General Information:


  • Agenda bashing - 5 minutes
  • Model Proposals
    • allotted resource - 0 minutes
    • ETSI alignment - 0 minutes
    • 5G RAN service - 0 minutes
    • CNF - 0 minutes
    • Geolocation - 0 minutes
    • PNF instance model - 0 minutes
    • CPS model driven PoC - 0 minutes
  • Modeling Documentation & Glossary - 0 minutes
  • Modeling Process discussion - 0 minutes



  • Agenda bashing
  • Model Proposals
    • ETSI alignment
      • Fred shared the proposals for IM change: ETSI IFA011 v2.7.1 Changes
      • encourage people to have offline review, and will discuss again next week
    • Geolocation model
      • Jacqueline has presented the papyrus models for the geolocation
    • CPS model
      • planned to discuss next week
  • Modeling Documentation
    • R6 readthedocs review:
    • add relationship documentation to the UML guideline:  ONAPMODEL-28 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • UML principle wiki page:
        • under ONAP Modeling Design Principles and Guidelines
        • AP: Michela & Xu will check the current wiki pages whether they cover requirements for classes, relationships for Papyrus
          • Xu find nothing related in the current pages, suggest to create a new page to solve the issue
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. I just give a quick summary of what I heard on today's modeling subcommittee call.

    Andy Mayer , Jacqueline Beaulac , Fernando Oliveira, if you have anything to add here on the minutes, please feel free to add them to the page.
