
  • Agenda review
  • IFA011 v2.5.1 model
  • ETSI feedback to ONAP IM proposal
  • VNFD new requirements
  • Root Class Proposal
  • VES model



  • IFA011 v2.5.1 model
  • ETSI feedback on ONAP IM proposal
    • ETSI NFV IFA & SOL WG would have regular calls (last 1 hour, starts 1 hour before this IM call, run by IFA011 rapporteur, start from Mar.4th, happens every week for the next few weeks)
    • draft sessions to collect feedback
    • plan to give report back to IM/subcommittee as soon as possible, no later than April's multi-SDO meeting
    • the target version is 2.7.1 of IFA011
    • AP for Xu: lock the feedback wiki page (till April 2nd) to make sure the content is stable during the ETSI discussion (Potential Feedback to ETSI IFA011 v2.5.1), only allow comments and future updates for the rationale
  • Vnf Requirements Updates
    • Requirements for VNFD
    • 1 more week for review
    • if all comments are resolved and no more comments are received, would ask for agreement in next week's subcommitte call
  • Root Class Proposal
    • Root
    • encourage people to review and leave comments on the wiki page
    • the yellow classes are temporary and will be replaced by actual classes once the proposal is considered stable
    • green attributes are redefined from the root (the cardinality is changed)
    • suggest to give some use cases for different classes (e.g., domain, place, etc.)
  • VES model
    • suggest to change IM design (not to simply reverse engineering on the DM)
    • suggest to simplify the model not to show all the details
      • how to utilize Papyrus to show the details?
        • IISOMI is working on tools to relate IM with YANG, etc., but not show the details
        • ITU, IETF are working on some tools as well
      • the level of details to show needs more discussion
    • want to model the associations between particular metrics (VES events, etc.) with the objects provided them (e.g., PNF provide some specific metrics)
    • next step: expect more comments on the wiki page, may have further calls/discussions on that, present the proposal to larger audience