You can build most of the projects directly in IntelliJ - but everything can be built using a root pom.xml example (docker is required for dcae-inventory).  Ideally we would all run a standardized vagrant development environment (running the same versions of grunt/node/npn/bower, jdk etc).

Setup your environment first (OSX, RHEL, Ubuntu or Windows) - Setting Up Your Development Environment

The git checkout script has been updated to reflect all the repos (minus the deprecated dcae and mso) in ONAP as of 20170831 -


Pending requests

COMMON-17 - Getting issue details... STATUS

COMMON-18 - Getting issue details... STATUS

PORTAL-8 - Getting issue details... STATUS

merge/defer-to  INT-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Building Entire ONAP

Procedure using git-repo

(Thanks David Bainbridge)

git clone


Updated pom.xml with the latest master changes for 20171227 

curl > pom.xml

Only issue is you will need to copy the License.txt before you run for aai - still verifying the fix for  AAI-568 - Getting issue details... STATUS

mkdir ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
mkdir onap
cd onap
# currently updating my own with no dcae, mso, aai-service - they are deprecated
#repo init -u
repo init -u
repo sync -q --no-clone-bundle
# pull
curl > pom.xml
cp aai/logging-service/License.txt .
mvn clean install -U -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] aaf-authz .......................................... SUCCESS [  4.492 s]
[INFO] Authz Client ....................................... SUCCESS [  8.895 s]
[INFO] vvp-gitlab ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.098 s]
[INFO] onap.root .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.029 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 33:51 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-12-28T10:24:10-05:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 1889M/3572M

Procedure - deprecated

  • create a root directory like "onap"
  • copy the sh script there
  • run the sh script
  • notice the directory structure with embedded repos
  • copy the root pom.xml
  • maven build with the root pom
  • there will be a couple projects that may not build due to your settings.xml repos, the state of a couple of the projects, whether you have docker running - see the developer pages to make sure you are setup
    ONAP Developer Checklist
    Setting Up Your Development Environment

Clone/pull all repos sh script

This script serves 3 purposes

1) ssh clone all ONAP repos (those of us with unrestricted internet access)

2) https clone all the ONAP repos (for those behind a fireall)

3) pull all repos - refreshing them in a close to an atomic pull as possible.

4) we currently cannot use an automated script around the following because a 1.0/1.1 filter/metadata is missing - also the directory structure differs for repos (some have a root repo, others are parent-less peers)


pass in the command clone|pull and your onap gerrit id (note oam repo is the largest at 0.8Gb transferred at 6Mb/sec)

./ clone <your_gerrit_username>

clone by https for those behind a firewall

./ clone_https michaelobrien uHaBPMvR47mocSbB3YnK56EB1RR3Keer6vatj5555555555

to refresh project within a 5 min window

TODO: checkout branch and merge master into branch

Todo: move to private branch or JIRA to be under source control -  COMMON-18 - Getting issue details... STATUS

For now on

Root pom.xml

version 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT

Place this pom.xml at the root of where you ran the (on top of all the repos) - it expects the same directory structure as setup in gerrit.

This is a root reactor pom.xml that can be used to build all or parts of onap

Some repos like dcae-inventory will require docker installed to build the images.

for speed build with all 5 repos in (~.m2/settings.xml) and the maven options below (no tests and no test compilation) - and try to get a 8-12 thread machine and most importantly a fast SSD - or use a Mac.

obrienbiometrics:core michaelobrien$ mvn clean install -U -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none

Known Issues in progress

Last run 20170614

Try to develop in OSX - it has the least issues when building ONAP in its entirety.

There are issues with some of the projects (primarily in windows - like DCAE attempting to reinstall npn) - these may be due to the fact I am still ramping up on ONAP and have not done a full in-depth review of each project.  Where available I have commented on the reason why a particular project is failing its local build (all should build fine in CI).  Some compile issues were recently fixed since May 12th when I started building ONAP.

Some builds are only meant for deployment (a result of uisng mvn install) like appc - you may want to comment this one unless you are modifying it (run off artifacts).

replace /Users/michaelobrien/wse_onap/onap7/appc/deployment/installation/appc/target/docker-stage/opt/openecomp/appc/svclogic/graphs/appc/graph.versions? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: error:  invalid response [{ENTER}]



[INFO] Reactor Summary:


[INFO] aaf-authz .......................................... SUCCESS [  2.848 s]

[INFO] Authz Client ....................................... SUCCESS [  4.413 s]

[INFO] aaf-inno ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.450 s]

[INFO] Env ................................................ SUCCESS [  1.596 s]

[INFO] Log4J Elements ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.818 s]

[INFO] Rosetta ............................................ SUCCESS [  2.578 s]

[INFO] aaf-cadi ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.297 s]

[INFO] CADI Core Framework (Code, Access, Data, Identity) . SUCCESS [  3.679 s]

[INFO] CADI Client ........................................ SUCCESS [  2.340 s]

[INFO] CADI AAF (Application Authorization Framework) LUR . SUCCESS [  3.778 s]

[INFO] Authz Core ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.161 s]

[INFO] Authz Cass ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.696 s]

[INFO] Default Organization ............................... SUCCESS [  1.315 s]

[INFO] Authz Command ...................................... SUCCESS [ 10.141 s]

[INFO] Authz TestCases .................................... SUCCESS [  0.376 s]

[INFO] Authz Gate/Wall .................................... SUCCESS [  1.243 s]

[INFO] AAF Certification Managmenent ...................... SUCCESS [  1.949 s]

[INFO] Authz File Server .................................. SUCCESS [  0.702 s]

[INFO] Authz Service ...................................... SUCCESS [  5.053 s]

[INFO] CADI Cassandra Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [  1.659 s]

[INFO] XGen ............................................... SUCCESS [  0.391 s]

[INFO] aaf-luaplugin ...................................... SUCCESS [  2.289 s]

[INFO] oparent ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.006 s]

[INFO] oparent/checkstyle ................................. SUCCESS [  0.118 s]

[INFO] oparent/oparent .................................... SUCCESS [  0.631 s]

[INFO] aai-aai-common ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.713 s]

[INFO] aai-annotations .................................... SUCCESS [  1.593 s]

[INFO] aai-schema ......................................... SUCCESS [  7.003 s]

[INFO] aai-core ........................................... SUCCESS [  8.544 s]

[INFO] aai-auth ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.747 s]

[INFO] aai-utils .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.910 s]

[INFO] aai-champ .......................................... SUCCESS [ 23.769 s]

[INFO] aai-data-router .................................... SUCCESS [ 11.546 s]

[INFO] aai-logging-service ................................ SUCCESS [  0.289 s]

[INFO] Common Logging API ................................. SUCCESS [  0.323 s]

[INFO] EELF Logging Implementation ........................ SUCCESS [  1.429 s]

[INFO] Common Logging Distribution ........................ SUCCESS [  0.352 s]

[INFO] aai-model-loader ................................... SUCCESS [ 11.584 s]

[INFO] aai-rest-client .................................... SUCCESS [  1.038 s]

[INFO] aai-router-core .................................... SUCCESS [  4.409 s]

[INFO] aai-search-data-service ............................ SUCCESS [  6.216 s]

[INFO] aai-sparky-be ...................................... SUCCESS [ 11.313 s]

[INFO] aai-sparky-fe ...................................... SUCCESS [01:21 min]

[INFO] aai-traversal ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.395 s]

[INFO] aai-traversal ...................................... SUCCESS [  9.258 s]

[INFO] appc ............................................... SUCCESS [  2.937 s]

[INFO] APP-C Common ....................................... SUCCESS [ 12.371 s]

[INFO] APPC Adapters ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.124 s]

[INFO] APPC Chef Adaptor .................................. SUCCESS [  0.107 s]

[INFO] APPC Chef Adapter - Bundle ......................... SUCCESS [  6.462 s]

[INFO] APPC Chef Adaptor - Features ....................... SUCCESS [  2.431 s]

[INFO] APPC Chef Adapter - Karaf Installer ................ SUCCESS [  5.319 s]

[INFO] rest Adaptor ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.125 s]

[INFO] rest Adapter - bundle .............................. SUCCESS [  5.458 s]

[INFO] Rest Adaptor - Features ............................ SUCCESS [  0.843 s]

[INFO] rest Adapter - Karaf Installer ..................... SUCCESS [  4.892 s]

[INFO] IaaS Adaptor ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.093 s]

[INFO] IaaS Adapter - bundle .............................. SUCCESS [  9.365 s]

[INFO] IaaS Adaptor - Features ............................ SUCCESS [  0.769 s]

[INFO] IaaS Adapter - Karaf Installer ..................... SUCCESS [  3.308 s]

[INFO] APPC Metric ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.114 s]

[INFO] appc-metric-bundle Bundle .......................... SUCCESS [  1.350 s]

[INFO] DMaaP Adapter ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.104 s]

[INFO] appc-message-adapter-api ........................... SUCCESS [  2.824 s]

[INFO] DMaaP Adapter - bundle ............................. SUCCESS [  6.175 s]

[INFO] appc-message-adapter-factory ....................... SUCCESS [  2.639 s]

[INFO] DMaaP Adapter - Features ........................... SUCCESS [  0.749 s]

[INFO] dMaaP Adapter - Karaf Installer .................... SUCCESS [  6.300 s]

[INFO] NETCONF adapter .................................... SUCCESS [  0.108 s]

[INFO] NETCONF Adapter - bundle ........................... SUCCESS [  3.920 s]

[INFO] appc-netconf-adapter-features ...................... SUCCESS [  0.514 s]

[INFO] NETCONF Adapter - Karaf Installer .................. SUCCESS [  3.897 s]

[INFO] appc-ssh-adapter ................................... SUCCESS [  0.075 s]

[INFO] appc-ssh-adapter-api ............................... SUCCESS [  0.851 s]

[INFO] appc-ssh-adapter-tests ............................. SUCCESS [  1.090 s]

[INFO] appc-ssh-adapter-sshd .............................. SUCCESS [  1.032 s]

[INFO] appc-ssh-adapter-features .......................... SUCCESS [  0.561 s]

[INFO] rest healthcheck adaptor ........................... SUCCESS [  0.093 s]

[INFO] rest healthcheck Adapter - bundle .................. SUCCESS [  3.496 s]

[INFO] rest healthcheck Adaptor - Features ................ SUCCESS [  0.648 s]

[INFO] Rest Health Check Adapter - Karaf Installer ........ SUCCESS [  3.699 s]

[INFO] Appc Ansible Adapter ............................... SUCCESS [  1.840 s]

[INFO] APPC Ansible Service Adapter - bundle .............. SUCCESS [  6.744 s]

[INFO] Ansible Adaptor - Features ......................... SUCCESS [  1.692 s]

[INFO] Ansible Adapter - Karaf Installer .................. SUCCESS [  3.123 s]

[INFO] APPC Provider ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.084 s]

[INFO] appc-provider-model ................................ SUCCESS [  6.377 s]

[INFO] APPC Dispatcher .................................... SUCCESS [  0.130 s]

[INFO] APPC Dispatcher Common ............................. SUCCESS [  0.135 s]

[INFO] appc-data-access-lib ............................... SUCCESS [  1.160 s]

[INFO] execution-queue-management-lib ..................... SUCCESS [  0.913 s]

[INFO] domain-model-lib ................................... SUCCESS [  0.919 s]

[INFO] APPC Command Executor .............................. SUCCESS [  0.105 s]

[INFO] appc-command-executor-api .......................... SUCCESS [  0.862 s]

[INFO] APPC Request Handler ............................... SUCCESS [  0.080 s]

[INFO] appc-request-handler-api ........................... SUCCESS [  0.861 s]

[INFO] appc-provider-bundle ............................... SUCCESS [  5.349 s]

[INFO] appc-provider-features ............................. SUCCESS [  0.671 s]

[INFO] APPC Provider - Karaf Installer .................... SUCCESS [  1.940 s]

[INFO] Event Listener ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.092 s]

[INFO] Event Listener - bundle ............................ SUCCESS [  1.701 s]

[INFO] Event Listener - Features .......................... SUCCESS [  0.518 s]

[INFO] APPC Event Listener - Karaf Installer .............. SUCCESS [  1.380 s]

[INFO] SDC Event Listener ................................. SUCCESS [  0.082 s]

[INFO] appc-yang-generator ................................ SUCCESS [  2.270 s]

[INFO] APPC License Manager ............................... SUCCESS [  0.089 s]

[INFO] appc-license-manager-api ........................... SUCCESS [  0.749 s]

[INFO] appc-dg ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.085 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-shared ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.095 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-domain-model-lib ........................... SUCCESS [  0.683 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-dependency-model ........................... SUCCESS [  1.475 s]

[INFO] appc-sdc-listener-bundle ........................... SUCCESS [  1.924 s]

[INFO] Event Listener - Features .......................... SUCCESS [  0.685 s]

[INFO] SDC Listener - Karaf Installer ..................... SUCCESS [  3.638 s]

[INFO] APPC Lifecycle Management .......................... SUCCESS [  0.094 s]

[INFO] appc-lifecycle-management-api ...................... SUCCESS [  0.747 s]

[INFO] state-machine-lib .................................. SUCCESS [  0.934 s]

[INFO] appc-lifecycle-management-core Bundle .............. SUCCESS [  0.858 s]

