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Vikas Varma

krishna moorthy

Sithara Nambiar

Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan


Swaminathan Seetharaman


ItemWhoTimeNotesFollow up actions/notes
Frankfurt release

Sonar Cloud:

HAS: Fixed- reporting 56%

   * CMSO uses robot for unit-test cases.  The sonar jobs now only use the jacoco.xml file (.exec file is deprecated) which is causing this not to work. Vikas Varma Seek LF help. 

Jenkins failed jobs: Resolved

M4:  OPTFRA-687 - Getting issue details... STATUS

CMSO:  OPTFRA-684 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Integration blockers: 

OPTFRA-725 - Getting issue details... STATUS

RC0Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan

OPTFRA-701 - Getting issue details... STATUS

bump up version for OSDF/ HAS after policy changes. 

Pairwise/Integration testingShankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan

Seeking help from use case teams. 

Windriver: still getting a tenant

CMCC: access available, can update AAI, AAF interfaces. 

0: Integration Weather Board for Frankfurt Release

OOF Pair Wise Testing for Frankfurt Release

S3P progress

OPTFRA-640 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Password Removal: completed; please check if encrypted password can be used in OOM.  (Vikas)

Python 3 migration:  Completed, need to confirm the python version.

HAS:  Running has as a non-root (follow up with Ikram)

Java 11 migration: check-style issues - other projects seem to disable check style.

Need to check the CI Badging (Silver & Gold) need to be rechecked (Shankar)

OSDF refactoring/re-architectureShankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan


Generic solver code:  Completed.

Slicing use case: Completed. Merge pending ?

Progress on Frankfurt POC
5G Slicing

some refactoring needed. Policy code is already in common folder. main work is in moving out the code that prepares the request for HAS. Not too complex - move around a few files, renaming them. A week's estimate. files /placement/conductor/translation,

  - Need some discussion with Avteet will work offline to resolve this.

Route optimization

Code merged. Can begin testing. 

Meeting recording: