
  1. ETSI PNF to ONAP service descriptor translation by Anatoly Katzman

Presented materials:

      vCPE with Tosca VNF Test Guide

      Recommendations slide presented to the Modeling sub-committee

Onboarded PNF exampleONAP Distributed PNF example

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  1. HI, some updates.

    The PNF example,  "Onboarded PNF example" file, attached above , is the PNF example provided in ETSI SOL001 v2.5.1 but incomplete.It describes a PNF with an external connection point. The updated and complete  version is reported below


    Two important aspects of the onboarding PNF descriptor to be highlighed:

    1) it uses the OASIS TOSCA substitution_mappings  metadata (today, Dublin release,  the presence of the substitution mappings in the VNF descriptor is not supported as it is possible to see in the onboarded VNF descriptor of the vCPE wiki page link above)

    For instance in the onboarded VNF descriptor of the vgw is commented  the substitution mapping that exposes the internal CP as external one.

    #  node_type: onap.vcpe_vgw  
    #  requirements:  
    #    virtual_link: [ Cp_vgw_public, virtual_link ]
    # expose as external CP  
    #    virtual_link: [ Cp_vgw_onap_private, virtual_link ] # expose as external CP


    The nfv VNFVirtualLink is also commented in the onboarded VNF descriptor

    #      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink......


    2) it uses the nfv node type defined in ETSI to model the PNF external connection points:  tosca.nodes.nfv.PnfExtCp. The PnfExtCp in ETSI it is NOT an internal CP as in the VNF. If the substitution mapping is not preserved, it will be lost the relation between the PNF and the PnfExtCp.


    The reccomended mapping will not allow to properly translate the onboarded information in the above example. The onboarded substitution mapping metadata cannot be preserved from the onboarding descriptor to the internal descriptor today as  this mechanism is already proposed to be used to translate the tosca.nodes.nfv.PNF into org.openecomp.resource.abstract.nodes.PNF.





    The second file is a proposal for an internal descriptor definition that is relative to a different PNF example.

    We started to create a PNF resource by the SDC composition mechanism without any package onboarding.

    The PNF descriptor created by default by SDC is defined as follows. The CP is of type openecomp.resource.cp.v2.extCP and a substitution mapping is used to model the pnf named Zupnf2.



          type: org.openecomp.resource.cp.v2.extCP


            invariantUUID: 7e82db71-1799-4b64-a029-4816a29741d3
            UUID: 6c84604c-21ed-4369-9948-1cd7f01f6201
            customizationUUID: 9f8729c7-5902-4e5e-8be0-54cadfcc894
            version: '1.0'
            name: ExtCP2
            description: The AT&T Connection Point base type all other CP derive from
            type: CP
            category: Generic
            subcategory: Network Elements
            resourceVendor: ONAP (Tosca)
            resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03
            resourceVendorModelNumber: ''


            subinterface_indicator: false
                is_required: false
                ecomp_generated_naming: true
            is_default: false


                unit: packet/s
                description: Average rate of incoming packets
                type: Gauge
                category: network
               unit: B
               description: Number of outgoing bytes
               type: Cumulative
               category: network
                unit: packet/s
                description: Average rate of outgoing packets
                type: Gauge
                category: network
               unit: packet
               description: Number of outgoing packets
               type: Cumulative
               category: network
               unit: B/s
               description: Average rate of incoming bytes
               type: Gauge
               category: network
               unit: B
               description: Number of incoming bytes
               type: Cumulative
               category: network
               unit: B/s
               description: Average rate of outgoing bytes
               type: Gauge
               category: network
              unit: packet
              description: Number of incoming packets
              type: Cumulative
              category: network

      substitution_mappings: node_type: org.openecomp.resource.pnf.Zupnf2


    The second attached file above "ONAP distributed PNF example" is a modified proposal of a PNF descriptor generated by SDC when a onboarding PNF is progressed. The main difference between the two descriptors (the one above and the proposal in the "ONAP distributed PNF example file) is the node type used to describe the PNF external connection point.

    At this point there is no indication of impacts on SO and other RT component to support the new proposal in particular for 5G UC, PnP UC.



    1. >>> today, Dublin release,  the presence of the substitution mappings in the VNF descriptor is not supported  >>>

      You are right, the TOSCA onboarding logic should fully support substitution mappings, and it currently doesn't. But this lack of support is not a result of a deliberate modeling decision. It was caused by a hasty Dublin implementation, and it has to be fixed. However fixes of this kind are not in the scope of the modeling committee, they should be taken to the relevant development teams which are responsible for the TOSCA onboarding implementation.

    2. >>> If the substitution mapping is not preserved, it will be lost the relation between the PNF and the PnfExtCp. >>>

      >>> The reccomended mapping will not allow to properly translate the onboarded information in the above example >>>

      What exactly will be lost? The translation will keep ALL internal nodes AS-IS, along with their original types, assigned values and interconnections. All capabilities and requirements responsible for external connectivity of the PNF, will be exposed through substitution mapping, with all their original types and property values.

      What am I missing?

    3. I am going to upload an updated example of a translated PNF, will update this comment with the link when ready

      1. Michela Bevilacqua , done. The updated example is here.

        Changes: the "internal pnf" node is also preserved now inside the PNF topology, with all its ETSI properties with the vendor-provided values.