[INFO] appc-lifecycle-management-features ................. SUCCESS [  0.530 s]

[INFO] APPC LifeCycle Management - Karaf Installer ........ SUCCESS [  1.252 s]

[INFO] APPC OAM ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.119 s]

[INFO] appc-oam-model ..................................... SUCCESS [  1.538 s]

[INFO] appc-oam-bundle .................................... SUCCESS [  2.595 s]

[INFO] appc-oam-features .................................. SUCCESS [  0.574 s]

[INFO] APPC OAM - Karaf Installer ......................... SUCCESS [  1.719 s]

[INFO] Application Controller Config ...................... SUCCESS [  0.131 s]

[INFO] Config Params Node ................................. SUCCESS [  0.078 s]

[INFO] Config Params - Provider ........................... SUCCESS [  0.974 s]

[INFO] Config Params Plugin - Features .................... SUCCESS [  0.663 s]

[INFO] Config Component Params - Installer ................ SUCCESS [  1.543 s]

[INFO] APPC Encryption Tool ............................... SUCCESS [  0.090 s]

[INFO] APPC Encryption Tool - Provider .................... SUCCESS [  0.898 s]

[INFO] APPC Encryption Tool Plugin - Features ............. SUCCESS [  0.564 s]

[INFO] Config Component Encryption Tool - Installer ....... SUCCESS [  1.072 s]

[INFO] APPC Data Services for Node ........................ SUCCESS [  0.186 s]

[INFO] APPC Data Services - Provider ...................... SUCCESS [  0.878 s]

[INFO] APPC Data Services Plugin - Features ............... SUCCESS [  0.653 s]

[INFO] Config Component Data Services - Installer ......... SUCCESS [  1.136 s]

[INFO] APPC Flow Executor ................................. SUCCESS [  0.087 s]

[INFO] Flow Executor - Provider ........................... SUCCESS [  1.162 s]

[INFO] Flow Executor - Features ........................... SUCCESS [  0.537 s]

[INFO] Config Component Params - Installer ................ SUCCESS [  1.107 s]

[INFO] Config Generator Node .............................. SUCCESS [  0.083 s]

[INFO] Config Generator - Provider ........................ SUCCESS [  1.100 s]

[INFO] Config Generator Plugin - Features ................. SUCCESS [  0.580 s]

[INFO] Config Component Generator - Installer ............. SUCCESS [  1.177 s]

[INFO] Config Component Adaptor ........................... SUCCESS [  0.103 s]

[INFO] APPC Config Component Adaptor - Provider ........... SUCCESS [  1.104 s]

[INFO] Config Component Adaptor - Features ................ SUCCESS [  0.611 s]

[INFO] Config Component Adaptor - Installer ............... SUCCESS [  1.168 s]

[INFO] Config Audit Node .................................. SUCCESS [  0.157 s]

[INFO] Config Audit - Provider ............................ SUCCESS [  0.849 s]

[INFO] Config Audit Plugin - Features ..................... SUCCESS [  0.603 s]

[INFO] Config Component Audit - Installer ................. SUCCESS [  1.104 s]

[INFO] Application Controller Directed Graph .............. SUCCESS [  0.082 s]

[INFO] Directed Graph Loader Node ......................... SUCCESS [  0.148 s]

[INFO] APPC Directed Graph Loader - Provider .............. SUCCESS [  6.841 s]

[INFO] Directed Graph Loader - Features ................... SUCCESS [  0.537 s]

[INFO] APPC Directed Graph ................................ SUCCESS [  0.081 s]

[INFO] APPC DG - Provider ................................. SUCCESS [  2.819 s]

[INFO] Application Controller Outbound .................... SUCCESS [  0.099 s]

[INFO] APPC AAI Client for Node ........................... SUCCESS [  0.097 s]

[INFO] APPC AAI Client - Provider ......................... SUCCESS [  1.038 s]

[INFO] APPC AAI Client Plugin - Features .................. SUCCESS [  0.568 s]

[INFO] APPC AAI Client -Installer ......................... SUCCESS [  1.308 s]

[INFO] APPC Network Inventory Client ...................... SUCCESS [  0.084 s]

[INFO] APPC Network Client - Provider ..................... SUCCESS [  0.922 s]

[INFO] APPC Network Inventory - Features .................. SUCCESS [  0.544 s]

[INFO] APPC Network Inventory - Installer ................. SUCCESS [  1.339 s]

[INFO] Application Controller Inbound ..................... SUCCESS [  0.110 s]

[INFO] appc-artifact-handler .............................. SUCCESS [  0.086 s]

[INFO] appc-artifact-handler-model ........................ SUCCESS [  2.170 s]

[INFO] appc-artifact-handler-provider ..................... SUCCESS [  1.834 s]

[INFO] appc-artifact-handler-features ..................... SUCCESS [  0.582 s]

[INFO] appc-artifact-handler-installer .................... SUCCESS [  2.391 s]

[INFO] appc-design-services ............................... SUCCESS [  0.081 s]

[INFO] appc-design-services-model ......................... SUCCESS [  1.480 s]

[INFO] appc-design-services-provider ...................... SUCCESS [  1.114 s]

[INFO] appc-design-services-features ...................... SUCCESS [  0.553 s]

[INFO] appc-design-services-installer ..................... SUCCESS [  1.182 s]

[INFO] appc-sequence-generator ............................ SUCCESS [  0.093 s]

[INFO] appc-sequence-generator-model ...................... SUCCESS [  1.478 s]

[INFO] appc-sequence-generator-bundle ..................... SUCCESS [  1.834 s]

[INFO] Application Controller Sequence Generator Features . SUCCESS [  0.575 s]

[INFO] Appc Sequence Generator : Karaf Installer .......... SUCCESS [  1.560 s]

[INFO] appc-java-client ................................... SUCCESS [02:50 min]

[INFO] client-lib ......................................... SUCCESS [  5.499 s]

[INFO] code-generator ..................................... SUCCESS [  6.766 s]

[INFO] client-kit ......................................... SUCCESS [  7.163 s]

[INFO] client-simulator ................................... SUCCESS [  7.530 s]

[INFO] appc-ranking-framework-lib ......................... SUCCESS [  0.946 s]

[INFO] lock-manager-lib ................................... SUCCESS [  0.094 s]

[INFO] lock-manager-api ................................... SUCCESS [  0.621 s]

[INFO] lock-manager-impl .................................. SUCCESS [  0.889 s]

[INFO] lock-manager-features .............................. SUCCESS [  0.542 s]

[INFO] transaction-recorder ............................... SUCCESS [  1.032 s]

[INFO] APPC Workflow Management ........................... SUCCESS [  0.084 s]

[INFO] appc-workflow-management-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.710 s]

[INFO] appc-workflow-management-core Bundle ............... SUCCESS [  0.878 s]

[INFO] appc-workflow-management-features .................. SUCCESS [  0.514 s]

[INFO] appc-command-executor-core Bundle .................. SUCCESS [  0.999 s]

[INFO] appc-command-executor-features ..................... SUCCESS [  0.526 s]

[INFO] APPC Command Executor - Karaf Installer ............ SUCCESS [  5.955 s]

[INFO] appc-request-handler-core Bundle ................... SUCCESS [  1.106 s]

[INFO] appc-request-handler-features ...................... SUCCESS [  0.523 s]

[INFO] APPC License Manager Bundle ........................ SUCCESS [  2.496 s]

[INFO] appc-license-manager-features ...................... SUCCESS [  0.558 s]

[INFO] appc-dispatcher-features ........................... SUCCESS [  0.497 s]

[INFO] APPC Dispatcher - Karaf Installer .................. SUCCESS [  7.358 s]

[INFO] appc-metric-features ............................... SUCCESS [  0.576 s]

[INFO] APPC Metric - Karaf Installer ...................... SUCCESS [  1.390 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-mdsal-store ................................ SUCCESS [  0.790 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-common ..................................... SUCCESS [  1.337 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-ssh ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.880 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-aai ........................................ SUCCESS [  1.059 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-netconf .................................... SUCCESS [  0.976 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-license-manager ............................ SUCCESS [  0.780 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-shared-features ............................ SUCCESS [  0.592 s]

[INFO] APPC DG Shared - Karaf Installer ................... SUCCESS [  6.655 s]

[INFO] APPC DG util ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.085 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-util - bundle .............................. SUCCESS [  1.092 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-util-features .............................. SUCCESS [  0.630 s]

[INFO] APPC DG Util - Karaf Installer ..................... SUCCESS [  8.918 s]

[INFO] CCSDK Parent POM : ODL project, Carbon SR1 ......... SUCCESS [  1.942 s]

[INFO] cli ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.357 s]

[INFO] cli/framework ...................................... SUCCESS [  1.108 s]

[INFO] cli/validate ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.344 s]

[INFO] cli/validate/sample-mock-generator ................. SUCCESS [  0.382 s]

[INFO] cli/profiles ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.362 s]

[INFO] cli/profiles/http .................................. SUCCESS [  0.946 s]

[INFO] cli/products ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.335 s]

[INFO] cli/products/sample ................................ SUCCESS [  0.632 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp ............................. SUCCESS [  0.343 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp/auth ........................ SUCCESS [  0.412 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp/catalog ..................... SUCCESS [  0.380 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp/features .................... SUCCESS [  0.327 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp/features/aai ................ SUCCESS [  0.363 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp/features/sdc ................ SUCCESS [  0.381 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam ........................ SUCCESS [  0.329 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/auth ................... SUCCESS [  0.413 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/catalog ................ SUCCESS [  0.343 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/features ............... SUCCESS [  0.333 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/features/msb ........... SUCCESS [  0.365 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/features/aai ........... SUCCESS [  0.372 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/features/sdc ........... SUCCESS [  0.445 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/features/so ............ SUCCESS [  0.347 s]

[INFO] cli/validate/sample-yaml-generator ................. SUCCESS [  0.382 s]

[INFO] cli/main ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.555 s]

[INFO] cli/deployment ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.354 s]

[INFO] cli/deployment/zip ................................. SUCCESS [  2.154 s]

[INFO] cli/deployment/docker .............................. SUCCESS [  0.792 s]

[INFO] cli/validate/validation ............................ SUCCESS [  0.393 s]

[INFO] dmaap-dbcapi ....................................... SUCCESS [  1.117 s]

[INFO] dmaap-buscontroller ................................ SUCCESS [  0.971 s]

[INFO] dmaap-messagerouter-dmaapclient .................... SUCCESS [  8.081 s]

[INFO] dmaap-messagerouter-messageservice ................. SUCCESS [ 17.230 s]

[INFO] dmaap-messagerouter-mirroragent .................... SUCCESS [  1.714 s]

[INFO] dmaap-messagerouter-msgrtr ......................... SUCCESS [  3.889 s]

[INFO] msb-java-sdk ....................................... SUCCESS [  1.276 s]

[INFO] holmes-common ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.358 s]

[INFO] holmes-common-service .............................. SUCCESS [  2.859 s]

[INFO] holmes-dsa ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.344 s]

[INFO] holmes-dmaap-dsa ................................... SUCCESS [  4.507 s]

[INFO] holmes-dsa/holmes-dmaap-dsa-standalone ............. SUCCESS [  3.381 s]

[INFO] holmes-engine-management ........................... SUCCESS [  0.404 s]

[INFO] holmes-engine-d-service ............................ SUCCESS [  5.949 s]

[INFO] holmes-engine/holmes-engine-d-standalone ........... SUCCESS [  5.292 s]

[INFO] holmes-rule-management ............................. SUCCESS [  0.302 s]

[INFO] holmes-rulemgt-service ............................. SUCCESS [  4.576 s]

[INFO] holmes-rulemgt/holmes-rulemgt-standalone ........... SUCCESS [  2.754 s]

[INFO] msb-apigateway ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.397 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/apiroute ....................... SUCCESS [  0.316 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/apiroute/apiroute-service ...... SUCCESS [ 15.420 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/apiroute/apiroute-standalone ... SUCCESS [  1.766 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/openresty-ext .................. SUCCESS [  0.536 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/redis-ext ...................... SUCCESS [  0.433 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/distributions .................. SUCCESS [  0.428 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/distributions/msb-apigateway ... SUCCESS [  1.937 s]

[INFO] msb-discovery ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.346 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/sdclient ........................ SUCCESS [  0.346 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/sdclient/discovery-service ...... SUCCESS [  3.519 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/sdclient/discovery-standalone ... SUCCESS [  1.140 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/discovery-ui .................... SUCCESS [  0.681 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/nginx-ext-consul ................ SUCCESS [  0.728 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/distributions ................... SUCCESS [  0.358 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/distributions/msb-discovery ..... SUCCESS [  1.705 s]

[INFO] msb-swagger-sdk .................................... SUCCESS [  0.441 s]

[INFO] multicloud-framework ............................... SUCCESS [  0.326 s]

[INFO] multicloud/openstack/newton ........................ SUCCESS [  0.789 s]

[INFO] multicloud/openstack/ocata ......................... SUCCESS [  0.795 s]

[INFO] multicloud/openstack/windriver ..................... SUCCESS [  0.740 s]

[INFO] multicloud-openstack ............................... SUCCESS [  0.365 s]

[INFO] multicloud-opentack-vmware ......................... SUCCESS [  0.324 s]

[INFO] oparent/license .................................... SUCCESS [  0.033 s]

