Alessandro Gerardo D'Alessandro
@Harald Fuchs
@nakjung Choi
- Developer List Confirmation
- Open points-modeling, PM data, etc.
- Discuss on remaining technical points
- Issues and challenges with NFR contributions
Notes and Actions
- Developer list was confirmed on the call. Developer kick off discussion was initially set on Tuesday 1 hour later than the weekly call, Lin will check with Henry and send out page is asked to be updated for better review. all the responsible person will be marked in bold and the track leaders will be listed in a separate table.
- modeling team is working on the NST and serviceProfile content. it should be finalized before M3. details will be discussed on modeling weekly call.
- How to specify the internal NSSMF or external NSSMF and how to distinguish the three domains NSSMF was discussed on the call. Current solution is to use two field in the NSST to specify "vendor" and "domain"
- NRF assignment was almost finalized and was shown on this page Non-functional requirements contribution in Guilin