message which needs some work. See JIRA for sample CM message whichi is 
aligned with VES Collector which is loaded with a global/local mapping.

For PM, there is more work needed to align with O-RAN. See JIRA and notes from 12/09 meeting.