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Files that are contributions to the External API Framework project

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP External APIs BSS OSS v1.pptx Jun 27, 2017 by Andy Mayer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP LSO Reference Arch.pptx Jul 12, 2017 by Andy Mayer
PDF File D00135_001_Amend MEF55-OperationalThreads AD 1_Mayer.pdf Aug 02, 2017 by Andy Mayer
File onap.uml Aug 10, 2017 by Tara Cummings
PNG File onap.png Aug 10, 2017 by Tara Cummings
File onap.di Aug 10, 2017 by Tara Cummings
File onap.notation Aug 10, 2017 by Tara Cummings
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP Vs TMF API V0.1.pptx First draft of ONAP and TMF API comparison Aug 16, 2017 by Abinash Vishwakarma
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation EXTAPI in Model Driven ONAP.pptx Aug 30, 2017 by Andy Mayer
PDF File cloud-services-architecture-verizon-mtoy.pdf Aug 30, 2017 by Andy Mayer
PDF File IISOMI_mSDO-IM_December-2016_v1.03.pdf Sep 13, 2017 by Tara Cummings
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Orange Contribution to ONAP project October update.pptx Oct 16, 2017 by Ludovic Robert
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP IM Timeline.pptx Oct 24, 2017 by Andy Mayer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP Info Model Approach.pptx Oct 25, 2017 by Andy Mayer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation MEF Legato SDK Update.pptx Oct 25, 2017 by Andy Mayer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP Sharing session - TMF640 - TMF 641.pptx Dec 20, 2017 by Ludovic Robert
PDF File D00136_001_Amend MEF55-tosca-AD1_Ranganathan.pdf Feb 05, 2018 by Andy Mayer
PDF File MEF 55.0.2.pdf Feb 05, 2018 by Andy Mayer
PDF File MEF 55.0.1.pdf Feb 05, 2018 by Andy Mayer
Microsoft Word Document ONAP External API - Northbound API Design -Draft Doc_Comment_Abinash.docx Comments on Ludovic API Desgin Doc Feb 21, 2018 by Abinash Vishwakarma
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP architecture functional description ExtAPI.pptx Feb 21, 2018 by Andy Mayer
Microsoft Word Document ONAP External API - Northbound API Design -Draft Doc v2 Scaggs Comments.docx Some quick comments in the area of Service Order Feb 27, 2018 by Kevin Scaggs
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet ExternalAPI Design - Review Comment Tracking.xlsx Excel file to track community review comments Feb 28, 2018 by Ludovic Robert
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP architecture aligment ExtAPI.pptx Mar 09, 2018 by Andy Mayer
Microsoft Word Document ONAP External API - Northbound API Design -Draft Doc.docx Mar 14, 2018 by Ludovic Robert
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP External API March 0203.pptx Mar 14, 2018 by Ludovic Robert
PDF File Microservice Bus Tutorial.pdf Mar 21, 2018 by 2c9e48aa59d2de1c015a8d0b35100087
PDF File ExtAPI Promotion 09APR2018 R_Sirbu.pdf Apr 09, 2018 by Andy Mayer
PDF File ExtAPI Promotion 09APR2018 M_Gibson.pdf Apr 09, 2018 by Andy Mayer
PDF File ExtAPI Promotion 09APR2018 A_Mayer.pdf Apr 09, 2018 by Andy Mayer
PDF File legato-reqs-verizon-mtoy.pdf May 02, 2018 by Andy Mayer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation NrpAndOnap-20180509.pptx May 09, 2018 by Andy Mayer
Microsoft Word Document Nifi API Logger.docx May 09, 2018 by 2c9e48aa624415ae01624d8d8cca0009
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP API Logging Contribution.pptx May 10, 2018 by 2c9e48aa624415ae01624d8d8cca0009
Microsoft Word Document Nifi API Loggerv1.1.docx May 10, 2018 by 2c9e48aa624415ae01624d8d8cca0009
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP-ExtAPI_Enhancement Proposalv2.pptx Jun 13, 2018 by Adrian OSullivan
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP External API - Casablance Release Proposals 5June2018.pptx Jun 13, 2018 by Elizabeth Hoch
PDF File ExtAPI-Casablanca_Proposal.pdf Jun 14, 2018 by Manoj Nair
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ExtAPI-102-LLD-v1.4.pptx Aug 09, 2018 by Adrian OSullivan
File ONAP_Casablanca_ServiceOrderAPIswaggerv2_0_0.json Aug 20, 2018 by Ludovic Robert
File ONAP_Casablanca_ListenerAPIswaggerv1_0_0.json Aug 20, 2018 by Ludovic Robert
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP-ExtAPI_MEF_LEGATO_ESv2.pptx Aug 22, 2018 by Adrian OSullivan
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP architecture aligment ExtAPI Casablanca.pptx Aug 22, 2018 by Ludovic Robert
