Alessandro Gerardo D'Alessandro
- Status of implementation for all impacted components
- Open topics (AAI, ???)
Status of Actions from previous meeting
S. No. | Actions | Responsible(s) | Status |
1 | NSMF implementation in SO has risks to deliver before M4 | LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman to confirm the blocking issues and the minimum deliverables | Ongoing |
2 | attributes to be added in A&AI, Templates of Option2 to redesigned and then notify Borislav and Swami | Ongoing
| |
3 | Provide the confirmation about TA List related design | Closed. This shall be treated as a bug (as it is carried forward from Frankfurt), and a simple implementation shall be done in Guilin | |
4 | Confirm the developing status of Transport slicing in SO | Closed | |
5 | Remind people to update the Jira tickets | Ongoing | |
6 | confirm and provide the latest A&AI model material (better to upload on the wiki page) | Closed | |
7 | send email to Seshu for SO code merge by Tuesday | Closed | |
8 | DCAE MS developing status confirmation & SDN-R developing status confirmation | Closed | |
9 | DCAEGEN2-2329, help to be provided by Wipro' team to Kai on Tuesday | Ongoing, sent a mail to DCAE team and awaiting feedback | |
10 | Provide PM Mapper related feedback to Core NF Simulator documentation via email | Ongoing | |
11 | Provide helm chart to LTTS team | Ongoing | |
12 | Discussion on the parameters to be configured on the NFs from SliceProfile | Ongoing | |
13 | SO-3044, write to Seshu for the update | Closed |
Notes and Actions
The status of implementation of all the impacted components were discussed. Foll. actions were identified:
S.No | Action | Responsible(s) |
1. | Check SDN-R implementation status with Sandeep | |
2. | Check for alternatives for SDC setup to unblock Borislav in preparing remaining templates | |
3. | Sync-up on DCAE status (Slice Analysis MS, PM Mapper and DL Feeder) and update Vijay | |
4. | Check with CDS team reg. uploading CBA packages for our use case (if there is no defined place, we can create a repo e.g., on github for uploading all our use case artifacts) | |
5. | Check with DT reg. availability of a test environment temporarily for Core NSSMF testing | |
6. | Share details of blocking points reg. Core NF simulators |