Created by Chaker Al-Hakim on September 26, 2019


Kickoff notes/thoughts:

  1. This task force will review the current release schedule and will make  recommendations to the TSC on potential improvements to the current release schedule/cadence
  2. It is assumed that this effort will last for approximately 6 weeks after which an agreed to set of  recommendation would be officially presented to the community
  3. the list of the team members is based on the members that volunteered to participate in this discuss. Please feel free to add your name to the list if you'd like to join or if i missed adding you to the list
  4. I have put together a draft proposal which was shared at high level on the Oct 7, 2019 PTL call. The draft will be attached  to this page for everyone to review. This proposal is only meant as a starting point of our weekly discussions.
  5. I foresee this effort  becoming an annual event where this task force would review all the releases (major, minor, etc..) and would 'tweak' the process based on members feedback and lessons learned.

Task Force Weekly Meeting Info

Start Date
End Date

WhenEvery WednesdayOct 16, 2019Nov 20, 2019
Time12:00pm (noon) EDT


DateOct. 23, 2019


RecordingThe audio recording is unavailable

Action Items

DateOct. 30, 3019


Agenda Topics

Frankfurt Release

  1.  M1
    1. What was done Well
      1. item 1
    2. What needs to be improved
      1. item a
  2. M2
  3. M3
  4. M4

Action Items

RecordingOct 30, 2019 ONAP Release Cadence Recording.mp4

DateNov 6, 2019


Agenda Topics

Action Items

RecordingNov 06, 2019 ONAP Release Cadence Recording

DateNov 13, 2019


Agenda Topics

Action Items


DateNov 20, 2019


Agenda Topics

Action Items


DateNov 27, 2019


Agenda Topics

Action Items


DateDec 4, 2019


Agenda Topics

Action Items


DateDec 11, 2019


Agenda Topics

Action Items


DateDec 18, 2019


Agenda Topics

Action Items


Task Force Recommendations

ONAP Release Cadence Proposal - Draft 1

  • No labels


  1. Chaker Al-Hakim  I guess we start on October 16th (Wednesday) at 15:00 UTC rather than October 15th (Tuesday)?

  2. Good catch, thank you Liam. page updated.

  3. @Chaker Al-Hakim  - Will be good to also include the implication to branching/tagging along with release cadence proposed. Currently master branch is primarily used for ci flow/integration/delivery (rls branch are cut late in the cycle). For overlapping release schedules, it will be important to identify the target branch/process upfront.

  4. Chaker Al-Hakim  Thank you for putting together the slides.

    Couple of suggestions from my side:

    1) How we define a "stable" release?

    2) How long are we going to support the stable release?

    3) Are we going to provide any fixes (especially security) to the minor releases? If yes, then for how long

  5. Krzysztof Opasiak Good comments. I will add them to the presentation as topics for discussion

  6. Vijay Venkatesh Kumar - Good comments, will add them as well

  7. Chaker Al-Hakim I can't make today's meeting due to a conflict.

  8. Chaker Al-Hakim

    How about keeping the meeting time in UTC to avoid confusion across different time zones?

    1. I agree, we have two DST changes these two weekends, having meeting times in UTC means people only have to track DST changes in their own time zone and not DST changes in other time zones.

  9. Chaker Al-Hakim Would it be possible for you to clarify the time of this week's meeting? The last call to meeting that you distributed on onap-discuss seemed to have a time of 23:00 UTC. At the moment my local time zone is the same as UTC.

    1. +1

      For me the invite appears 1am on Wed. I believe this is not the intended starting time for the call. Also, at the top of this page it refers to "EDT", which together with DST ending and with the announcement of moving the call "up by one hour" makes it too complicated for me to calculate what is the true starting time of call (wink)

      +1 to Krzystof's proposal, too.