1. Quick review of remaining test status
2. Short update on ArchCom review, ETSI ZSM presentation and Guilin technical overview paper
3. Honolulu requirement elaboration actions (details to be documented in Honolulu use case child wiki pages)
- Modeling – ongoing
- Common NSMF/CSMF - started
- Core Slicing – to start, meeting to be organized this week
- RAN Slicing – in progress (with O-RAN)
- Transport Slicing – in progress
- KPI Monitoring – to discuss with ArchCom
- Closed Loops – in progress
4. CPS interactions – discussion with CPS team
5. Next weekly call is on Jan 4, 2021
Notes and Actions
1. CPS References provided by Tony/Toine:
- Ownership: Common information model, Data lake and Access control
- Normalization presentation in the context of SON use case:
- CPS Concepts Presentation:
- See 'Supporting Files' at Configuration Persistence Service (CPS) for R8 Honolulu
2. Discussions with CPS team will continue on Dec 18. Sandeep/Ahila to analyze the impacts in CCSDK/SDN-R. We should also consider yang models for aspects such as coverageArea ↔ coverageAreaTA mapping and TA ↔ Cell mapping.
3. CM-Notify to be checked for the presence of identifier of a xNF. This will be needed to store the data in CPS.
4. There will be no meeting on Dec 21 and Dec 28. The next weekly call will be on Jan 4, 2021.