Composite Pattern Proposal with use case example

UML diagram

composite pattern structure

volte use case (target design)

volte use case (current implementation)

  • No labels


  1. We probably need to work through the subclasses here.   A few quick questions follow:

    • I would not think that Site is a subclass of resource.   I assume site is a location (address, lat/long, or whatever).   So a resource can be at a site, and this can be depicted via a simple association.
    • Is an Nsd a subclass of ResourceComposite?
    • A Service is a generalization for ServiceComponent and Service Composite?   Should one of these be composite, and the other atomic?
    • What is meant by the dotted directional line to the left of ServiceComponent?
    1. Hi Kevin, I'm not fully involved in the discussion here, but here are some quick replies:

      • "Site" may not be a proper name here, but it refers to resource part of a "SiteService". My current understanding is that it's intention is not solely describing the location information.
      • We consider NS as a composite of different VNFs and VLs, that's the reason why it's a composite resource.
      • "ServiceComponent" here is intended to serve the role of atomic service, and the "ServiceComposite", as the name shows, serves the role of composite service.
      • It's for information, make it more clearer that the "ServiceComponent" can refer to atomic/composite resources, e.g., Nsd, Vnfd, etc. I think the hierarchy also shows this information though.