[INFO] oparent/oparent-python ............................. SUCCESS [  1.340 s]

[INFO] policy-api ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.411 s]

[INFO] policy-gui ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.377 s]

[INFO] policy-pap ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.393 s]

[INFO] policy-pdp ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.375 s]

[INFO] policy-common ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.353 s]

[INFO] ONAP-Logging ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.848 s]

[INFO] Integrity Audit .................................... SUCCESS [  0.806 s]

[INFO] Integrity Monitor .................................. SUCCESS [  0.869 s]

[INFO] site-manager ....................................... SUCCESS [  4.843 s]

[INFO] Policy Engine - Docker build ....................... SUCCESS [  3.866 s]

[INFO] policy-drools-applications ......................... SUCCESS [  0.373 s]

[INFO] controlloop ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.365 s]

[INFO] common ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.335 s]

[INFO] model-impl ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.409 s]

[INFO] sdc ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.469 s]

[INFO] rest ............................................... SUCCESS [  0.393 s]

[INFO] policy-drools-pdp .................................. SUCCESS [  0.385 s]

[INFO] policy-utils ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.504 s]

[INFO] policy-core ........................................ SUCCESS [  5.358 s]

[INFO] policy-endpoints ................................... SUCCESS [  0.829 s]

[INFO] aai ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.647 s]

[INFO] policy-yaml ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.568 s]

[INFO] actors ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.392 s]

[INFO] actorServiceProvider ............................... SUCCESS [  0.449 s]

[INFO] appc ............................................... SUCCESS [  0.427 s]

[INFO] trafficgenerator ................................... SUCCESS [  0.356 s]

[INFO] events ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.405 s]

[INFO] policy-management .................................. SUCCESS [  2.916 s]

[INFO] so ................................................. SUCCESS [  0.594 s]

[INFO] vfc ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.498 s]

[INFO] simulators ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.474 s]

[INFO] actor.appc ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.525 s]

[INFO] actor.vfc .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.551 s]

[INFO] appclcm ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.503 s]

[INFO] actor.appclcm ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.521 s]

[INFO] ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.549 s]

[INFO] actor.test ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.384 s]

[INFO] guard .............................................. SUCCESS [  0.607 s]

[INFO] eventmanager ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.626 s]

[INFO] feature-controlloop-utils .......................... SUCCESS [  0.620 s]

[INFO] msb ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.522 s]

[INFO] templates .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.367 s]

[INFO] template.demo ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.623 s]

[INFO] archetype-cl-amsterdam ............................. SUCCESS [  1.699 s]

[INFO] PDP-D Application Installation Packages ............ SUCCESS [  0.379 s]

[INFO] PDP-D APPS Base Package ............................ SUCCESS [  0.409 s]

[INFO] Artifacts for PDP-D Applications ................... SUCCESS [  3.093 s]

[INFO] PDP-D APPS Installation Package .................... SUCCESS [  0.873 s]

[INFO] feature-healthcheck ................................ SUCCESS [  0.574 s]

[INFO] feature-eelf ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.532 s]

[INFO] feature-session-persistence ........................ SUCCESS [  1.208 s]

[INFO] feature-test-transaction ........................... SUCCESS [  0.524 s]

[INFO] api-state-management ............................... SUCCESS [  0.468 s]

[INFO] feature-state-management ........................... SUCCESS [  0.614 s]

[INFO] api-active-standby-management ...................... SUCCESS [  0.469 s]

[INFO] feature-active-standby-management .................. SUCCESS [  0.676 s]

[INFO] feature-simulators ................................. SUCCESS [  0.512 s]

[INFO] Policy Packages .................................... SUCCESS [  0.365 s]

[INFO] Base Package ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.625 s]

[INFO] Installation Package ............................... SUCCESS [  3.737 s]

[INFO] policy-engine ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.353 s]

[INFO] PolicyEngineUtils .................................. SUCCESS [  0.582 s]

[INFO] ONAP-XACML ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.690 s]

[INFO] PolicyEngineAPI .................................... SUCCESS [ 28.452 s]

[INFO] ONAP-REST .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.965 s]

[INFO] ONAP-PDP ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.532 s]

[INFO] ONAP-PDP-REST ...................................... SUCCESS [  4.116 s]

[INFO] ONAP-PAP-REST ...................................... SUCCESS [  5.467 s]

[INFO] LogParser .......................................... SUCCESS [  7.165 s]

[INFO] PolicyEngineClient ................................. SUCCESS [  0.643 s]

[INFO] BRMSGateway ........................................ SUCCESS [ 44.744 s]

[INFO] portal-sdk ......................................... SUCCESS [  1.407 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Framework .......................... SUCCESS [  2.816 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Core ............................... SUCCESS [  1.441 s]

[INFO] POLICY-SDK-APP ..................................... SUCCESS [  7.524 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Webapp Overlay Files ............... SUCCESS [  3.675 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Analytics .......................... SUCCESS [  2.414 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Workflow ........................... SUCCESS [  0.545 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Webapp Common Classes .............. SUCCESS [  0.849 s]

[INFO] ONAP-SDK-APP ....................................... SUCCESS [ 14.732 s]

[INFO] Policy Packages .................................... SUCCESS [  0.400 s]

[INFO] Base Package ....................................... SUCCESS [ 14.328 s]

[INFO] Installation Package ............................... SUCCESS [ 13.331 s]

[INFO] portal ............................................. SUCCESS [  1.362 s]

[INFO] ecompportal-be-common .............................. SUCCESS [  8.596 s]

[INFO] ecompportal-be-os .................................. SUCCESS [ 10.499 s]

[INFO] ecompportal-FE-os .................................. SUCCESS [02:23 min]

[INFO] widget-ms-parent ................................... SUCCESS [  0.763 s]

[INFO] common-widgets ..................................... SUCCESS [  1.141 s]

[INFO] widget-microservice ................................ SUCCESS [  2.206 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Webapp for OpenSource .............. SUCCESS [ 10.108 s]

[INFO] security-utils ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.246 s]

[INFO] common-app-api ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.558 s]

[INFO] common-be .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.355 s]

[INFO] catalog-dao ........................................ SUCCESS [  1.110 s]

[INFO] catalog-model ...................................... SUCCESS [  1.686 s]

[INFO] catalog-be ......................................... SUCCESS [ 18.707 s]

[INFO] asdctool ........................................... SUCCESS [ 13.204 s]

[INFO] catalog-ui ......................................... SUCCESS [01:12 min]

[INFO] catalog-fe ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.811 s]

[INFO] asdc-tests ......................................... SUCCESS [ 23.871 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc ...................................... SUCCESS [  1.343 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-lib .................................. SUCCESS [  0.025 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-logging-lib .......................... SUCCESS [  0.026 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-logging-api .......................... SUCCESS [  1.822 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-logging-core ......................... SUCCESS [  3.746 s]

[INFO] openecomp-core-lib ................................. SUCCESS [  0.038 s]

[INFO] openecomp-utilities-lib ............................ SUCCESS [  1.142 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-datatypes-lib ........................ SUCCESS [  0.295 s]

[INFO] openecomp-common-lib ............................... SUCCESS [  0.508 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-api .................................. SUCCESS [  0.037 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-rest-webapp .......................... SUCCESS [  0.035 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-common-rest .......................... SUCCESS [  0.488 s]

[INFO] openecomp-facade-api ............................... SUCCESS [  0.336 s]

[INFO] openecomp-facade-core .............................. SUCCESS [  0.254 s]

[INFO] openecomp-session-lib .............................. SUCCESS [  0.207 s]

[INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-api .............................. SUCCESS [  0.345 s]

[INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-core ............................. SUCCESS [  0.478 s]

[INFO] openecomp-item-permissions-lib ..................... SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] openecomp-item-permissions-api ..................... SUCCESS [  0.203 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-notification-api ..................... SUCCESS [  0.330 s]

[INFO] openecomp-item-permissions-core .................... SUCCESS [  0.299 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.577 s]

[INFO] openecomp-zusammen-lib ............................. SUCCESS [  0.034 s]

[INFO] openecomp-zusammen-api ............................. SUCCESS [  0.270 s]

[INFO] openecomp-zusammen-plugin .......................... SUCCESS [  1.779 s]

[INFO] openecomp-zusammen-core ............................ SUCCESS [  0.433 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-core ...................... SUCCESS [  0.976 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-api ................... SUCCESS [  0.731 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-core .................. SUCCESS [  1.365 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.306 s]

[INFO] openecomp-heat-lib ................................. SUCCESS [  0.680 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-sdk ....................... SUCCESS [  0.389 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-core ...................... SUCCESS [  0.222 s]

[INFO] openecomp-tosca-lib ................................ SUCCESS [  1.232 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.173 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-impl ...................... SUCCESS [  1.260 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-core ...................... SUCCESS [  4.201 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.200 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-api ............................ SUCCESS [  0.324 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-core ........................... SUCCESS [  0.298 s]

[INFO] openecomp-config-lib ............................... SUCCESS [  0.256 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-lib .......... SUCCESS [  0.025 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-api .......... SUCCESS [  1.080 s]

[INFO] openecomp-tosca-converter-lib ...................... SUCCESS [  0.020 s]

[INFO] openecomp-tosca-converter-api ...................... SUCCESS [  0.199 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-impl ........................... SUCCESS [  0.420 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-api .................. SUCCESS [  0.229 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-core ......... SUCCESS [  2.260 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-impl ...................... SUCCESS [  0.734 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-core ...................... SUCCESS [  0.234 s]

[INFO] backend ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.025 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-manager ................... SUCCESS [  0.338 s]

[INFO] openecomp-healing-lib .............................. SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-api .......................... SUCCESS [  0.182 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-core ......................... SUCCESS [  0.378 s]

[INFO] openecomp-item-permissions-impl .................... SUCCESS [  0.305 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-impl ......................... SUCCESS [  0.668 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-lib ..................... SUCCESS [  0.022 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-api ..................... SUCCESS [  0.181 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-core .................... SUCCESS [  0.165 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-manager ................. SUCCESS [  0.181 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-core ................. SUCCESS [  0.522 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchestration-lib .................... SUCCESS [  0.020 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchesrtation-api .................... SUCCESS [  0.052 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchesrtation-core ................... SUCCESS [  0.054 s]

[INFO] openecomp-tosca-converter-core ..................... SUCCESS [  0.621 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-manager ...... SUCCESS [  1.936 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-manager ............... SUCCESS [  0.705 s]

[INFO] openecomp-conflict-lib ............................. SUCCESS [  0.020 s]

[INFO] openecomp-conflict-api ............................. SUCCESS [  0.137 s]

[INFO] openecomp-conflict-core ............................ SUCCESS [  0.348 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-conflict-manager ..................... SUCCESS [  0.228 s]

[INFO] item-rest .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.023 s]

[INFO] item-rest-types .................................... SUCCESS [  0.189 s]

[INFO] vendor-license-rest ................................ SUCCESS [  0.022 s]

[INFO] vendor-license-rest-types .......................... SUCCESS [  0.347 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-item-permissions-manager ............. SUCCESS [  0.264 s]

[INFO] item-rest-services ................................. SUCCESS [  0.360 s]

[INFO] vendor-license-rest-services ....................... SUCCESS [  0.733 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-notification-core .................... SUCCESS [  0.310 s]

[INFO] vendor-software-products-rest ...................... SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] vendor-software-products-rest-types ................ SUCCESS [  0.408 s]

[INFO] vendor-software-products-rest-services ............. SUCCESS [  1.203 s]

[INFO] validation-rest .................................... SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] validation-rest-types .............................. SUCCESS [  0.123 s]

[INFO] validation-rest-services ........................... SUCCESS [  0.258 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-healthcheck-manager .................. SUCCESS [  0.231 s]

[INFO] healthcheck-rest ................................... SUCCESS [  0.024 s]

[INFO] healthcheck-rest-types ............................. SUCCESS [  0.110 s]

[INFO] healthcheck-rest-services .......................... SUCCESS [  0.272 s]

[INFO] conflict-rest ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.062 s]

[INFO] conflict-rest-types ................................ SUCCESS [  0.164 s]

[INFO] conflict-rest-services ............................. SUCCESS [  0.326 s]

[INFO] item-permissions-rest .............................. SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] item-permissions-rest-types ........................ SUCCESS [  0.087 s]

[INFO] item-permissions-rest-services ..................... SUCCESS [  0.159 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-application-config-manager ........... SUCCESS [  0.155 s]

[INFO] notifications-rest ................................. SUCCESS [  0.024 s]

[INFO] notifications-rest-types ........................... SUCCESS [  0.116 s]

[INFO] notifications-rest-services ........................ SUCCESS [  0.224 s]

[INFO] application-config-rest ............................ SUCCESS [  0.019 s]

[INFO] application-config-rest-types ...................... SUCCESS [  0.072 s]

[INFO] application-config-rest-services ................... SUCCESS [  0.169 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-lib ........................... SUCCESS [  0.019 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-api ........................... SUCCESS [  0.408 s]

[INFO] action-library-rest ................................ SUCCESS [  0.022 s]

[INFO] action-library-rest-types .......................... SUCCESS [  0.137 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-core .......................... SUCCESS [  0.560 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-manager ....................... SUCCESS [  0.757 s]

[INFO] action-library-rest-services ....................... SUCCESS [  0.700 s]

[INFO] onboarding-rest-war ................................ SUCCESS [  8.409 s]

