- Sandeep Shah
- Zu Qiang (Ericsson)
- Tony Finnerty
- David Kinsey
- Swaminathan Seetharaman
- N.K. Shankaranarayanan
- Melanie Sater
- Anita Hai
ARCHITECTURE FLOWS | ARCHCOM: InfoFlow - RunTime Config DB Information Flow |
COMPONENT DESCRIPTION | ARC RunTime DB Component Description - R6 Frankfurt |
PROJECT PROPOSAL | RunTime Config DB Project Proposal (Oct 25 2019) |
Meeting with Jimmy Forsyth
Navigating A&AI
- INITIAL A&AI - "GetAll" on PNFs.
GET /aai/v19/network/pnfs?
GET /aai/v19/network/pnfs/pnf/{pnf-name}
GET /aai/v19/network/pnfs?depth=all
GET /aai/v19/network/pnfs/pnf/{pnf-name}?depth=all (in the descendent list of the PNF)
- Containment relationship in graph, edge relate PNF to a S/W i/f, other edges, cousin edges parent-child. P-interface, model version, VRF, logical link. lag, service ... way PNF can be connected to other objects iwthin the graph. Look at relationship list from Gets.
pnf: object
PNF represents a physical network function. typically equipment used in the D1 world. in 1607, this will be populated by SDN-C to represent a premises router that a uCPE connects to. But this can be used to represent any physical device that is not an AIC node or uCPE.
Related Nodes
- TO complex( pnf LocatedIn complex, MANY2ONE)
- TO ext-aai-network( pnf BelongsTo ext-aai-network, MANY2MANY)
For CCVPN Usecase(2)
- TO instance-group( pnf MemberOf instance-group, MANY2MANY)
- TO network-resource( pnf LinksTo network-resource, MANY2MANY)
For CCVPN Usecase(4)
- TO zone( pnf LocatedIn zone, MANY2ONE)
- FROM configuration( configuration AppliesTo pnf, MANY2MANY)
- FROM esr-thirdparty-sdnc( esr-thirdparty-sdnc AppliesTo pnf, ONE2MANY)
- FROM generic-vnf( generic-vnf HostedOn pnf, MANY2MANY)
- FROM lag-interface (CHILD of pnf, lag-interface BindsTo pnf, MANY2ONE)(1)
- FROM logical-link( logical-link BridgedTo pnf, MANY2MANY)
- FROM metadatum( metadatum AppliesTo pnf, MANY2MANY)
AAI-2154 For BBS Usecase
- FROM p-interface (CHILD of pnf, p-interface BindsTo pnf, MANY2ONE)(1)
- FROM service-instance( service-instance ComposedOf pnf, ONE2MANY)
- FROM software-version (CHILD of pnf, software-version BelongsTo pnf, MANY2ONE)
- FROM vrf (CHILD of pnf, vrf BelongsTo pnf, MANY2ONE)
A vrf belongs to a pnf.(1)
- (1) IF this PNF node is deleted, this FROM node is DELETED also
- (2) IF this PNF node is deleted, this TO node is DELETED also
- (4) IF this TO node is deleted, this PNF is DELETED also
- PNF cannot be deleted if related to NETWORK-RESOURCE,SOFTWARE-VERSION
pnf-name: string unique name of Physical Network Function.
pnf-name2: string name of Physical Network Function.
selflink: string URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details.
pnf-name2-source: string source of name2
pnf-id: string id of pnf
equip-type: string Equipment type. Source of truth should define valid values.
equip-vendor: string Equipment vendor. Source of truth should define valid values.
equip-model: string Equipment model. Source of truth should define valid values.
management-option: string identifier of managed customer
orchestration-status: string Orchestration status of this pnf
ipaddress-v4-oam: string
ipv4-oam-address with new naming convention for IP addresses
sw-version: string sw-version is the version of SW for the hosted application on the PNF.
in-maint: boolean Used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode (maintenance mode = true). This field (in conjunction with prov-status) is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs.
frame-id: string ID of the physical frame (relay rack) where pnf is installed.
serial-number: string Serial number of the device
ipaddress-v4-loopback-0: string IPV4 Loopback 0 address
ipaddress-v6-loopback-0: string IPV6 Loopback 0 address
ipaddress-v4-aim: string IPV4 AIM address
ipaddress-v6-aim: string IPV6 AIM address
ipaddress-v6-oam: string IPV6 OAM address
inv-status: string CANOPI's inventory status. Only set with values exactly as defined by CANOPI.
resource-version: string Used for optimistic concurrency. Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete.
prov-status: string Prov Status of this device (not under canopi control) Valid values [PREPROV/NVTPROV/PROV]
nf-role: string Nf Role is the role performed by this instance in the network.
admin-status: string admin Status of this PNF operational-status: string Store the
operational-status for this object. model-customization-id: string Store the model-customization-id for this object.
model-invariant-id: string The ASDC model id for this resource model.
model-version-id: string The ASDC model version for this resource model.
pnf-ipv4-address: string This is the IP address (IPv4) for the PNF itself. This is the IPv4 address that the PNF iself can be accessed at.
pnf-ipv6-address: string This is the IP address (IPv6) for the PNF itself. This is the IPv6 address that the PNF iself can be accessed at.
software-versions: object[]
relationship-list: object[]
p-interfaces: object[]
lag-interfaces: object[]
vrfs: object[]
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