@Ali Tizghadam
- Status review of Guilin extensions and integration
- Honolulu topics
Notes and Actions
- Status of Guilin extensions and e2e integration test status was discussed. For the shared NSI/NSSI scenario, there is an issue with OOF which needs to be discussed further. Swaminathan Seetharamanto organize a call with NSMF/NSSMF SO team members and OOF this week.
- A demo for Option 1 is intended to be organized later this month, inviting O-RAN folks also. This is to also include the simple Closed Loop functionality that was implemented in Guilin.
- Fei Zhang raised a query about onboarding of ML MS within ONAP.
- Since training is done offline, the ML MS will not be an official ONAP micro-service in the future also. Only if training is also done online or at least the models are updated online will the micro-service be introduced into ONAP code.
- In later releases onboarding the ML MS using Acumos DCAE adaptor will be considered.
- Hanif Kukkalli brought up the point of how the training of ML MS is done, and what data is used to simulate. Details will be shared offline - RAN-Sim is used to generate the data required for training also.
- It was clarified that the current focus of Intelligent Slicing using ML MS is mainly aimed at realizing a framework, which can then be enhanced/customized to accommodate other scenarios as well as more sophisticated approaches.