1. Alla reported on her latest participation and presentation at DTW
  2. Alla reported on her f2f meeting with Atul and our desire to have 4 hours joint f2f workshop during Stockholm meeting, where we (and EUAG) will be able to present our requirements. I put it on the required agenda items wiki page https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/2019+June+Event+Topic+Proposals
  3. We reviewed business motivation and requirements for some of the use cases and agreed on the following template https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Business+Driver+Template+for+Use+Cases . All use cases/functional requirements owners (targeting Frankfurt Release) – please fill it in under your use case/functional requirement. The target is to review it in 2 weeks from now and be prepared with it for f2f meeting.
  4. Next week’s meeting will be cancelled due to holidays in the US.

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