
A VDUCPDesc information element is a type of Cpd and describes network connectivity between a VNFC instance (based on this VDU) and an internal VL.

A VduCpd inherits from the Cpd Class. All attributes of the Cpd are also attributes of the VduCpd

References: ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011 (VduCpd)


table of relationships

CPDescgeneralizationIsASubclassVDU CP Descriptor is a Subclass of CP Descriptor
VDUDescassociationInternalCPDA VDU (VNFC) Descriptor has 1 or more Internal Connection Point Descriptors1..* to 1..*
VirtualNetworkInterfaceDescassociationnetworkInterfaceRequirementsA VDU CP Descriptor has 0 or more Virtual Network Interface Descriptors0..* to 0..*
VNFExtCPDescassociationIntCpdA VNF External CP Descriptor may correspond to an internal CP0..1 to 0..1
0..* to 0..1


table of attributes (PLUS Inherited attributes from CPDesc)


Identifies which protocols the CP uses for connectivity purposes (Ethernet, MPLS, ODU2, IPV4, IPV6, Pseudo-Wire, etc.).
References: ETSI GS NFV-IFA 011

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