[INFO] sequence-rest ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.087 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-notification-worker .................. SUCCESS [  0.369 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-notification-websocket ............... SUCCESS [  0.251 s]

[INFO] notification-war ................................... SUCCESS [  1.664 s]

[INFO] openecomp-facade-lib ............................... SUCCESS [  0.027 s]

[INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-lib .............................. SUCCESS [  0.027 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.017 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-lib .................. SUCCESS [  0.040 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-lib ................... SUCCESS [  0.023 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-sdk ....................... SUCCESS [  0.060 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-impl ...................... SUCCESS [  0.088 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.018 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-lib ............................ SUCCESS [  0.037 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.020 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.053 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchesrtation-impl ................... SUCCESS [  0.040 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-notification-lib ..................... SUCCESS [  0.018 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-configuration ........................ SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] api-docs ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.489 s]

[INFO] openecomp-zusammen-tools ........................... SUCCESS [  1.345 s]

[INFO] sdc-os-chef ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.075 s]

[INFO] sdc-jtosca ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.596 s]

[INFO] sdc-sdc-tosca ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.225 s]

[INFO] sdc-sdc-distribution-client ........................ SUCCESS [  0.028 s]

[INFO] sdc-sdc-distribution-client ........................ SUCCESS [  0.287 s]

[INFO] sdnc-adaptors ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.428 s]

[INFO] sdnc-core .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.394 s]

[INFO] sdnc-core .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.407 s]

[INFO] sdnc-northbound .................................... SUCCESS [  0.188 s]

[INFO] generic-resource-api ............................... SUCCESS [  0.169 s]

[INFO] generic-resource-api-model ......................... SUCCESS [ 24.788 s]

[INFO] generic-resource-api-provider ...................... SUCCESS [  6.448 s]

[INFO] generic-resource-api-features ...................... SUCCESS [  1.822 s]

[INFO] Generic Resource API  - Karaf  Installer ........... SUCCESS [  0.996 s]

[INFO] vnfapi ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.147 s]

[INFO] vnfapi-model ....................................... SUCCESS [  6.936 s]

[INFO] vnfapi-provider .................................... SUCCESS [  1.517 s]

[INFO] vnfapi-features .................................... SUCCESS [  0.380 s]

[INFO] VNF API  - Karaf  Installer ........................ SUCCESS [  0.328 s]

[INFO] VNF Tools Plugin ................................... SUCCESS [  0.097 s]

[INFO] VNF Tools Plugin - Provider ........................ SUCCESS [  6.227 s]

[INFO] VNF tools Plugin - Features ........................ SUCCESS [  0.497 s]

[INFO] VNF Tools Plugin  - Karaf  Installer ............... SUCCESS [  1.164 s]

[INFO] sdnc-oam ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.100 s]

[INFO] Admin Portal ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.458 s]

[INFO] Directed Graph Builder ............................. SUCCESS [  1.008 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.128 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic : Setup ............................. SUCCESS [  8.706 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic : Generic Resource API .............. SUCCESS [  0.277 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic : VNF-API ........................... SUCCESS [  0.159 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic : REST API templates ................ SUCCESS [  0.149 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic Installer ........................... SUCCESS [  0.370 s]

[INFO] sdnc-plugins ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.703 s]

[INFO] so ................................................. SUCCESS [  1.619 s]

[INFO] MSO Common classes ................................. SUCCESS [  3.158 s]

[INFO] API Handler ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.589 s]

[INFO] mso-requests-db .................................... SUCCESS [  2.259 s]

[INFO] mso-catalog-db ..................................... SUCCESS [  2.064 s]

[INFO] ECOMP MSO API Handler common ....................... SUCCESS [  0.652 s]

[INFO] MSO Status Control module .......................... SUCCESS [  0.507 s]

[INFO] mso-api-handler-infra .............................. SUCCESS [  4.954 s]

[INFO] MSO Adapters ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.460 s]

[INFO] mso-adapter-utils .................................. SUCCESS [  1.119 s]

[INFO] mso-adapters-rest-interface ........................ SUCCESS [  1.811 s]

[INFO] mso-network-adapter-async-client ................... SUCCESS [  2.975 s]

[INFO] mso-network-adapter ................................ SUCCESS [  5.542 s]

[INFO] mso-sdnc-adapter ................................... SUCCESS [  1.855 s]

[INFO] mso-tenant-adapter ................................. SUCCESS [  2.968 s]

[INFO] mso-vnf-adapter-async-client ....................... SUCCESS [  2.086 s]

[INFO] mso-vnf-adapter .................................... SUCCESS [  4.827 s]

[INFO] mso-requests-db-adapter ............................ SUCCESS [  2.679 s]

[INFO] mso-catalog-db-adapter ............................. SUCCESS [  1.434 s]

[INFO] mso-workflow-message-adapter ....................... SUCCESS [  1.772 s]

[INFO] mso-vfc-adapter .................................... SUCCESS [  1.635 s]

[INFO] asdc-controller .................................... SUCCESS [  2.158 s]

[INFO] BPMN Subsystem ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.397 s]

[INFO] MSOCoreBPMN ........................................ SUCCESS [  1.531 s]

[INFO] MSO REST Client API ................................ SUCCESS [  0.519 s]

[INFO] MSOCommonBPMN ...................................... SUCCESS [ 14.719 s]

[INFO] MSOInfrastructureBPMN .............................. SUCCESS [ 12.819 s]

[INFO] MSOCockpit ......................................... SUCCESS [  4.545 s]

[INFO] MSO Packages ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.473 s]

[INFO] MsoDeliveries ...................................... SUCCESS [ 10.334 s]

[INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp Common Java Files . SUCCESS [  1.016 s]

[INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp Common Web Files .. SUCCESS [  1.392 s]

[INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp for ONAP .......... SUCCESS [ 11.741 s]

[INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp projects (parent) . SUCCESS [  0.009 s]

[INFO] ui-dmaapbc ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.008 s]

[INFO] VID Common ......................................... SUCCESS [  4.848 s]

[INFO] ECOMP SDK Webapp for OpenSource .................... SUCCESS [ 11.026 s]

[INFO] vid ................................................ SUCCESS [  3.825 s]

[INFO] vfc-gvnfm-vnflcm ................................... SUCCESS [  0.401 s]

[INFO] vfc/gvnfm/vnflcm/lcm ............................... SUCCESS [  0.690 s]

[INFO] vfc-gvnfm-vnfmgr ................................... SUCCESS [  0.360 s]

[INFO] vfc/gvnfm/vnfmgr/mgr ............................... SUCCESS [  0.612 s]

[INFO] vfc-gvnfm-vnfres ................................... SUCCESS [  0.422 s]

[INFO] vfc/gvnfm/vnfres/res ............................... SUCCESS [  0.746 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-catalog ................................... SUCCESS [  0.796 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-ems ................................ SUCCESS [  0.346 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-ems-ems ............................ SUCCESS [  0.403 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-ems-ems-boco ....................... SUCCESS [  4.441 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-ems-ems-microservice-standalone .... SUCCESS [  1.559 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-sfc ................................ SUCCESS [  0.355 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-sfc ................................ SUCCESS [  0.401 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/sfc/zte/sfc-driver/sfc-driver ...... SUCCESS [  2.230 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/sfc/zte/sfc-driver/plugin-standalone SUCCESS [  1.059 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-gvnfm ......................... SUCCESS [  0.420 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/gvnfm/gvnfmadapter ............ SUCCESS [  0.617 s]

[INFO] nfvo/drivers/vnfm/gvnfm/juju ....................... SUCCESS [  0.365 s]

[INFO] nfvo/drivers/vnfm/gvnfm/juju/juju-vnfmadapter ...... SUCCESS [  0.346 s]

[INFO] nfvo/drivers/vnfm/gvnfm/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService SUCCESS [  0.356 s]

[INFO] nfvo/drivers/vnfm/gvnfm/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/service SUCCESS [  3.229 s]

[INFO] nfvo/drivers/vnfm/gvnfm/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/deployment SUCCESS [  3.539 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-svnfm ......................... SUCCESS [  0.354 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfm/zte ..................... SUCCESS [  0.359 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfm/zte/vmanager ............ SUCCESS [  0.736 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-svnfm-huawei .................. SUCCESS [  0.378 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-svnfm ......................... SUCCESS [  0.408 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/drivers/vnfm/svnfm/huawei/vnfmadapter/VnfmadapterService SUCCESS [  0.448 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/drivers/vnfm/svnfm/huawei/vnfmadapter/VnfmadapterService/service SUCCESS [  2.494 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/drivers/vnfm/svnfm/huawei/vnfmadapter/VnfmadapterService/deployment SUCCESS [  1.522 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-svnfm-nokia ................... SUCCESS [  0.420 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-svnfm-nokia-vnfmdriver ........ SUCCESS [  0.511 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfm/nokia/vnfmdriver/vfcadaptorservice SUCCESS [  0.493 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfm/nokia/vnfmdriver/vfcadaptorservice/vfcadaptor SUCCESS [  3.355 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfm/nokia/vnfmdriver/vfcadaptorservice/deployment SUCCESS [  2.544 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-lcm ....................................... SUCCESS [  1.052 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-resmanagement ............................. SUCCESS [  0.436 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/resmanagement/ResmanagementService ........ SUCCESS [  0.457 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/resmanagement/ResmanagementService/service  SUCCESS [  2.322 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/resmanagement/ResmanagementService/deployment SUCCESS [  1.453 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-wfengine .................................. SUCCESS [  0.502 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-wfengine-activiti-extension ............... SUCCESS [ 10.274 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-wfengine-wfenginemgrservice ............... SUCCESS [  7.105 s]

[INFO] vnfsdk-lctest ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.472 s]

[INFO] vnf-sdk-validate-lc-test/lifecycle-test-service .... SUCCESS [  1.402 s]

[INFO] vnf-sdk-validate-lc-test/deployment ................ SUCCESS [  1.369 s]

[INFO] csarvalidation/validation .......................... SUCCESS [  5.259 s]

[INFO] vnfsdk-validation .................................. SUCCESS [  0.489 s]

[INFO] csarvalidation/deployment .......................... SUCCESS [  0.558 s]

[INFO] vvp-gitlab ......................................... SUCCESS [  2.215 s]

[INFO] onap.root .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.029 s]

  • No labels


  1. Root pom.xml just describe the module. Where is the directory of root pom.xml?   When compiling the entire ONAP using root pom.xml, it doesn't work.

  2. jianwen ai, I tried the procedure mentioned in this page as below:

    1) create a root folder let's say "onap"

    2) copy and pom.xml to "onap" folder

    3) copy settings.xml to ~/.m2/

    4) "cd onap && mvn clean install -U -DskipTests=true -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none"

    The last step will build all projects we cloned 

    1. Jianwen,  Yes do as Bharath mentions - run the sh and pom from a clean dir in order - thanks Bharath. 

      I put more explicit instructions at the top of this page.


  3. If incase you execute `git_recurse,sh` in bash, don't forget to change 1st line of the script to bash.

  4. Yes, currently kind of hacky project creation script (needed a way to clone/pull everything) because the projects in onap are all different, some have a root project, others need the developer to create a root dir - the sh script creates the directories as it clones the projects.  This directory structure will likely radically change when the proposed projects from May start coming into gerrit.

    I have requested some sort of root pom/sh artifacts added to gerrit so they can be modified as ONAP evolves.

    COMMON-18 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    COMMON-17 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    I'll remove the #!/bin/sh hardcoding for OSX/RHEL/Ubuntu/Ming shells.

  5. @F. Michael O'Brien    What is the workspace environment? Please describe the environment  you are performing while compiling the projects using the root pom.xml. 

    1. OSX 10.12.5 (MBP Late 2016) - Primary corp dev machine outside firewall - try to use Mac.

          Oracle JDK 1.8.0_121-b13, Maven 3.5.0, pip 9.0.1, git 2.10 (apple via xcode), node 7.7.1, npm 4.1.2, grunt 1.2.0, Docker 17.03.1

      Redhat EL 7.3 - (VMware Fusion VM) - secondary dev

          Openjdk 1.8.0_131-b11, Maven 3.5.0, git, Docker 17.05.0

      Windows 10 - (secondary corp dev machine inside firewall) - try not to use windows (one reason is docker and vmware hypervisors are incompatible.

          In Cygwin (Oracle JDK 1.8.0_131, Maven 3.5.0, git  2.12.2, node 6.10.3, npm 3.10.10, Docker

      Ubuntu 16.04 (Openstack VM) - secondary corporate dev in DC

           Latest of everything (will verify on monday)

      Follow the versions mentioned in Setting Up Your Development Environment If you see something missing you can edit the page - buddy ONAP is currently in startup mode and most everything is still in flux and POC mode - this is an exciting time - welcome!

  6. Hi Michael O'Brien

    I was using your script and I found some areas where I can improve it. Given that this script is embedded I decided to create a gist, hopefully that helps somehow

    1. Yes, go ahead - everything here is open for improvement - I am a minimal sh script writer (I am a java dev)  - two of the arrays need to be merged - I would have put it up on my but I think we should keep everything possible in onap - either in a private branch,  the resources page or on the JIRA itself.

