The functional test case should be able to perform the following:

  • Perform Health Check on the Portal platform
  • Centralized User Functionality
    • Single sign-on on to the Portal platform 
    • Create new User and assign roles to appropriate apps
    • Access assigned on-boarded apps using newly created user
  • Enhanced Notifications
    • Test the link based notification - on click of the link provided in the user notification, the user should be taken to the new tab showing the link resource.
  • UI Enhancements
    • Logos
    • Text
    • Icon and fonts
    • Buttons, Popups styles
    Note: These tests are not functional, these are related GUI so not prioritized

Below are the focused tests planned to be aligned with CSIT:

  1. EP Admin - Add Application Admin existing user
  2. EP Admin - Add Application Admin new user
  3. EP Admin - Remove Application Admin
  4. EP Admin - Add Standard User exitisng user
  5. EP Admin - Add Standard User new user
  6. EP Admin - Remove Standard User
  7. EP Admin - Create Widget for Application Role
  8. EP Admin - Create Widget for all users
  9. EP Admin - Delete Widget for Application Role
  10. EP Admin - Edit Functional menu
  11. EP Admin - Notifications - All Broadcast notifications
  12. EP Admin Notifications - Category notifications
  13. Functional Top Menu - Get Access
  14. Functional Top Menu - Contact Us
  15. Application Admin Navigation - Application Link Tab
  16. Application Admin Navigation - Functional Menu
  17. Application Admin - Add Standard User
  18. Application Admin - Edit Standard User
  19. Application Admin - Remove Standard User
  20. Standard User Navigation - Application Link Tab
  21. Standard User Navigation - Functional Menu
  22. Standard User Notifications - All Broadcast notifications
  23. Standard User Notifications - Category notifications
  24. EP Admin - Delete Widget for all users
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