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Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan

Swaminathan Seetharaman

Lauren Lewis

Gueyoung Jung

Srinivasa Addepalli

Lukasz Rajewski

ramki krishnan

Arthur Martella


Network Slicing

Presented the workflow showing the role of OOF in slice creation. Swaminathan Seetharaman Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan, to come up with a meaningful proposal for an E2E workflow and present to the 5G forum for more deliberation and feedback. Goal is to make some inroads in Dublin to prepare for the Slicing use case.

OOF F-GPSGueyoung Jung

Discussed the Workflows involving OOF-HAS and OOF-FGPS. Gueyoung Jung to meet with SO, MultiCloud and present any API changes between OOF and its dependencies based on the new FGPS workflow. Suggestion is to make FGPS a POC, rather than a use case, in Dublin to ease the transition.

Traffic DistributionLukasz Rajewski

Traffic Distribution Workflow Dublin Requirements.pptx, Lukasz Rajewski to analyze and align this with the existing workflows in OOF and crystallize the Dublin scope from the TD perspective