This page contains a gendoc template and clean model document examples generated based on the template.

Please note that some documents contain experimental objects.

The template and documents are for review and comments, and will be discussed in the weekly resource IM call.

Gendoc template: (please modify the path and sub-model names if trying the template)

ONAP GenDoc Template.docx

(2020-7-12 updated)

Model Documents:







(not updated)

  • No labels


  1. The association tables are right now not fully consistent with the tables for attributes and data types.

    One issue is that the columns common to attributes, data types, and associations are not in the same order in all three.

    • For attributes and data types, the order of the columns is
      • Name - Type - Mult. - (Access for data type only) - Stereotypes - Description
    • But for associations the order is:
      • Name - (Aggreg. - Navig. for associations only) - Mult. - Type - Description - Stereotypes
    • Is it possible for the association columns to exchange Mult. - Type and Description - Stereotypes ?

    Also I see there are more properties listed for the OpenModelAttribute Stereotype when it is on the association ends than on the attributes and data types. I guess all the properties apply for all three, so we should decide how to align which properties are shown for all three.

    1. Comment #1 for exchanging columns has been fixed