      I have a JIRA in the queue to get it added to the appropriate project

      COMMON-18 - Getting issue details... STATUS

      I was just about to upload a revision that I am final testing that adds an option to https clone instead of ssh - for those behind a firewall - as one of my VM's is.


      1. The script is cloning or if the repo exists pulling the latest changes.  I also discovered that some projects doesn't have or haven't updated their .gitreview file(  By other hand, my preference is to use https instead of git protocol because it causes less headaches when I work behind a proxy. Anyway, once you have a common or public place I can submit my pull request.

  7. I would either add it to the wiki or perhaps work with the demo/install team and have it added to the tutorials section of the repo in ONAP

  8. For the cloning part, instead of creating a list assuming all the projects are there, get the list of projects using the gerrit API. Hence to clone all projects, you could do (using ssh)

    projects=`ssh -p 29418 gerrit ls-projects`
    for p in ${projects};
    git clone$p $p

    http equivalent

    for p in ${projects};
      git clone$p $p

    The only issue with this is the tree structure in current ONAP repo isn't perfect. For instance, you could have parent project containing some code. So children projects will end up in the parent project folder, messing up your local git repo...

    To address this, you can use `echo $p | tr / -` instead of $p in the git clone command, so it would look like

    git clone$p `echo $p | tr / -`

    This way, cloned project will look like parent-children, instead of parent/children.


    1. Alexis, 

         Very nice - the more automation and the less specification the better.  I like the output of the call


  9. Another way to setup gerrit user is thru `git review -s` command. Basically, this command takes the information defined in every project in the .gitreview file.

    It can takes the user defined in your ~/.gitconfig file,


             username = <gerrit_user>

  10.  Hi,

    I am trying to build the code after cloning with "mvn -X clean install -U -e -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true".. but its failing giving the error as "[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) on project aai-common: Execution default-clean of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean failed: A required class was missing while executing org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean: org/codehaus/plexus/util/Os"

    Can you please suggest me where am i going wrong.I tried removing .m2 folder and rebuild it. But same error only.



    1. Kanchan, errors on clean are usually locked files only - an .m2 clean should fix corrupted jars.  can you build without cleaning?  I haven't refreshed in a couple days - I'll rebuild one of my views and get back to you later today.

      Also make sure you are running maven 3.3.3+


      1. Kanchan, pulled master yesterday and almost the entire system (minus dcae-integration) - looks ok - didn't have to wipe my m2

        This is on Redhat 7.3

        [root@obrien-b3 onap]# mvn -X clean install -U -e -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

        [INFO] onap.root .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.010 s]

        [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


        [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

        [INFO] Total time: 13:56 min

        [INFO] Finished at: 2017-07-07T06:52:26-07:00

        [INFO] Final Memory: 868M/3852M

        [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  11. Hi Michael O'Brien, is the root pom.xml and suitable for release1.0.0? Or where I can get corresponding root pom.xml and

    1. You,

         Should by, I have not rebuilt in 2 weeks - will verify.

         We are in a kind of indeterminate state right now - I have asked a couple questions on this.

         1.0.0 and 1-1-0-SNAPSHOT were relatively equal at least until a month ago.  Since the introduction of R1 repos there are several questions on old, repurposed, new repos and how we build R1 and also build 1.1-0-SNAPSHOT.  If you stick to 1.0.0 then the existing root pom and should work fine.

          I'll update more when I am able to retest before monday.


      1. Hi Michael O'Brien,

        Did you manage to build the code?  I downloaded the code and root POM last week , but it does not compile. 

        Best regards,

        Jun Cui

        1. Jun, 

             You don't have to include any projects that are not being modified by yourself - you can just use artifacts - however if you wish to build (currently as 1.0) - a couple repos have issues below.

          I get the usual dcae-inventory issue (1.0.0).  Also, there are compile issues periodically - we can only workaround dependency resolution issues (do you have your m2 settings.xml referencing all the nexus repos).










          Note: the root pom.xml is still configured for the old 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT master - you will need to the new evolving pom.xml as repos for 1.1 come in - specifically for repos that are repurposed for 1.1 like aai (but not dcae)

          [INFO] dcae-inventory ..................................... FAILURE [01:15 min]

          [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project ui-ci: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.openecomp.sdc:ui-ci:jar:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.openecomp.sdc:test-apis-ci:jar:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT in 70_opendaylight-snapshot ( -> [Help 1]

          same in sdc

          [INFO] ui-ci .............................................. FAILURE [ 12.552 s]

          [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project ui-ci: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.openecomp.sdc:ui-ci:jar:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.openecomp.sdc:test-apis-ci:jar:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT in 70_opendaylight-snapshot ( -> [Help 1]

          [INFO] MSOCoreBPMN ........................................ FAILURE [ 14.984 s]

          [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.17:test (default-test) on project MSOCoreBPMN: There are test failures.

          fixed with 

          mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

          Some of these are transient


          First build (2nd was ok with it uncommented)



          I'll delete this list after you see it

          [INFO] aai-common ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.680 s]

          [INFO] aai-annotations .................................... SUCCESS [  0.853 s]

          [INFO] aai-schema ......................................... SUCCESS [ 10.086 s]

          [INFO] aai-core ........................................... SUCCESS [  5.806 s]

          [INFO] aai-auth ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.531 s]

          [INFO] aai ................................................ SUCCESS [  1.065 s]

          [INFO] aai-schema ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.981 s]

          [INFO] annotations ........................................ SUCCESS [  2.306 s]

          [INFO] ajsc ............................................... SUCCESS [ 18.344 s]

          [INFO] Common Logging Library ............................. SUCCESS [  0.472 s]

          [INFO] Common Logging API ................................. SUCCESS [  0.093 s]

          [INFO] EELF Logging Implementation ........................ SUCCESS [  0.121 s]

          [INFO] Common Logging Distribution ........................ SUCCESS [  0.022 s]

          [INFO] model-loader ....................................... SUCCESS [  6.159 s]

          [INFO] REST Client ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.148 s]

          [INFO] Core Data Router Components ........................ SUCCESS [  2.616 s]

          [INFO] search-data-service ................................ SUCCESS [  8.102 s]

          [INFO] DCAE Analytics Framework ........................... SUCCESS [  2.726 s]

          [INFO] DCAE Analytics Test ................................ SUCCESS [  6.918 s]

          [INFO] DCAE Analytics Model ............................... SUCCESS [  6.646 s]

          [INFO] DCAE Analytics Common .............................. SUCCESS [  3.798 s]

          [INFO] DCAE Analytics DMaaP ............................... SUCCESS [  5.033 s]

          [INFO] DCAE Analytics TCA ................................. SUCCESS [ 10.525 s]

          [INFO] VESCollector ....................................... SUCCESS [  4.388 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-maven-xcore .................................. SUCCESS [  0.004 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-cdap-model ................................... SUCCESS [  3.425 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-openstack-model .............................. SUCCESS [  2.118 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-core-model ......................... SUCCESS [  0.961 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-vm-model ................... SUCCESS [  0.283 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-cdap-cluster-model ......... SUCCESS [  0.196 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-cdap-model ................. SUCCESS [  0.379 s]

          [INFO] dcae-analytics-cdap-common-model ................... SUCCESS [  0.172 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-maven-base ................................... SUCCESS [  0.004 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-analytics .......................... SUCCESS [  0.007 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-utils-java ................................... SUCCESS [  0.723 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-core-utils ......................... SUCCESS [  0.683 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-utils-journaling ............................. SUCCESS [  0.099 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-core-types ................................... SUCCESS [  0.082 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-core-model ................................... SUCCESS [  0.626 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-platform-model ..................... SUCCESS [  0.179 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-operation-utils .................... SUCCESS [  2.176 s]

          [INFO] operation-utils .................................... SUCCESS [  0.125 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-openstack-controller ......................... SUCCESS [  1.054 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-vm-adaptor ................. SUCCESS [  0.998 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-cdap-adaptor ................................. SUCCESS [  0.865 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-cdap-cluster-manager ....... SUCCESS [  0.901 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-cdap-adaptor ............... SUCCESS [  0.971 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-docker-model ................................. SUCCESS [  0.357 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-docker-host-model .......... SUCCESS [  0.169 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-docker-model ............... SUCCESS [  0.174 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-docker-adaptor ............................... SUCCESS [  0.736 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-docker-host-manager ........ SUCCESS [  0.826 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-docker-adaptor ............. SUCCESS [  0.719 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-platform-server .................... SUCCESS [  0.919 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-core ............................... SUCCESS [  0.014 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-dmaap-drsub-model .......... SUCCESS [  0.175 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-dmaap-drsub-manager ........ SUCCESS [  0.738 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-dmaap-drsub ................ SUCCESS [  0.012 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-cdap-cluster ............... SUCCESS [  0.005 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-cdap ....................... SUCCESS [  0.006 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-docker-host ................ SUCCESS [  0.004 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-common-docker-model ........ SUCCESS [  0.165 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-common-docker-manager ...... SUCCESS [  0.803 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-common-docker .............. SUCCESS [  0.007 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-docker ..................... SUCCESS [  0.005 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-common-vm-model ............ SUCCESS [  0.176 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-common-vm-manager .......... SUCCESS [  0.749 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-common-vm .................. SUCCESS [  0.015 s]

          [INFO] dcae-controller-service-vm ......................... SUCCESS [  0.005 s]

          [INFO] dcae-inventory ..................................... SUCCESS [02:30 min]

          [INFO] dcae-demo-controller ............................... SUCCESS [  0.985 s]

          [INFO] dcae-demo .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.005 s]

          [INFO] dcae_dmaapbc ....................................... SUCCESS [  3.020 s]

          [INFO] dcae-operation-utils ............................... SUCCESS [  0.007 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP Portal SDK Project (parent) .................. SUCCESS [  0.291 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP Portal SDK Framework ......................... SUCCESS [  0.627 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP Portal SDK Core .............................. SUCCESS [  1.044 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP Portal SDK Analytics ......................... SUCCESS [  2.135 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP Portal SDK Workflow .......................... SUCCESS [  0.214 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP Portal SDK Webapp Common Classes ............. SUCCESS [  0.516 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP Portal SDK Webapp Overlay Files .............. SUCCESS [  3.606 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP SDK Webapp for OpenSource .................... SUCCESS [  7.724 s]

          [INFO] MSO main project ................................... SUCCESS [  0.401 s]

          [INFO] MSO Common classes ................................. SUCCESS [  0.823 s]

          [INFO] API Handler ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.012 s]

          [INFO] mso-requests-db .................................... SUCCESS [  1.382 s]

          [INFO] mso-catalog-db ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.960 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP MSO API Handler common ....................... SUCCESS [  0.135 s]

          [INFO] MSO Status Control module .......................... SUCCESS [  0.085 s]

          [INFO] mso-api-handler-infra .............................. SUCCESS [  1.351 s]

          [INFO] MSO Adapters ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.015 s]

          [INFO] mso-adapter-utils .................................. SUCCESS [  0.333 s]

          [INFO] mso-adapters-rest-interface ........................ SUCCESS [  0.427 s]

          [INFO] mso-network-adapter-async-client ................... SUCCESS [  2.121 s]

          [INFO] mso-network-adapter ................................ SUCCESS [  2.859 s]

          [INFO] mso-sdnc-adapter ................................... SUCCESS [  1.069 s]

          [INFO] mso-tenant-adapter ................................. SUCCESS [  2.130 s]

          [INFO] mso-vnf-adapter-async-client ....................... SUCCESS [  1.615 s]

          [INFO] mso-vnf-adapter .................................... SUCCESS [  3.922 s]

          [INFO] mso-requests-db-adapter ............................ SUCCESS [  1.926 s]

          [INFO] mso-catalog-db-adapter ............................. SUCCESS [  0.550 s]

          [INFO] mso-workflow-message-adapter ....................... SUCCESS [  0.852 s]

          [INFO] asdc-controller .................................... SUCCESS [  2.797 s]

          [INFO] BPMN Subsystem ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.013 s]

          [INFO] MSOCoreBPMN ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.517 s]

          [INFO] MSOMockServer ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.683 s]

          [INFO] MSO REST Client API ................................ SUCCESS [  0.064 s]

          [INFO] MSOCommonBPMN ...................................... SUCCESS [  6.160 s]

          [INFO] MSOInfrastructureBPMN .............................. SUCCESS [  5.050 s]

          [INFO] MSO URN Mapping Cockpit Plugin ..................... SUCCESS [  0.120 s]

          [INFO] MSOCockpit ......................................... SUCCESS [  4.424 s]

          [INFO] MSO Packages ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.012 s]

          [INFO] MsoDeliveries ...................................... SUCCESS [  9.666 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-cdap ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.006 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-core-tools ................................... SUCCESS [  0.356 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-core ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.009 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-docker ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.007 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-maven ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.008 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-openstack .................................... SUCCESS [  0.015 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-utils-java-extra ............................. SUCCESS [  0.089 s]

          [INFO] ncomp-utils ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.007 s]

          [INFO] Policy Engine - Common Modules ..................... SUCCESS [  0.008 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP-Logging ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.245 s]

          [INFO] Integrity Audit .................................... SUCCESS [  0.130 s]

          [INFO] Integrity Monitor .................................. SUCCESS [  0.153 s]

          [INFO] site-manager ....................................... SUCCESS [  3.663 s]

          [INFO] Policy Engine - Docker build ....................... SUCCESS [  4.107 s]

