This tutorial shows how you can test your custom feature by creating and starting a minimal distribution. As example we will do it for the o-ran-sc for a o-ran radio unit front haul(ru-fh) devicemanager for ONAP Frankfurt.

Odl feature

To create an odl/ONAP feature you have to create at least three parts:

  • provider with your code
  • feature which defines the odl bundles to startup
  • installer which brings the artifacts into the container

A good example is the SDN-R helpserver which has only these parts or the o-ran ru-fh devicemanager.


To create a distribution within our custom feature based on sdnc-image we need three files.

├── pom.xml
├── src
│   └── main
│       ├── docker
│       │   └── Dockerfile
│       └── scripts
│           └── TagVersion.groovy

  • TagVersion.groovy
package org.oransc.oam.distribution

def versionArray;
if (['o-ran-sc.project.version'] != null ) {
	versionArray =['o-ran-sc.project.version'].split('\\.');

if (['o-ran-sc.project.version'].endsWith("-SNAPSHOT") ) {
	patchArray = versionArray[2].split('-');['project.docker.latestminortag.version']=versionArray[0] + '.' + versionArray[1] + "-SNAPSHOT-latest";['project.docker.latestfulltag.version']=versionArray[0] + '.' + versionArray[1] + '.' + patchArray[0] + "-SNAPSHOT-latest";['project.docker.latesttagtimestamp.version']=versionArray[0] + '.' + versionArray[1] + '.' + patchArray[0] + "-SNAPSHOT-"[''];
} else {['project.docker.latestminortag.version']=versionArray[0] + '.' + versionArray[1] + "-STAGING-latest";['project.docker.latestfulltag.version']=versionArray[0] + '.' + versionArray[1] + '.' + versionArray[2] + "-STAGING-latest";['project.docker.latesttagtimestamp.version']=versionArray[0] + '.' + versionArray[1] + '.' + versionArray[2] + "-STAGING-"[''];
  • Dockerfile
# Base odl alpine with added packages needed for
FROM ${base.image.repo}
ENV SDNR_ORAN_REPO ${features.repo}
RUN sed -i -e "\|featuresRepositories|s|$|,${SDNR_ORAN_REPO}|"  $ODL_HOME/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg

USER root
# copy CCSDK mvn artifacts to ODL repository
COPY system /tmp/system
RUN rsync -a /tmp/system $ODL_HOME && rm -rf /tmp/system
RUN chown -R odl:odl $ODL_HOME
USER odl
  • pom file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
  xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

    <relativePath />


  <name>sdnc-distribution :: o-ran-sc :: ru-fh-controller</name>
  <description>SDNC Docker container with rh-fh-devicemanager controller</description>



        <!-- this extension is required by wagon in order to pass the proxy -->
            </goals>            <!-- here the phase you need -->
            <id>unpack features</id>

The only thing you have to do is to manipulate the properties and the dependencies in the pom.xml.

  • base-image: on which you want to run your custom feature
  • o-ran-sc.features: which is the feature repo you have to add (should look like this mvn:org.something.more/myartifact-feature/version/xml/features
  • features.boot: which will add the features to the odl boot features on startup
  • and you have to add the dependency (in this case devicemanager-oran-ru-fh-installer) to inject the artifacts into the container during build process.
  • No labels