Jira reference:  REQ-631 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test lab: CMCC Lab

Summary: Option 2 test cases, and many of the regression test cases are deferred to Istanbul. The functionality as working in Guilin can be expected to work for these scenarios. Service termination testing is also deferred to Istanbul.



Italics - Regression test cases

S. No.TopicTest Case DescriptionPriorityDependency/IssueTesterStatusRemarks
NSMF_01Service/template designSuccessful design of CST and Service Profile Templates1


NSMF_02Service/template designSuccessful design of NST (option 2)1


NSMF_03Service instantiationService instantiation via CSMF Portal (UUI) for Option 1/2 resulting in NST Selection request from SO towards OOF, and receiving the NST details in the callback from OOF. Note: Since OOF fetches NST details from SDC, there is no need for any manual configuration to onboard templates in a flat file.1


NSMF_10Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSINSMF (SO) triggers OOF for NSI selection (passing Service Profile, NST and sub-net capabilities), resulting in OOF providing Slice Profiles (in callback API) for new NSI creation (Option 2). Note: In the RAN Slice Profile, coverageAreaTAList shall contain a valid list of TAs corresponding to the coverageArea provided by the user (and passed in the Service Profile by SO (NSMF) to OOF) - see Remarks.1


NSMF_11Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSINSMF (SO) calls OOF using selectNSSI API for the RAN NSSI selection (in case of external RAN NSSMF) with RAN Slice Profile and RAN sub-net capabilities. OOF provides (empty) response that no RAN NSSI exists (that can be reused).1


Option 2 regression testing is deferred to Istanbul
NSMF_12Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSINSMF (SO) triggers External RAN NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor (it also sends Slice Profile info), and new RAN NSSI is created successfully. RAN EP info is updated in AAI by NSMF Adaptor.1


Option 2 regression testing is deferred to Istanbul
NSMF_13Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSINSMF (SO) triggers (external) Core NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor, and Core NSSI is allocated successfully.1


Option 2 regression testing is deferred to Istanbul
NSMF_14Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSINSMF (SO) triggers TN NSSMF with allocateNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor along with the RAN & Core endpoint info, and TN NSSI is allocated successfully.1


Option 2 regression testing is deferred to Istanbul
NSMF_15Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSINSMF (SO) calls OOF using selectNSSI API for the RAN NSSI selection (in case of external RAN NSSMF) with RAN Slice Profile and RAN sub-net capabilities. OOF provides response with a suitable RAN NSSI exists (that can be reused). 1


Option 2 testing is deferred to Istanbul
NSMF_16Service instantiation (Option 2) - New NSINSMF (SO) triggers External RAN NSSMF with modifyNSSI operation via the NSSMF adaptor (it also sends info of NSSI to be reused), and RAN NSSI is updated successfully. RAN EP info is updated in AAI by NSMF Adaptor.1


Option 2 testing is deferred to Istanbul
NSMF_17Service instantiation (Option 1) - Reuse existing NSINSMF (SO) triggers OOF for NSI selection (passing Service Profile, NST and sub-net capabilities), resulting in OOF providing details of existing NSI to be reused in the response.1


NSMF_18Service instantiation (Option 1) - Reuse existing NSINSMF (SO) triggers OOF for obtaining Slice Profiles for the new Service Profile when an existing NSI is reused, and OOF provides the Slice Profiles.1


A fix was provided in SO (NSMF) (SO-3629) which will officially be available on H-release-MNT.
NSMF_19Service instantiation (Option 1) - Reuse existing NSINSMF (SO) provides details of existing NSI and Slice Profiles to UUI (NSMF Portal) for manual intervention. Existing NSI is chosen via UUI (regression)1


NSMF_20Service instantiation (Option 1) - Reuse existing NSINSMF then calls modifyNSSI API towards RAN, Core and Transport NSSMFs with details of existing NSI to be reused and the respective Slice Profile1



Service instantiation (Option 2) - Reuse existing NSI

NSMF (SO) triggers OOF for NSI selection (passing Service Profile, NST and sub-net capabilities), resulting in OOF providing existing NSI to be reused in the response. NSMF (SO) triggers OOF for obtaining Slice Profiles for the new Service Profile when an existing NSI is reused, and OOF provides the Slice Profiles.1


Option 2 testing is deferred to Istanbul

Service instantiation (Option 2) - Reuse existing NSI

NSMF then calls modifyNSSI API towards Core and Transport NSSMFs, and external RAN NSSMF with details of NSI to be reused and the respective Slice Profile1


Option 2 testing is deferred to Istanbul
NSMF_23Service activation (Option 1)

Service activation from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2 resulting in NSI Activation API called towards SO (NSMF). SO (NSMF) calls activateNSSI APIs towards RAN, Core and Transport NSSMFs



This regression testing is deferred to Istanbul
NSMF_24Service activation (Option 2)Service activation from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2 resulting in NSI Activation API called towards SO (NSMF). SO (NSMF) calls activateNSSI APIs towards internal Core and Transport NSSMFs, and external RAN NSSMF1


Option 2 testing is deferred to Istanbul
NSMF_25Service deactivation (Option 1)

Service deactivation from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2 resulting in NSI Deactivation API called towards SO (NSMF). SO (NSMF) calls DeactivateNSSI APIs towards RAN, Core and Transport NSSMFs



This regression testing is deferred to Istanbul
NSMF_26Service deactivation (Option 2)Service deactivation from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2 resulting in NSI Dectivation API called towards SO (NSMF). SO (NSMF) calls deactivateNSSI APIs towards internal Core and Transport NSSMFs, and external RAN NSSMF1


Option 2 testing is deferred to Istanbul
NSMF_27Service termination (Option 1/2)Service termination from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2. SO (NSMF) triggers OOF to check for NSI termination, OOF returns NSI should not be terminated1


Service termination testing is deferred to Istanbul as this also requires e2e testing
NSMF_28Service termination (Option 1/2)SO (NSMF) triggers RAN, Core and TN NSSMF with modifyNSSI API to remove S-NSSAI from the respective NSSIs. Service and Slice profiles and their links are also removed.1


Service termination testing is deferred to Istanbul as this also requires e2e testing
NSMF_29Service termination (Option 1)Service termination from CSMF portal (UUI) for Option 1/2. SO (NSMF) triggers OOF to check for NSI termination, OOF returns NSI should be terminated2


Service termination testing is deferred to Istanbul as this also requires e2e testing
NSMF_30Service termination (Option 1)SO (NSMF) triggers RAN, Core and TN NSSMF with deallocateNSSI API. NSI is also removed by SO (NSMF).2


Service termination testing is deferred to Istanbul as this also requires e2e testing
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