          [INFO] Policy Engine - Drools PDP Application Models ...... SUCCESS [  0.010 s]

          [INFO] controlloop ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.006 s]

          [INFO] common ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.011 s]

          [INFO] model-impl ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.012 s]

          [INFO] sdc ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.105 s]

          [INFO] rest ............................................... SUCCESS [  0.045 s]

          [INFO] aai ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.094 s]

          [INFO] policy-yaml ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.193 s]

          [INFO] actors ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.016 s]

          [INFO] actorServiceProvider ............................... SUCCESS [  0.042 s]

          [INFO] appc ............................................... SUCCESS [  0.062 s]

          [INFO] events ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.064 s]

          [INFO] actor.appc ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.058 s]

          [INFO] actor.mso .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.046 s]

          [INFO] actor.test ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.066 s]

          [INFO] guard .............................................. SUCCESS [  0.158 s]

          [INFO] eventmanager ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.124 s]

          [INFO] mso ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.061 s]

          [INFO] trafficgenerator ................................... SUCCESS [  0.035 s]

          [INFO] PDP-D Application Installation Packages ............ SUCCESS [  0.011 s]

          [INFO] PDP-D APPS Base Package ............................ SUCCESS [  0.110 s]

          [INFO] Artifacts for PDP-D Applications ................... SUCCESS [  0.495 s]

          [INFO] PDP-D APPS Installation Package .................... SUCCESS [  0.167 s]

          [INFO] templates .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.006 s]

          [INFO] template.demo ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.033 s]

          [INFO] template.demo.v1.0.0 ............................... SUCCESS [  0.007 s]

          [INFO] archetype-closed-loop-demo-rules ................... SUCCESS [  0.540 s]

          [INFO] demo ............................................... SUCCESS [  0.023 s]

          [INFO] Policy Engine - Drools PDP ......................... SUCCESS [  0.107 s]

          [INFO] policy-utils ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.053 s]

          [INFO] policy-core ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.105 s]

          [INFO] policy-endpoints ................................... SUCCESS [  0.335 s]

          [INFO] policy-management .................................. SUCCESS [  1.647 s]

          [INFO] feature-healthcheck ................................ SUCCESS [  0.160 s]

          [INFO] feature-eelf ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.133 s]

          [INFO] Policy Packages .................................... SUCCESS [  0.007 s]

          [INFO] Base Package ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.297 s]

          [INFO] Installation Package ............................... SUCCESS [  1.833 s]

          [INFO] Policy Engine - Policy Engine Suite ................ SUCCESS [  0.123 s]

          [INFO] PolicyEngineUtils .................................. SUCCESS [  0.185 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP-XACML ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.265 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP-REST ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.395 s]

          [INFO] asdc ............................................... SUCCESS [  0.054 s]

          [INFO] ControlloopPolicy .................................. SUCCESS [  0.153 s]

          [INFO] PolicyEngineAPI .................................... SUCCESS [ 18.481 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP-PDP .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.113 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP-PDP-REST ..................................... SUCCESS [  3.113 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP-PAP-REST ..................................... SUCCESS [  4.681 s]

          [INFO] LogParser .......................................... SUCCESS [  6.421 s]

          [INFO] PolicyEngineClient ................................. SUCCESS [  0.140 s]

          [INFO] BRMSGateway ........................................ SUCCESS [ 44.202 s]

          [INFO] POLICY-SDK-APP ..................................... SUCCESS [  6.435 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP-SDK-APP ...................................... SUCCESS [ 13.011 s]

          [INFO] Policy Packages .................................... SUCCESS [  0.013 s]

          [INFO] Base Package ....................................... SUCCESS [ 12.431 s]

          [INFO] Installation Package ............................... SUCCESS [ 10.885 s]

          [INFO] ecompportal-be-common .............................. SUCCESS [  2.404 s]

          [INFO] ecompportal-be-os .................................. SUCCESS [  8.378 s]

          [INFO] ecompportal-be-common-test ......................... SUCCESS [  0.454 s]

          [INFO] ecompportal-FE-os .................................. SUCCESS [01:01 min]

          [INFO] ecompportal-parent-project ......................... SUCCESS [  0.004 s]

          [INFO] security-utils ..................................... SUCCESS [  1.622 s]

          [INFO] common-app-api ..................................... SUCCESS [  1.470 s]

          [INFO] common-be .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.536 s]

          [INFO] catalog-dao ........................................ SUCCESS [  1.682 s]

          [INFO] catalog-model ...................................... SUCCESS [  3.324 s]

          [INFO] catalog-be ......................................... SUCCESS [ 18.074 s]

          [INFO] asdctool ........................................... SUCCESS [ 16.259 s]

          [INFO] catalog-ui ......................................... SUCCESS [ 56.518 s]

          [INFO] catalog-fe ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.717 s]

          [INFO] asdc-tests ......................................... SUCCESS [  7.952 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.008 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-lib .................................. SUCCESS [  0.010 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-logging-lib .............................. SUCCESS [  0.008 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-logging-api .......................... SUCCESS [  0.076 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-core-lib ................................. SUCCESS [  0.010 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-utilities-lib ............................ SUCCESS [  0.110 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-datatypes-lib ........................ SUCCESS [  0.057 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-common-lib ............................... SUCCESS [  0.084 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-api .................................. SUCCESS [  0.010 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-rest-webapp .......................... SUCCESS [  0.011 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-common-rest .......................... SUCCESS [  0.086 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-facade-api ............................... SUCCESS [  0.052 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-facade-core .............................. SUCCESS [  0.060 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-logging-core ......................... SUCCESS [  0.093 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-api .............................. SUCCESS [  0.066 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-core ............................. SUCCESS [  0.107 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.140 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-lib ............................. SUCCESS [  0.009 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-api ............................. SUCCESS [  0.064 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-plugin .......................... SUCCESS [  0.102 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-core ............................ SUCCESS [  0.103 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-core ...................... SUCCESS [  0.127 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-api ................... SUCCESS [  0.403 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-core .................. SUCCESS [  0.311 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.082 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-heat-lib ................................. SUCCESS [  0.145 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-sdk ....................... SUCCESS [  0.099 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-core ...................... SUCCESS [  0.082 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-tosca-lib ................................ SUCCESS [  0.208 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.061 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-impl ...................... SUCCESS [  0.198 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-core ...................... SUCCESS [  0.704 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.074 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-api ............................ SUCCESS [  0.119 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-core ........................... SUCCESS [  0.080 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-config-lib ............................... SUCCESS [  0.076 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-lib .......... SUCCESS [  0.010 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-api .......... SUCCESS [  0.388 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-impl ........................... SUCCESS [  0.150 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-api .................. SUCCESS [  0.082 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-core ......... SUCCESS [  0.463 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-impl ...................... SUCCESS [  0.127 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-core ...................... SUCCESS [  0.079 s]

          [INFO] backend ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.019 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-manager ................... SUCCESS [  0.086 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-healing-lib .............................. SUCCESS [  0.010 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-api .......................... SUCCESS [  0.076 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-core ......................... SUCCESS [  0.188 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-impl ......................... SUCCESS [  0.115 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-lib ..................... SUCCESS [  0.009 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-api ..................... SUCCESS [  0.054 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-core .................... SUCCESS [  0.059 s]

          [INFO] activity-log-rest .................................. SUCCESS [  0.019 s]

          [INFO] activity-log-rest-types ............................ SUCCESS [  0.033 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-manager ................. SUCCESS [  0.056 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-core ................. SUCCESS [  0.089 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-manager ...... SUCCESS [  0.359 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-manager ............... SUCCESS [  0.121 s]

          [INFO] vendor-license-rest ................................ SUCCESS [  0.011 s]

          [INFO] vendor-license-rest-types .......................... SUCCESS [  0.119 s]

          [INFO] vendor-license-rest-services ....................... SUCCESS [  0.176 s]

          [INFO] activity-log-rest-services ......................... SUCCESS [  0.069 s]

          [INFO] vendor-software-products-rest ...................... SUCCESS [  0.010 s]

          [INFO] vendor-software-products-rest-types ................ SUCCESS [  0.169 s]

          [INFO] vendor-software-products-rest-services ............. SUCCESS [  0.434 s]

          [INFO] validation-rest .................................... SUCCESS [  0.013 s]

          [INFO] validation-rest-types .............................. SUCCESS [  0.063 s]

          [INFO] validation-rest-services ........................... SUCCESS [  0.104 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-healthcheck-manager .................. SUCCESS [  0.096 s]

          [INFO] healthcheck-rest ................................... SUCCESS [  0.009 s]

          [INFO] healthcheck-rest-types ............................. SUCCESS [  0.046 s]

          [INFO] healthcheck-rest-services .......................... SUCCESS [  0.069 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-application-config-manager ........... SUCCESS [  0.050 s]

          [INFO] application-config-rest ............................ SUCCESS [  0.009 s]

          [INFO] application-config-rest-types ...................... SUCCESS [  0.030 s]

          [INFO] application-config-rest-services ................... SUCCESS [  0.065 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-lib ........................... SUCCESS [  0.011 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-api ........................... SUCCESS [  0.134 s]

          [INFO] action-library-rest ................................ SUCCESS [  0.009 s]

          [INFO] action-library-rest-types .......................... SUCCESS [  0.069 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-core .......................... SUCCESS [  0.104 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-manager ....................... SUCCESS [  0.083 s]

          [INFO] action-library-rest-services ....................... SUCCESS [  0.106 s]

          [INFO] onboarding-rest-war ................................ SUCCESS [  7.143 s]

          [INFO] sequence-rest ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.034 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-facade-lib ............................... SUCCESS [  0.014 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-lib .............................. SUCCESS [  0.014 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.009 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-lib .................. SUCCESS [  0.012 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-lib ................... SUCCESS [  0.010 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-sdk ....................... SUCCESS [  0.018 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-impl ...................... SUCCESS [  0.022 s]

          [INFO] att-sdc-translator-impl ............................ SUCCESS [  0.064 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.009 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-lib ............................ SUCCESS [  0.018 s]

          [INFO] att-sdc-validation-impl ............................ SUCCESS [  0.056 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.012 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.026 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-sdc-configuration ........................ SUCCESS [  0.012 s]

          [INFO] api-docs ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.415 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-migration ....................... SUCCESS [  1.798 s]

          [INFO] openecomp-zusammen-tools ........................... SUCCESS [  0.746 s]

          [INFO] sdc-os-chef ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.041 s]

          [INFO] SDN-C Core Components .............................. SUCCESS [  2.194 s]

          [INFO] DBLIB Adaptor ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.357 s]

          [INFO] DBLIB Adaptor - Provider ........................... SUCCESS [  6.535 s]

          [INFO] Service Logic Interpreter .......................... SUCCESS [  0.054 s]

          [INFO] SLI - Common Classes ............................... SUCCESS [  6.069 s]

          [INFO] SLI - Provider ..................................... SUCCESS [  1.715 s]

          [INFO] SDN-C Adaptors ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.060 s]

          [INFO] AAI Interface Service .............................. SUCCESS [  0.052 s]

          [INFO] AAI Interface Service - Provider ................... SUCCESS [  5.195 s]

          [INFO] AAI Interface Service - Features ................... SUCCESS [  0.755 s]

          [INFO] AAI Adaptor - Karaf  Installer ..................... SUCCESS [  0.534 s]

          [INFO] MD-SAL Resource Adaptor ............................ SUCCESS [  0.053 s]

          [INFO] MD-SAL Resource Adaptor - Provider ................. SUCCESS [  0.423 s]

          [INFO] MD-SAL Resource Adaptor - Features ................. SUCCESS [  0.145 s]

          [INFO] MDSAL Resource - Karaf  Installer .................. SUCCESS [  0.105 s]

          [INFO] Resource Assignment Adaptor ........................ SUCCESS [  0.037 s]

          [INFO] Resource Assignment Adaptor - Provider ............. SUCCESS [  1.529 s]

          [INFO] Resource Assignment Adaptor - Features ............. SUCCESS [  0.121 s]

          [INFO] Resource allocator- Karaf  Installer ............... SUCCESS [  0.134 s]

          [INFO] Sql Resource Adaptor ............................... SUCCESS [  0.044 s]

          [INFO] Sql Resource Adaptor - Provider .................... SUCCESS [  0.334 s]

          [INFO] Sql Resource Adaptor - Features .................... SUCCESS [  0.133 s]

          [INFO] SQL Resource - Karaf  Installer .................... SUCCESS [  0.153 s]

          [INFO] DBLIB Adaptor - Features ........................... SUCCESS [  0.106 s]

          [INFO] DBLIB Adaptor - Karaf  Installer ................... SUCCESS [  0.544 s]

          [INFO] SLI - Recording .................................... SUCCESS [  0.357 s]

          [INFO] SLI - Features ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.106 s]

          [INFO] SLI - Karaf  Installer ............................. SUCCESS [  0.387 s]

          [INFO] Filters ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.040 s]

          [INFO] Filters - Provider ................................. SUCCESS [  0.379 s]

          [INFO] Filters - Features ................................. SUCCESS [  0.154 s]

          [INFO] Filters - Karaf  Installer ......................... SUCCESS [  0.306 s]

          [INFO] Service Logic Interface Plugin Utilities ........... SUCCESS [  0.051 s]

          [INFO] SliPluginUtils Plugin - Provider ................... SUCCESS [  1.228 s]

