TSC Approved version: 3.0.3 (8/23/18)

Casablanca Deployment Model

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  1. In Beijing architecture, SDN-C and APP-C are depicted to control various layers of networking with SDN-C to control L0-3 of networking stack and APP-C to control L4-7 of networking stack.  In Casablanca, it was removed for good reasons.  Now that it is removed, it is good to provide more context.  I guess SDN-C is to control infrastructure networking and APP-C is to control/configure VNF/PNF applications.  If so, I feel it is good to provide that context in the slides.

  2. In Slide 6, there is a section on "Cloud regions".  Based on content underneath, I am wondering whether "Cloud Regions" a better term.  How about the title "Support for Multiple Cloud regions and cloud technologies using Multi-Cloud".

  3. Is the source of this slide available as a power point?  I'd like to reuse in.