

Swaminathan Seetharaman

Ahila P

@Ali Tizghadam


Avi Chapnick

Borislav Glozman

Deepika S

Fei Zhang

Hanif Kukkalli

Kamel Idir

krishna moorthy

Marcin Szaluś

Naveen Sankad


Pravin Kumar Damodaran


Sandeep Shah

Sowmya Narayanasetty

Timo Perala

vignesh karunakaran


  1. Status review of Guilin extensions and integration
  2. Honolulu topics

Notes and Actions

  1. Status of Guilin extensions and e2e integration test status was discussed. For the shared NSI/NSSI scenario, there is an issue with OOF which needs to be discussed further. Swaminathan Seetharamanto organize a call with NSMF/NSSMF SO team members and OOF this week.
  2. A demo for Option 1 is intended to be organized later this month, inviting O-RAN folks also. This is to also include the simple Closed Loop functionality that was implemented in Guilin.
  3. Fei Zhang raised a query about onboarding of ML MS within ONAP.
    1. Since training is done offline, the ML MS will not be an official ONAP micro-service in the future also. Only if training is also done online or at least the models are updated online will the micro-service be introduced into ONAP code.
    2. In later releases onboarding the ML MS using Acumos DCAE adaptor will be considered.
  4. Hanif Kukkalli brought up the point of how the training of ML MS is done, and what data is used to simulate. Details will be shared offline - RAN-Sim is used to generate the data required for training also.
  5. It was clarified that the current focus of Intelligent Slicing using ML MS is mainly aimed at realizing a framework, which can then be enhanced/customized to accommodate other scenarios as well as more sophisticated approaches.


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