          [INFO] SliPluginUtils Plugin - Features ................... SUCCESS [  0.144 s]

          [INFO] SLI Plugin Utilities - Karaf  Installer ............ SUCCESS [  0.674 s]

          [INFO] sliapi ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.045 s]

          [INFO] sliapi-model ....................................... SUCCESS [  2.617 s]

          [INFO] sliapi-provider .................................... SUCCESS [  2.757 s]

          [INFO] sliapi-features .................................... SUCCESS [  0.137 s]

          [INFO] sliapi-installer ................................... SUCCESS [  0.392 s]

          [INFO] SDN-C Northbound APIs .............................. SUCCESS [  0.054 s]

          [INFO] asdcApi ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.051 s]

          [INFO] asdcApi-model ...................................... SUCCESS [  2.314 s]

          [INFO] asdcApi-provider ................................... SUCCESS [  1.379 s]

          [INFO] asdcApi-features ................................... SUCCESS [  0.127 s]

          [INFO] asdcApi  - Karaf  Installer ........................ SUCCESS [  0.157 s]

          [INFO] dataChange ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.042 s]

          [INFO] dataChange-model ................................... SUCCESS [  0.544 s]

          [INFO] dataChange-provider ................................ SUCCESS [  1.066 s]

          [INFO] dataChange-features ................................ SUCCESS [  0.114 s]

          [INFO] dataChange  - Karaf  Installer ..................... SUCCESS [  0.135 s]

          [INFO] DMAAP Listener ..................................... SUCCESS [  2.569 s]

          [INFO] UEB Listener ....................................... SUCCESS [  4.266 s]

          [INFO] vnfapi ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.045 s]

          [INFO] vnfapi-model ....................................... SUCCESS [  6.214 s]

          [INFO] vnfapi-provider .................................... SUCCESS [  1.900 s]

          [INFO] vnfapi-features .................................... SUCCESS [  0.182 s]

          [INFO] VNF API  - Karaf  Installer ........................ SUCCESS [  0.272 s]

          [INFO] VNF Tools Plugin ................................... SUCCESS [  0.064 s]

          [INFO] VNF Tools Plugin - Provider ........................ SUCCESS [  1.335 s]

          [INFO] VNF tools Plugin - Features ........................ SUCCESS [  0.102 s]

          [INFO] VNF Tools Plugin  - Karaf  Installer ............... SUCCESS [  0.979 s]

          [INFO] SDN-C OAM .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.056 s]

          [INFO] Admin Portal ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.445 s]

          [INFO] Directed Graph Builder ............................. SUCCESS [  1.082 s]

          [INFO] Platform Logic ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.053 s]

          [INFO] Platform Logic : ASDC-API .......................... SUCCESS [  0.047 s]

          [INFO] Platform Logic : SLI-API ........................... SUCCESS [  0.049 s]

          [INFO] Platform Logic : VNF-API ........................... SUCCESS [  0.162 s]

          [INFO] Platform Logic Installer ........................... SUCCESS [  0.289 s]

          [INFO] SDN-C Java Plugins ................................. SUCCESS [  0.073 s]

          [INFO] Properties Node .................................... SUCCESS [  0.063 s]

          [INFO] Properties Node - Provider ......................... SUCCESS [  0.287 s]

          [INFO] Properties Node - Features ......................... SUCCESS [  0.183 s]

          [INFO] Properties node - Karaf  Installer ................. SUCCESS [  0.120 s]

          [INFO] RESTAPI Call Node .................................. SUCCESS [  0.042 s]

          [INFO] RESTAPI Call Node - Provider ....................... SUCCESS [  0.652 s]

          [INFO] RESTAPI Call Node - Features ....................... SUCCESS [  0.164 s]

          [INFO] Properties node - Karaf  Installer ................. SUCCESS [  0.155 s]

          [INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp Common Java Files . SUCCESS [  0.435 s]

          [INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp Common Web Files .. SUCCESS [  1.461 s]

          [INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp for ONAP .......... SUCCESS [  8.166 s]

          [INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp projects (parent) . SUCCESS [  0.011 s]

          [INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp ................... SUCCESS [  0.008 s]

          [INFO] VID Common ......................................... SUCCESS [  8.036 s]

          [INFO] ECOMP SDK Webapp for OpenSource .................... SUCCESS [ 10.495 s]

          [INFO] VID Parent Project ................................. SUCCESS [  2.921 s]

          [INFO] onap.root .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.011 s]


          [INFO] Total time: 10:25 min

          [INFO] Finished at: 2017-07-31T14:35:32-04:00

          Also, I am currently in the process of creating a 1.1/R1 version of this - with the new repos (as you are only building the 1.0 subset with the current root pom)


          1. Hi Michael O'Brien,

            Thanks for share the compilation list, I have saved it locally.

            The reason I want to compile the code is to import the DCAE source code to eclipse or IntelliJ and index it. If there is an easy way to compile the DCAE code alone, that will be a great help for me.

            Regarding the m2 setting, I have 7 repos in the setting as you list.

            Regarding the compilation. I see you upload the new and root pom.xml in github I start to use them, and the compilation goes a little bit further, but I get some problem of dcae_inventory.  I have try to switch between 1.1/R1 and 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT by comment out/in the module in root pom.xml. However both way get the issue

            Failed to execute goal on project mso-adapter-utils…. Could not find artifact org.openecomp.mso.libs.openstack-java-sdk:keystone-client:jar:1.1.0 in 60_opendaylight-mirror…

            You said we can workaround the dependency resolution issues for dcae_inventory. Does the dependency resolution issues you mentioned is this one. If so, could you please share the workaround.

            Regarding the source code version. How can I go back to old version(1.1.0-SNAPSHOT or 1.0.0)? I have downloaded the code with latest script in, and checked few ONAP component but did not find the git tag or log with version information.

            Best regards,

            1. Jun, sounds good.

                 Eclipse will benefit from a mvn build outside of the IDE - but i find IntelliJ will build/index everything on its own (I am switching from Eclipse) without building externally.

                 Also note that as soon as the oparent project work is complete - it should provide a real root pom.xml - and deprecate

                 I would automate pulling building the repos but there is no filter mechanism for 1.0/1.1.0-SNAPSHOT/R1 yet

              INT-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS

              For release tagging - I also have this issue.  You may noticed that not all projects are tagged - i have not found any - but there are some branched repos - for example the demo project has an "origin/release-1.0.0" branch.

              We should follow the release page

              Release Versioning Strategy

              For the DCAE ODL artifact error - I have seen issues with the ODL repositories and older versions of mvn - make sure you are past 3.3.3 - as there is an SSL fix that ODL needs - on the small chance this is your issue.

              I currently build OK with dcae-inventory enabled - 

              obrienbiometrics:onap_11 michaelobrien$ mvn -version

              Apache Maven 3.5.0 (ff8f5e7444045639af65f6095c62210b5713f426; 2017-04-03T15:39:06-04:00)


  12. Hi Michael O'Brien I am new to ONAP. Recently I just set up only the onap portal in my windows machine and could able to run the application locally with maria db (installed on windows 7) and tomcat 8.5. I could login with admin also. In the home page application catalog tab, I could able to see widgets like policy, SDC etc. Now when I try to click on any of the widget for example SDC. it takes me to a new tab SDC saying "'s server DNS address could not be found. How can I make this work ? Do I need to connect to the sdc mS running on any remote VM ?? if yes, can you please share some instruction ?? I have docker etc configured in my windows..

    1. Soumya,

          Hi, welcome, I would suggest you follow the demo setup (or parts of it that you need like /etc/hosts mappings)

      Installing and Running the ONAP Demos


      Tutorial: Accessing the ONAP Portal


  13. I followed these steps to build ONAP

    1) create a root folder let's say "onap"

    2) copy and pom.xml to "onap" folder

    3) copy settings.xml to ~/.m2/

    4) "cd onap && mvn -X clean install -U -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true"

    I get the following error below.

    [DEBUG] Could not find metadata org.onap.oparent:oparent:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml in local (/home/ramki/.m2/repository)

    [DEBUG] Could not find metadata org.onap.oparent:oparent:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml in central (
    [DEBUG] Could not find metadata org.onap.oparent:oparent:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml in JBOSS (
    [DEBUG] Could not find metadata org.onap.oparent:oparent:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml in jboss-deprecated-repository (


    [ERROR] The project org.onap.ccsdk.parent:odlparent-boron-sr3:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT (/home/ramki/onap/ccsdk/parent/odlparent-boron-sr3/pom.xml) has 1 error


    Any help would be appreciated.



  14. Michael O'Brien

    I've collected most of the instructions to setup a development environment into the vagrant-onap project.  This project has most of the instructions to create different environments but it's still missing some steps, could you help me to verify it?


    Victor Morales

    1. Victor, Good edits of the onap on vagrant page - I have not run your vagrant setup since it was ported from github to onap - I will review it and return to running it and let you know if I have any issues.

      Yes, it would be good to have a developer deployment environment.


  15. Michael O'Brien

    Hi - I followed the above steps to build ONAP, and I got errors. I would like to know the latest, pom.xml and settings.xml files that I need to use....The code base that I cloned (yesterday) is 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT. 

    [ERROR]   The project org.onap.aai.aai-common:aai-core:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (/home/sandeepos/ONAP-Repos/aai/aai-common/aai-core/pom.xml) has 1 error

    [ERROR]     'dependencies.dependency.systemPath' for must specify an absolute path but is ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar @ org.onap.aai.aai-common:aai-core:[unknown-version], /home/sandeepos/ONAP-Repos/aai/aai-common/aai-core/pom.xml, line 164, column 25

    [ERROR]   The project org.openecomp.aai:champ:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (/home/sandeepos/ONAP-Repos/aai/champ/pom.xml) has 1 error

    [ERROR]     'dependencies.dependency.systemPath' for must specify an absolute path but is ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar @ line 129, column 16

    [ERROR]   The project org.openecomp.aai.aai-service:ajsc-aai:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (/home/sandeepos/ONAP-Repos/aai/aai-service/ajsc-aai/pom.xml) has 1 error

    [ERROR]     'dependencies.dependency.systemPath' for must specify an absolute path but is ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar @ org.openecomp.aai.aai-service:ajsc-aai:[unknown-version], /home/sandeepos/ONAP-Repos/aai/aai-service/ajsc-aai/pom.xml, line 104, column 16

    [ERROR]   The project org.onap.aai.traversal:aai-traversal:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (/home/sandeepos/ONAP-Repos/aai/traversal/aai-traversal/pom.xml) has 1 error

    [ERROR]     'dependencies.dependency.systemPath' for must specify an absolute path but is ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar @ org.onap.aai.traversal:aai-traversal:[unknown-version], /home/sandeepos/ONAP-Repos/aai/traversal/aai-traversal/pom.xml, line 197, column 25

    Would very much appreciate any advice.

    Thank you.

    1. Sandeep Shah you need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable in your system to the path to your 1.8 JDK.

  16. The SO component build is successful using the command(mvn clean install -U -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none).Here inorder to understand the MSO-API handler i want to run the SO component alone.Is that was possible and if so,what are all the process involved in that.

  17. While I am not a huge fan of `git repo`, it seems like it was designed to exactly address the use cases for which the custom script `` was developed. Should ONAP be using `git repo` in this instance as opposed to a custom script?

    1. Yes, lets use something else - I don't like - we just need to manage the repos that are not part of the build, ones that are deprecated like aai-service, ones that only have a master branch etc.... - we can do this with the modules section in the pom as well.

  18. @vignesh k - There are some notes for developers to build and run SO here: Developer Information

    (There are a set of child pages)

  19. created a preliminary manifest file at `` the following commands should download all repos, except those that are marked as READ_ONLY. (Not sure why they are READ_ONLY). Assumes you have git-repo installed (


    repo init -u

    repo sync -q --no-clone-bundle


    NOTE: without the option --no-clone-bundle you will see 404 errors as repo attempts to pull bundles to optimize things. These bundles don't exist, hence the 404 errors. the --no-clone-bundle flag just suppresses this behavior.

    NOTE: the -q flag is completely optional and just limits the amount of output spewed.

    1. David, trying your manifest now - nice

      1. The manifest is a bit of a guess as I am still learning the ONAP source code and modules. If you have change please submit merge requests and I will happily merge them. I am still looking for a good top level `pom.xml` file as well to complete the entire build.

        1. Fixing some build issues first before the root pom.xml will work

          INT-372 - Getting issue details... STATUS

          AAI-568 - Getting issue details... STATUS

          CLAMP-99 - Getting issue details... STATUS

          DMAAP-202 - Getting issue details... STATUS

          DMAAP-201 - Getting issue details... STATUS

          MULTICLOUD-134 - Getting issue details... STATUS

          SDC-769 - Getting issue details... STATUS

          VFC-628 - Getting issue details... STATUS

          VNFSDK-139 - Getting issue details... STATUS

          VVP-41 - Getting issue details... STATUS

          Also the locked repos are deprecated repos - like dcae is now dcaegen2, mso is so, ecompsdk is now in portal, aai-service is abandoned ....

          Need to investigate why no master branch shows - had to do a separate pull to be able to commit something in aai/logging-service/logging-api

          brienbiometrics:logging-service michaelobrien$ git status

          Not currently on any branch.

