1- Brief Project Overview (brief as it should be known)
An End-to-End 5G Network Slice consists of RAN, Transport and Core network slice sub-nets. CCVPN - Transport Slicing is devoted to the realization Transport Slice sub-nets. It implements TN NSSMF, of which the functionality includes the modeling, orchestration and assurance of a Transport Slice. While TN NSSMF is a self-contained entity and thus CCVPN can remain as an independent use case, ensuring the integration with the E2E Network Slicing is an important aspect of this project. Standards-based interfaces and architectural framework (e.g., ETSI ZSM, IETF) are used by this requirement.
2- New component capabilities for Honolulu, i.e. the functional enhancements, if applicable
- SO
- TN NSSMF work flow enhancement: support the reuse and modification of TN NSSI
- Support modification of TN NSSI
- Support interconnection of more than two network domains
- Modeling enhancements (CCVPN models End points)
3- New or modified interfaces
We need to introduce the following two new interfaces
- New TN NSSMF API on SO: modifying an existing TN NSSI (SO workflow update)
- New generic-api interface on SDNC: modifying an existing TN NSSI (YANG model update)
4- If they are modified, are they backwards compatible?
We do not have modified interfaces.
6- Interface naming (point to an example)
7- Consumed API from other projects
Project | API Dependency | Notes | APi Specs (Swagger) |
8- Published API
Project | API | Notes | APi Specs (Swagger) |
9- Reference to the interfaces.
(Reference to the the swagger.json file(s) whenever possible)
10- What are the system limits?
11- Involved use cases, architectural capabilities or functional requirements.
12- Listing of new or impacted models used by the project (for information only).
- Identify any High Level Information Model Requirements. See: ONAP R7 Modeling High Level Requirements
- Models based on information exchanges from Use Cases
- Models documenting existing implementations
- Forward looking models that may be implemented in future releases
- Describe how exposed APIs are mapped to information models
(list all the relevant Jira tickets)
13-Test plan/Testing Strategy
- Unit Testing
- Dev-to-Dev Testing and
- Integration