
  • Allotted Resource Model
  • VES Model
  • Brainstorming for R4 planning


Useful Links:


  • Allotted Resource Model
    • Example: vCPE use case, Chesla would contact Gil for detailed information, the information would be provided to the mailing list after the call
    • Related wiki pages:
    • Terminology: FFS
    • Question:
      • Is VFC using allotted resource? No
      • Relationship with "facade" proposal? "facade" is for nesting services, allotted resource is like product of infrastructure service. "facade" is new proposal for R4. Allotted resource has been implemented by SDC.
  • VES Model
    • wiki available at VES 7.1
    • json to uml tool could be used generating the model:
    • Question:
      • ETSI spec IFA027 defines measurement metrics, suggest to align the VES model with the spec
      • How ONAP components (SO, DCAE, etc.) deal with the VES model? Should modeling team discuss "workflow"s as well?
    • suggest to start with the use case / workflows, and document the requirements (modeling, metrics, etc.), perhaps collaborate with VNF Req team
    • For CSAR, the ETSI non-MANO extension would be used to capture VES information (VES descriptor)

  • R4 plan brainstorming

Video and Audio:



  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Thinh Nguyenphu - in the deck explaining the configuration, I see sequence diagrams where the VNF instance is called.  The VNF is a logical entity made up of VNFC instances.  How would, e.g., the NFVO or controller know how to call the VNF?  Is it via a particular/standard external connection point?   Thanks.