Review Submission Date: 07-08-2020

Project Description

Active and Available Inventory (AAI) is the ONAP subsystem that provides real-time views of Resources and Services and their relationships. AAI not only forms a registry of active, available, and assigned assets, it also maintains up-to-date views of the multidimensional relationships among these assets, including their relevance to different components of ONAP. 

This project targets a logically centralized reference point for service and resource details serving other ONAP components and non-ONAP systems to enable fulfillment, closed loop, reporting, and other operational use cases. A&AI is critical to ONAP as the existing sources of truth do not provide a cross domain view and are not designed to serve this information to multiple clients.

Project Landing Page:  Active and Available Inventory Project

Project Meeting Minutes: AAI Weekly Status Meeting (Cancelled)

Leadership Resources


(must use @ macro )

Linux Foundation Login (LFID)

Email Address 
(if different from @ macro)
CommittersManisha Aggarwal

Venkata Harish Kajur

James Forsythjimmydot

@Steven Blimkiesblimkie

Project & Release History

  • How long the project has been an active:  At launch
  • Release Participation:  Release Amsterdam through Frankfurt
  • Engagement levels for past releases (up to 3): 
    • Commits per Release:  see below
    • Contributors per Release: see below
    • Companies per release: see below

Statistics taken from Bitergia AAI Bitergia

Use Cases:  All use cases for various releases supported by A&AI can be seen here: Proposed Use Cases & Functional Requirements

Architecture Alignment

Artifact Information

Other Information

  • ESR is under maintenance from July 2020
  • Code Coverage stats -

    • aai-aai-common
    • aai-babel
    • aai-cacher
    • aai-data-router
    • aai-event-client
    • aai-graphadmin
    • aai-model-loader
    • aai-resources
    • aai-rest-client
    • aai-router-core
    • aai-schema-service
    • aai-sparky-be
    • aai-traversal
    • aai-validation
  • AAI Bitergia (below was taken for last 90 days)

  • No labels


  1. Can you provide more details about test coverage for the various components ?

    1. Hi Eric Debeaunot getting what additionally is required. Do you want me to pull what's at the link I posted to this page?

    2. Eric Debeau I added screenshots for the breakdown of the code coverage, let me know if anything else required.

  2. William Reehil - very good content - thank you

  3. William Reehil - Can we also add the link of CII Badging Level as part of this assessment? thank you

  4. Recommendations:

    • Try to promote contributors (when they are knowledgeable) to committers to extend company diversity
    •  Let's add a note highlighting that ESR is under maintenance from July 2020.
    1. Catherine Lefevre I have added that note about ESR

    2. Catherine Lefevre  Jason Hunt  Outside of Amdocs and AT&T (companies who co-created and used A&AI in production), I do not believe we had many contributors who became knowledgeable enough to be promoted, but I will keep this in mind if we have interested parties in the future.

  5. Thanks for the writeup.  I'll concur with Catherine's recommendation for more company diversity in committers.  Additional progress on Platform Maturity (S3P) would be nice.