          Untracked files:

            (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


          1. Updated pom.xml with the latest master changes for 20171227


            Only issue is you will need to copy the License.txt before you run for aai - still verifying the fix

            cp aai/logging-service/License.txt .

            mvn clean install -U -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

            [INFO] Reactor Summary:
            [INFO] aaf-authz .......................................... SUCCESS [  4.492 s]
            [INFO] Authz Client ....................................... SUCCESS [  8.895 s]
            [INFO] vvp-gitlab ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.098 s]
            [INFO] onap.root .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.029 s]
            [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
            [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
            [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
            [INFO] Total time: 27:56 min
            [INFO] Finished at: 2017-12-28T11:10:22-05:00
            [INFO] Final Memory: 1685M/3650M
  20. Hi Michael O'Brien,

    I was trying to build onap code and found some errors. can you please suggest is there any work around.

    I am using git bash and OS is windows 10.

    First time execution of command "repo init -u" found bellow error.

    ImportError: No module named fcntl

    i downloaded and paste it into python package library path.

    after execution of same command there are some more errors for that i need help to resolve.please find bellow error:

    $ repo init -u
    fatal: UriFormatException encountered.

    $ Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\mayangup\onap\.repo\repo/", line 531, in <module>
    File "C:\Users\mayangup\onap\.repo\repo/", line 507, in _Main
    result = repo._Run(argv) or 0
    File "C:\Users\mayangup\onap\.repo\repo/", line 180, in _Run
    result = cmd.Execute(copts, cargs)
    File "C:\Users\mayangup\onap\.repo\repo\subcmds\", line 387, in Execute
    git_require(MIN_GIT_VERSION, fail=True)
    File "C:\Users\mayangup\onap\.repo\repo\", line 121, in git_require
    git_version = git.version_tuple()
    File "C:\Users\mayangup\onap\.repo\repo\", line 104, in version_tuple
    ver_str = git.version()
    File "C:\Users\mayangup\onap\.repo\repo\", line 94, in version
    if p.Wait() == 0:
    File "C:\Users\mayangup\onap\.repo\repo\", line 249, in Wait
    rc = self._CaptureOutput()
    File "C:\Users\mayangup\onap\.repo\repo\", line 262, in _CaptureOutput
    flags = fcntl.fcntl(s.fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'F_GETFL'

    Can you please suggest what will be the work around.


    Mayank Gupta

    1. Hi Guys,

      Any one have any suggestion??


      Mayank gupta

      Michael O'Brien 

  21. Hi,

    I am trying to build ONAP using the git-repo method. 

    One issue I had was this step: curl > pom.xml

    It gets a 404 error, so I had to go pull the file off the Git repository.

    I am currently stuck on the following issue. I have two maven pom files failing:

    [ERROR] The build could not read 2 projects -> [Help 1]
    [ERROR] The project org.onap.dcaegen2:platform:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (/home/wkurkian3/onap/dcaegen2/platform/pom.xml) has 1 error
    [ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM for org.onap.dcaegen2:platform:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.onap.oparent:oparent:pom:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT in opendaylight-snapshot ( and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM @ line 23, column 11 -> [Help 2]
    [ERROR] The project org.onap:org.onap:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (/home/wkurkian3/onap/pom.xml) has 2 errors
    [ERROR] Child module /home/wkurkian3/onap/dcaegen2/platform/registrator/pom.xml of /home/wkurkian3/onap/pom.xml does not exist
    [ERROR] Child module /home/wkurkian3/onap/sdc/asdc-tests of /home/wkurkian3/onap/pom.xml does not exist

    Thanks for any help,


    1. When building with the root pom, I encounter many issues. I have been resolving many of them, but there are so many, I am wondering if this is not actually the recommended way to build ONAP.

      I would appreciate any comments on this.



  22. Followed the steps above. Got all of the code, license file and pom.xml file

    java 10.0.1 2018-04-17

    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10.0.1+10)

    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.3 (build 10.0.1+10, mixed mode)

    Getting this error:

    $ mvn clean install -U -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true
    WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
    WARNING: Illegal reflective access by$ReflectUtils$1 (file:/usr/share/maven/lib/guice.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int,
    WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of$ReflectUtils$1
    WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
    WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
    [INFO] Scanning for projects...
    [ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
    [FATAL] Non-parseable POM /opt/SDN/ONAP/onap/pom.xml: Expected root element 'project' but found 'html' (position: START_TAG seen <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">... @1:31)  @ line 1, column 31
    [ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]
    [ERROR]   The project  (/opt/SDN/ONAP/onap/pom.xml) has 1 error
    [ERROR]     Non-parseable POM /opt/SDN/ONAP/onap/pom.xml: Expected root element 'project' but found 'html' (position: START_TAG seen <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">... @1:31)  @ line 1, column 31 -> [Help 2]
    [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
    [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
    [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
    [ERROR] [Help 1]
    [ERROR] [Help 2]

    1. Check pom.xml, if you used curl to download it might have downloaded a 404 HTML page instead.

      I think everything on this page is out of date (sad) I wonder if it would be worth removing the stale instructions?

      I had better luck checking out Michael O'Brien's github project and running the script.

  23. Hi,

    I successfully built all the projects using instruction specified in the wiki.

    Do we have similar steps to build the dockers for all the projects and test it?



  24. Hi All,

    I tried building the SO for the Beijing release but I'm getting an error - "Could not resolve dependencies for project The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.onap.appc.client:client-kit:jar:1.3.0-SNAPSHOT, org.onap.appc.client:client-lib:jar:1.3.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.onap.appc.client:client-kit:jar:1.3.0-SNAPSHOT in onap-snapshots ("

    I looked up the repository and found that the 1.3.0 snapshot was not there and only 1.4.0 snapshot was present. 

    For compiling the Beijing version is a different repository used? If so, can I get the copy of the settings.xml file?

    Note - I'm able to build the master branch. I tried compiling the beijing SO code with the normal settings.xml present in the oparent project of the master branch and with settings.xml present in oparent of the Beijing branch.

    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Soumyarup Paul

  25. Hello,

    I'm following the Building Entire ONAP instructions (as of 2/6/2020), but I'm getting the errors below.

    Is  Building Entire ONAP the correct link to the current insturctions to get the ONAP code and build it?



    I cloned:

    Followed instructions and executed:

    mvn clean install -U -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

    The pom.xml has the following errors:

    [ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:

    • [ERROR] Child module /Users/dcoffey/Docs/Telecom/ONAP/code/git/logging-analytics/pomba-context-aggregator of /Users/dcoffey/Docs/Telecom/ONAP/code/git/pom.xml does not exist @

    PATH on line 136 is wrong, should be:


    • [ERROR] Child module /Users/dcoffey/Docs/Telecom/ONAP/code/git/msb/service-mesh/pom.xml of /Users/dcoffey/Docs/Telecom/ONAP/code/git/pom.xml does not exist @

    line 147 should be commented out - no pom.xml in PATH

    • [ERROR] Child module /Users/dcoffey/Docs/Telecom/ONAP/code/git/sdc/security-utils of /Users/dcoffey/Docs/Telecom/ONAP/code/git/pom.xml does not exist @

    line 187 should be commented out - the folder "sdc/security-utils" does not exist in the file structure cloned.

    These edits above fix the above errors.

    Then these errors:

    [INFO] ----------------------< org.onap.oparent:version >----------------------

    [INFO] Building oparent 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT [1/871]

    [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------


    [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M2:enforce (enforce-property) @ version ---

    [WARNING] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.RequireProperty failed with message:

    You must set a property in your ~/.m2/settings.xml. See oparent/settings.xml for an example.

    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [INFO] Reactor Summary:


    [INFO] oparent 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT ............................. FAILURE [ 0.291 s]

    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 21.138 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2020-02-07T12:05:35-05:00
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M2:enforce (enforce-property) on project version: Some Enforcer rules have failed. Look above for specific messages explaining why the rule failed. -> [Help 1]
    [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
    [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
    [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
    [ERROR] [Help 1]

    Copied the sections below from oparent/settings.xml into ~/.m2/settings.xml

    FIX: edit ~/.m2/settings.xml




    In <activeProfiles> section


    Build still fails with Java errors:

    [INFO] onap.root 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT ........................... SKIPPED
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 54.128 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2020-02-07T14:00:11-05:00
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    constituent[0]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/conf/logging/
    constituent[1]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-plugin-api-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[2]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-compat-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[3]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-resolver-util-1.4.1.jar
    constituent[4]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/plexus-component-annotations-2.1.0.jar
    constituent[5]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-settings-builder-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[6]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/plexus-cipher-1.7.jar
    constituent[7]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/plexus-interpolation-1.25.jar
    constituent[8]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-resolver-spi-1.4.1.jar
    constituent[9]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/guice-4.2.1-no_aop.jar
    constituent[10]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-artifact-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[11]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-resolver-provider-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[12]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/cdi-api-1.0.jar
    constituent[13]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-slf4j-provider-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[14]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/plexus-utils-3.2.1.jar
    constituent[15]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/plexus-sec-dispatcher-1.4.jar
    constituent[16]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-repository-metadata-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[17]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/commons-cli-1.4.jar
    constituent[18]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-resolver-transport-wagon-1.4.1.jar
    constituent[19]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/commons-io-2.5.jar
    constituent[20]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/jansi-1.17.1.jar
    constituent[21]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-model-builder-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[22]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-embedder-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[23]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/wagon-file-3.3.4.jar
    constituent[24]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/org.eclipse.sisu.inject-0.3.4.jar
    constituent[25]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-resolver-connector-basic-1.4.1.jar
    constituent[26]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-settings-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[27]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-model-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[28]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-resolver-api-1.4.1.jar
    constituent[29]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.29.jar
    constituent[30]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/wagon-http-3.3.4-shaded.jar
    constituent[31]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/org.eclipse.sisu.plexus-0.3.4.jar
    constituent[32]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/slf4j-api-1.7.29.jar
    constituent[33]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-builder-support-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[34]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/jsoup-1.12.1.jar
    constituent[35]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/wagon-provider-api-3.3.4.jar
    constituent[36]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-shared-utils-3.2.1.jar
    constituent[37]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-resolver-impl-1.4.1.jar
    constituent[38]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/maven-core-3.6.3.jar
    constituent[39]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/javax.inject-1.jar
    constituent[40]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/commons-lang3-3.8.1.jar
    constituent[41]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/guava-25.1-android.jar
    constituent[42]: file:/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.3/libexec/lib/jsr250-api-1.0.jar
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at org.jvnet.mjiip.v_2_2.XJC22Mojo.loadModel(
    at org.jvnet.mjiip.v_2_2.XJC22Mojo.doExecute(
    at org.jvnet.mjiip.v_2_2.XJC22Mojo.doExecute(
    at org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2.RawXJC2Mojo.doExecute(
    at org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2.RawXJC2Mojo.execute(
    at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(
    at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleStarter.execute(
    at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
    at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
    at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
    at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.execute(
    at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.doMain(
    at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launch(
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(
    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    ... 32 more
    Caused by: java.lang.Error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    ... 38 more
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(
    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    ... 41 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/MimeTypeParseException
    at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
    at java.base/java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(
    at java.base/java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
    at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructor(
    ... 47 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.activation.MimeTypeParseException
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.strategy.SelfFirstStrategy.loadClass(
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.unsynchronizedLoadClass(
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.loadClass(
    at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.realm.ClassRealm.loadClass(
    ... 54 more

    dcoffey@14:00:11 ~/Docs/Telecom/ONAP/code/git

  26. HI'

    I am following the Building Entire ONAP instructions  but I'm getting the errors below.

    I cloned:

    when doing  mvn clean install -U -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true, i am getting the following errors.

    [ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
    [FATAL] Non-resolvable parent POM for org.onap.policy.engine:PolicyEngineSuite:1.6.4-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.onap.policy.parent:integration:pom:3.1.3-SNAPSHOT in central ( and 'parent.relativePath' points at no local POM @ line 24, column 13
    [ERROR] Child module /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/logging-analytics/pomba-context-aggregator of /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/pom.xml does not exist @
    [ERROR] Child module /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/msb/service-mesh/pom.xml of /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/pom.xml does not exist @
    [ERROR] Child module /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/sdc/security-utils of /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/pom.xml does not exist @
    [ERROR] The build could not read 2 projects -> [Help 1]
    [ERROR] The project org.onap.policy.engine:PolicyEngineSuite:1.6.4-SNAPSHOT (/home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/policy/engine/pom.xml) has 1 error
    [ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM for org.onap.policy.engine:PolicyEngineSuite:1.6.4-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.onap.policy.parent:integration:pom:3.1.3-SNAPSHOT in central ( and 'parent.relativePath' points at no local POM @ line 24, column 13 -> [Help 2]
    [ERROR] The project org.onap:org.onap:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (/home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/pom.xml) has 3 errors
    [ERROR] Child module /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/logging-analytics/pomba-context-aggregator of /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/pom.xml does not exist
    [ERROR] Child module /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/msb/service-mesh/pom.xml of /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/pom.xml does not exist
    [ERROR] Child module /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/sdc/security-utils of /home/user/onapsetup/onap-root/pom.xml does not exist

    As Dan Coffey suggested, i commented out lines at the failed components in pom.xml.

    But when doing this, i am getting the following error

    GC Overhead Limit Exceeded error.

    Please any one give the suggestions on the issue above. Thanks in advance.

