General Information:

  • Date and Time: 2020, Apr 20th, 9pm~10pm Beijing Time, 9am~10am US Eastern
  • Meeting Room:
  • Meeting Recording:
  • Meeting Chat Log:


  • Agenda bashing - 5 minutes
  • Model Proposals - 20 minutes
    • allotted resource - 20 minutes
    • 5G RAN service - 0 minutes
  • Modeling Documentation & Glossary- 5 minutes
  • Modeling Process discussion - 20 minutes
  • R7 Modeling Requirements - 5 minutes



  • Agenda bashing
    • PNF instance model status & plan
      • expected to be finished within Guilin release
    • calendar issue
      • suggest people to modify the local outlook calendar if they are not correct
      • Andy will help double check the mailing list calendar
  • Modeling Documentation
    • wiki page to record approved models
    • how to document relationship classes in Papyrus and readthedocs
      • question: are class names and description enough for the doc? (e.g., should we add cardinality, etc.)
        • possible content: cardinality, endpoint attribute name
        • Jacqueline suggest to add cardinality in the doc
        • Xu will help generate an example document for further discussion
    • how to treat "experimental" objects in readthedocs
  • Modeling Glossary
    • Common Model Glossary Review Comments
    • review:
      • #1 and #2, tend to agree we remove the items with no descriptions, record these items and provide descriptions where necessary
        • agree to remove
      • #3, #5, #6: refine the gendoc template for the glossary
      • #4: prefer to create an acronym list (in a seperate document)
        • agree to have a seperate document documenting the acronyms
        • question:
          • how to deal with related concepts that are missing defitions, for example, VirtualLinkProfile's definition relates to DF, therefore a definition of DF is expected?
            • 2 possible solutions:
              • active way: group review of the document to provide each concept necessary
              • passive way: implement definitions of missing concept when issues are raised
          • relationship with ETSI NFV definitions:
            • check if the definitions are aligned if same concepts are used
            • maybe can reference ETSI specs (e.g., NFV003) if necessary
      • #7: maybe refine the descriptions to remove the duplications
      • #8 and #9: refine the escaped characters?
      • #11: may take suggestion 1 at the moment, only provide a terminology document
        • agree to order the terms in alphabetic order
        • Michela suggest to order the classes, enumerations, etc. all together
          • Xu will look if that's possible by modifying the gendoc template
  • Model Proposals
    • allotted resource
      • figure is updated (bullet #1 in Allotted Resource Model Review Comments)
        • question:
          • TunnelXConnectivityCapability provided by vGMUX VNF, vGMuxinfra service, or both?
        • plan to review the remaing issues next time
    • 5G RAN service model
  • Modeling Process Discussion
    • M4 process
  • R7 Modeling Requirements
  • No labels