

Swaminathan Seetharaman

@Arda Akman (O-RAN)

Andrei Kojukhov

Ahila P

@Burcu Yargicoglu-Sahin (O-RAN)

@Emmanuel Sarris

Fei Zhang

Hanif Kukkalli

Kamel Idir

krishna moorthy

Marek Kukulski

Naohito Taga

Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan

Timo Perala


  1. A1 policy sample for the Closed Loop
  2. Slice profile decomposition proposal
  3. Endpoint related work - update
  4. Some doubts initial configuration of RAN NFs
  5. Demo in Jan/Feb
  6. AOB

Notes and Actions

  1. Topics related to ONAP Honolulu release for RAN Slicing were discussed:
    1. A1 interface to Near-RT RIC for Closed Loop scenarios
    2. Slice decomposition
    3. Closed Loop enhancements
    4. RAN NF instantiation
  2. Demo of the E2E Network Slicing focusing on RAN Slicing was discussed - tentatively, it can be scheduled in e-Jan. O-RAN and O-RAN SC folks shall also be invited to enable greater collaboration.
  3. Options of Near-RT RIC for A1 was discussed - check further with John Keeney reg. possible use of OSC Near-RT RIC, and also discuss with Arda.
  4. AP1: Arda shall give an overview of the O-RAN use cases Network Slicing functionality.
  5. AP2: Swami & Arda to discuss offline reg. the A1 interface aspects for Honolulu.
  6. AP3: Swami to update the Slice Profile decomposition, and also align with RRM Policy sent to CU/DU.
  7. AP4: Swami to share details of the EndPoint implementation in ONAP, after internal discussions are concluded.


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