Information for PTL

This template is to be filled out for any project wishing to move to the "Mature" phase of the ONAP project lifecycle.  
Once completed, remove this info box and the send the link for this page to to initiate the maturity review.  

Per the ONAP Technical Community Document, the metrics for maturity review are:

Successful participation in releases: The project demonstrates stable output (code base, documents) within its history of releases in accordance with the release policy.

Architecture has been reviewed by the Architecture Committee

Project is active and contributes to ONAP: The project demonstrates a stable or increasing number of contributions across recent releases. Contributions are commits which got merged to a repository of an ONAP project or a related upstream project. Commits can for example be patches to update the requirements document of a project, code addition to an ONAP or upstream project repository, new test cases and so forth.

Mature artifacts produced: The project demonstrates that the artifacts produced by the project are deployable (where applicable) and have been successfully deployed, configured and used by end users (typically, service providers).

Review Submission Date: 

Project Description: 

The VNF Validation Platform (VVP) is an application to validate that OpenStack Heat Templates comply with the ONAP requirements and guidelines documented in the Heat section of the ONAP’s VNF Requirements and Guidelines documentation.

Adherence to these guidelines ensures that a VNF can be successfully onboarded, modeled, instantiated, and orchestrated by ONAP to the fullest extent possible.

VVP is a utility written in Python that can be executed via a command-line script, Docker container, or a native Desktop GUI application to analyze and report on the compliance of a given set of Heat templates to the ONAP requirements.

Project Landing Page:  VNF Validation Program Project

Project Meeting Minutes: 2020 VVP Project Team Meetings

Leadership Resources :

add lines if necessarry


(must use @ macro )

Linux Foundation Login (LFID)

Email Address 
(if different from @ macro)

CommittersTrevor Lovett

Project & Release History

  • How long the project has been an active:  Since 05/30/2017
  • Release Participation:  Beijing, Casablanca, Dublin, El Alto, Frankfurt
  • Engagement levels for past releases (up to 3): 
    • Commits per Release:  
    • Contributors per Release: 
    • Companies per release: 
  • Use Cases:  

Release name and timeframeCommitsAuthors
El Alto486

Architecture Alignment:

  • None

Artifact Information:

  • The VVP code and test-cases are primarily in the following 2 repos:

Documentation is available here:

  • VVP is not part of integration testing because it is not integrated with the rest of the platform.
  • VVP is used internally at AT&T to validate VNFs are compliant with the ONAP VNF Heat Template Requirements. It has also been used by many others as a tool when writing VNF Heat Templates for ONAP, including the templates that are part of the integration/robot demos.

Other Information:

  • No labels


  1. How do you see the future of VVP with the shift towards CNFs? What is the plan for Guilin and beyond? Any thoughts about extending VVP to validate CNFs (e.g. validate Helm chart requirements)?

    1. Hi, sorry for the delay I missed the notification that you asked a question. 

      I think it would be a natural extension of the project to include validation of CNF helm charts, but there would need to be a couple things introduced in ONAP before we could proceed.

      First, SDC or some other front door to ONAP would need to natively accept a helm chart and impose some ONAP specific requirements on it. Second, the VNF Requirements project would need to gather those requirements and publish them to readthedocs (this activity could probably happen in parallel with creating validation scripts).

      For G and beyond, the VVP project is maintaining the validation scripts, fixing bugs, and tweaking scripts as changes occur to the VNF Heat Template requirements.

  2. I'll share Ranny's comments.  Also, can you comment how many companies have contributed in the past couple of releases?

    1. Primarily AT&T, but there have been commits from IBM as well.