It is sometimes convenient to have a local installation of DMaaP on your machine for testing purposes. For example, for testing policies, you can connect the Policy Framework to a local installation of DMaaP and use curl to issue the policy REST calls to the local DMaaP. For this howto, in order to avoid a dependency on A&AI, checks towards A&AI are commented out. This howto was written on the Amsterdam versions of DMaaP. It was executed on a Macbook Pro running macOS 10.13.3.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Create a new directory, let's call it "local-dmaap", and go into the directory

    mkdir <path-to>/local-dmaap
    cd  <path-to>/local-dmaap
  2. Clone the DMaaP msgrtr and messageservice repositories

    git clone
    git clone
  3. Check out the Amsterdam branches of the DMaaP repos

    cd msgrtr
    git co amsterdam
    cd ../messageservice
    git co amsterdam
    cd ..
  4. In order to remove the need to install A&AI, comment out as follows in msgrtr src/main/java/com/att/nsa/cambria/service/impl/

    diff --git a/src/main/java/com/att/nsa/cambria/service/impl/ b/src/main/java/com/att/nsa/cambria/service/impl/
    index c12be2f..d11dda0 100644
    --- a/src/main/java/com/att/nsa/cambria/service/impl/
    +++ b/src/main/java/com/att/nsa/cambria/service/impl/
    @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public class TopicServiceImpl implements TopicService {
                    String appName=dmaapContext.getRequest().getHeader("AppName");
                    String enfTopicName= com.att.ajsc.beans.PropertiesMapBean.getProperty(CambriaConstants.msgRtr_prop,"");
    -               if(user != null)
    +               /*if(user != null)
                            key = user.getKey();
    @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ public class TopicServiceImpl implements TopicService {
                    //else if (user==null && (null==dmaapContext.getRequest().getHeader("Authorization") && null == dmaapContext.getRequest().getHeader("cookie")) ) {
    -                       else if (user == null &&  null==dmaapContext.getRequest().getHeader("Authorization")     && 
    +               else if (user == null &&  null==dmaapContext.getRequest().getHeader("Authorization")     && 
                                             (null == appName  &&  null == dmaapContext.getRequest().getHeader("cookie"))) {
                            LOGGER.error("Failed to create topic"+topicBean.getTopicName()+", Authentication failed.");
    @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ public class TopicServiceImpl implements TopicService {
                                            errorMessages.getCreateTopicFail()+" "+errorMessages.getNotPermitted1()+" create "+errorMessages.getNotPermitted2());
                            throw new DMaaPAccessDeniedException(errRes);
    -               }
    +                       }*/
                    if (user == null &&  (null!=dmaapContext.getRequest().getHeader("Authorization") ||
                                             null != dmaapContext.getRequest().getHeader("cookie"))) {
    @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ public class TopicServiceImpl implements TopicService {
                            permission = mrFactoryVal+nameSpace+"|create";
                            DMaaPAAFAuthenticator aaf = new DMaaPAAFAuthenticatorImpl();
    -                       if(!aaf.aafAuthentication(dmaapContext.getRequest(), permission))
    +                       /*if(!aaf.aafAuthentication(dmaapContext.getRequest(), permission))
                                    LOGGER.error("Failed to create topic"+topicBean.getTopicName()+", Authentication failed.");
    @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ public class TopicServiceImpl implements TopicService {
                                    throw new DMaaPAccessDeniedException(errRes);
    -                       }else{
    +                               }else{*/
                                    // if user is null and aaf authentication is ok then key should be ""
                                    //key = "";
    @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ public class TopicServiceImpl implements TopicService {
                                    key = dmaapContext.getRequest().getUserPrincipal().getName().toString();
                          "key ==================== "+key);
    -                       }
    +                               /*}*/
                    try {
    @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ public class TopicServiceImpl implements TopicService {
          "Deleting topic " + topicName);
                    final NsaApiKey user = DMaaPAuthenticatorImpl.getAuthenticatedUser(dmaapContext);
    -               if (user == null && null!=dmaapContext.getRequest().getHeader("Authorization")) {
    +               /*if (user == null && null!=dmaapContext.getRequest().getHeader("Authorization")) {
                  "Authenticating the user, as ACL authentication is not provided");
     //                     String permission = ""+"|"+topicName+"|"+"manage";
                            String permission = "";
    @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ public class TopicServiceImpl implements TopicService {
    -               }
    +                       }*/
                    final Broker metabroker = getMetaBroker(dmaapContext);
                    final Topic topic = metabroker.getTopic(topicName);
  5. Build the msgrtr, skipping tests if you wish. Once the build completes, we're finished in msgrtr.

