Alessandro Gerardo D'Alessandro
Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan
- Any blocking issues the design or M2/M3. Module/track leads can give a short report of the status.
APIs for SO, UUI, DES, OOF, AAI, ConfigDB to be finalized this week.
Main modeling aspects to be completed this week.
- PM data list to be finalized and shared by Wed – LuKai, Swami, LTTS team.
2. RAN and Transport call on Tuesday.
3. Non-functional requirement status
4. SO sync up call on Wednesday.
Notes and Actions
- track status was reviewed . NSMF workflow and NSSMF Adaptor APIs is under discussion. workflow for NSSMFs are in design. all the details are supposed to be finished by this week.
- Non functional requirement was reviewed. All are in progress. some work has been finished.
- Weekly call about RAN-Trans and SO sync up call was notified. will send out invitation to relevant person.