Microsoft Word Document NBI - ServiceOrder - orderMessage reference table.docx Sep 07, 2018 by Ludovic Robert
PDF File ONAP-Interlude_v0.4.pdf Sep 25, 2018 by Andy Mayer
PNG File OrderStates.PNG Oct 03, 2018 by Kevin Scaggs
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation interlude-guidelines.pptx Oct 10, 2018 by Mehmet Toy
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation access-eline-cir-process-flow-verizon-mtoy.pptx Oct 10, 2018 by Mehmet Toy
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation elastic-interlude-classes-verizon-mtoy.pptx Oct 10, 2018 by Mehmet Toy
PDF File L66020_002_bussreqs-usecases-accesseline-service-control-second-draft-verizon-mtoy-r_Toy.pdf Oct 10, 2018 by Mehmet Toy
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP-ExtAPI_parser_Enhancement Proposal-v4.pptx Oct 10, 2018 by Adrian OSullivan
PDF File S67034_001_cloud-services-architecture-spec-first-draft-updated-verizon-v1_Toy.pdf Oct 25, 2018 by Mehmet Toy
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Introduction an API at ‘service’ level.pptx Slidedeck used during Nov7 meeting Nov 07, 2018 by Ludovic Robert
Microsoft Word Document ONAP Casablanca - External API - enhancements design.docx Dec 06, 2018 by Andy Mayer
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP-ExtAPI_R4_vF2F.PPTX Dec 11, 2018 by Adrian OSullivan
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP-ExtAPI_Dec11_Dublin.pptx Slidedeck used for virtual F2F Dec11 Dec 13, 2018 by Ludovic Robert
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP-ExtAPI_Dec11_StateOfTheNation.pptx Slidedeck used for virtual F2F Dec11 Dec 13, 2018 by Ludovic Robert
PDF File ONAP-MEFInterlude-Requirements_Long.pdf MEF Interlude Scope & Requirements - Full Version Dec 20, 2018 by Manoj Nair
PDF File ONAP-MEFInterlude-Requirements_Short.pdf MEF Interlude Scope & Requirements - Short Version Dec 20, 2018 by Manoj Nair
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP Service Instance State Model to TMF 638 Mapping (1).pptx Feb 07, 2019 by Adrian OSullivan
PDF File CCVPN-ExtAPI.pdf Feb 13, 2019 by Davide Cherubini
Microsoft Word Document CCVPN Phase 2 HLD.docx CCVPN External API Design Feb 27, 2019 by Davide Cherubini
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation onap_nbi_dublin.pptx Mar 21, 2019 by 2c9e48aa6117bf0b01614165200c0019
Microsoft Word Document nbicallflowdublin.docx Apr 10, 2019 by 2c9e48aa6117bf0b01614165200c0019
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation API Security Mechanisms.pptx May 22, 2019 by 2c9e48aa624415ae01624d8d8cca0009
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP-BSS-CFS_Resolver_v1.pptx May 22, 2019 by René ROBERT
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 5GNetworkSlice-ExtAPIDesignv1 (1).pptx Nov 21, 2019 by Adrian OSullivan
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 5GNetworkSlicing_EXTAPI_api_update.pptx Jan 15, 2020 by Swaminathan Seetharaman
File TMF628-Performance-v4.0.0.swagger.json Jul 08, 2020 by Adrian OSullivan


  1. SDC Catalog API Link: SDC API

  2. Hello

    I've uploaded the design document that we're writing to describe External API Component Design. This is still a draft and not over... but to help sharing and get your comments I've uploaded it.


  3. New version of External API draft document published - still not the final version because service Inventory part in particular is not done.

  4. Hi Ludovic Robert,

    I have reviewed the API design document and added few review comments. Request you to please check.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Abinash Vishwakarma

    1. Hi Abinash Vishwakarma

      Thanks a lot Abinash for your time and the review.

      I've enclosed your comment in this excel and tried to bring some response. I think that some points (Customer, Catalog information) we're aligned in mid term target but in order to make something working for Beijing release we have to make some implem choice that we'll reconsider later.

  5. Hi all

    I've uploaded the design document and the slide deck shared today (Version updated during the call with the stars on the diagram to explain the difference between situation as of today, with CallForVnf set to Yes and set to No).

  6. Hi all,

    I've uploaded the CCVPN-ExtAPI slide deck discussed today. 

  7. Hi all,

    I've uploaded the design document for CCVPN for the call today (February 27th).