    cd msgrtr
    mvn clean install
  6. In messageservice, the script breaks with the latest version of Scala and Kafka unless a new line is added to the end of the file. Edit the messageservice src/main/resources/docker-compose/ as follows:

    cd ../messageservice
    diff --git a/src/main/resources/docker-compose/ b/src/main/resources/docker-compose/
    index 87047ad..e1bf99c 100644
    --- a/src/main/resources/docker-compose/
    +++ b/src/main/resources/docker-compose/
    @@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ if [[ -z "$KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME" && -n "$HOSTNAME_COMMAND" ]]; then
    +# The replacement below fails if there is not a new line at the end of the $KAFKA_HOME/config/ file
    +echo "" >> $KAFKA_HOME/config/
     for VAR in `env`
       if [[ $VAR =~ ^KAFKA_ && ! $VAR =~ ^KAFKA_HOME ]]; then
  7. Ensure that the version of msgrtr dependency used in messageservice pom.xml is the local one created above, check your pom.xml in messageservice, specifically you must specify if msgrtr is a SNAPSHOT version. for example, see below:

  8. Build the message service, skipping tests if you wish.

    mvn clean install
  9. Ensure Docker is running on your machine. Clear down all relevant containers and images in your docker that might interfere with DMaaP. Use the commands below WITH CARE!

    docker ps -a | cut -f1 -d' ' | awk '{printf("docker rm %s\n", $1)}'
    docker images | cut -c45-60 | grep -v ubuntu | awk '{printf("docker rmi --force %s\n", $1)}'
  10. In messageservice, copy the "appl" directory to target/classes/docker. This copies the configuration for DMaaP into the location in which we will build the docker images and the docker-compose setup.

    pwd local-dmaap/messageservice
    cp -pr target/swm/package/nix/dist_files/appl target/classes/docker
  11. In messageservice, copy the "" script target/classes/docker. This is the startup shell script for the DMaaP message service in Docker.

    cp target/swm/package/nix/dist_files/ target/classes/docker
  12. If /var/tmp/ file or directory exists on /var/tmp,delete it. This is the file where we will specify the local properties for Kafka/Zookeeper for DMaaP.

    rm -fr /var/tmp/
  13. Copy the template MsgRtr properties to /var/tmp

    cp bundleconfig-local/etc/appprops/ /var/tmp
  14. Edit /var/tmp/ as follows to put in the host names and ports for Kafka and Zookeeper in our docker-compose setup:

    < config.zk.servers=<zookeeper_host>
    > config.zk.servers=zookeeper
  15. Build the adapted DMaaP docker image, it will be tagged as dmaap:localadapt

    cd target/classes/docker
    docker build -t dmaap:localadapt .
  16. Now we prepare the docker-compose setup for DMaaP. Go to messageservice/target/classes/docker-compose and edit Dockerfile, changing the KAFKA_VERSION to 1.0.0 and the SCALA_VERSION to 2.12

    cd ../docker-compose
    diff Dockerfile.orig Dockerfile 
  17. Edit docker-compose.yml to change the name of th DMaaP docker image to use our locally adapted DMaaP image:

    diff docker-compose.yml.orig docker-compose.yml 
    <     image: attos/dmaap
    >     image: dmaap:localadapt
  18. On macOS only, edit docker-compose.yml to change var/tmp to /private/var/tmp (ensure you have /private/var/tmp shared with Docker on macOS).

  19. Start DMaaP, crossing your fingers really tightly!

    docker-compose up
  20. Check that DMaaP is running with a curl request to list topics

    curl  --request GET localhost:3904/topics
    {"topics": []}
  21. Create a topic called MyTopic

     curl \
    >     --header "Content-type: application/json" \
    >     --request POST \
    >     --data '{
    >   "topicName":"MyTopic",
    >   "partitionCount":"1",
    >   "replicationCount":"1",
    >   "transactionEnabled":"false"
    > }' \
    > http://localhost:3904/topics/create
        "owner": "",
        "readerAcl": {
            "enabled": true,
            "users": []
        "name": "MyTopic",
        "description": "",
        "writerAcl": {
            "enabled": true,
            "users": []
  22. List the topics again, our topic should now be there:

    curl  --request GET localhost:3904/topics
    {"topics": [


  1. user-b8310

    Wouldn't it be better to add a configuration property disabling authentification instead of diff-ing and commenting out portions of Java code? Parts of the documentation are outdated (like

    1. Yes it would. I wrote this howto on the Amsterdam release of ONAP and it needs to be updated, I was hoping to get around to it in a week or two. Would you be able to suggest what needs to be changed or even better if you had time to update it.

      1. user-b8310

        To be honest I abandoned it in step 10, because I was afraid that copying stuff into the target directory will not work for Beijing. Do you think if I slog through the rest of the steps it will work for Beijing?

      2. thanks for the sharing. it's very useful. and looking forward to it. how about the Beijing version? 

  2. Hi guys, Recently i got one POL500 error while distributing service from SDC op0001 user. In logs it is saying 'Distribution Engine is down'. While doing healthCheck i can see 'DMAAP' is Down. 

    Please advise on the same. 

    Also, if required please see more information at  JIRA DMAAP-1008

    1. I meet such similar issue.