The modeling specification of ONAP Casablanca Release and release note can be found at:

The content includes the information model of the on-boarding VNFD, NSD (network service descriptor) and SD (service descriptor); as well as the data model of the on-boarding VNFD.

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  1. The content includes the information model of the on-boarding VNFD, NSD (network service descriptor) and SD (service descriptor); as well as the data model of the on-boarding VNFD.

    What do you mean for onboarding of NSD and SD ?

    Do you refer to the SDC onboarding function or to the ETSI NS file attached during a Service Composition definition in SDC to be used by VFC ? or ? 

    1. The current understanding (or definition) of the on-boarding model is the model SDC on-boarding function consumes.

      Saying that, I'm not sure if SDC has implemented the functionality to on-board ETSI NSD though.