The following fixes were tested on scenario 2 (e.g. External NSSMFs), non-shared slice.

We tested the use case with the following OOM configuration:

  • oom Honolulu with the following changes:
    • SO
      • bpmn-infra at 1.9.0 (in order to fix UUI Slicing Management Section issue)


  • oom master from 09-02-2021 (it should be good all version with AAI v23 enabled) with the following changes:
    • AAI (v23 schema should be enabled):
      • aai-schema-service 1.8.6
      • aai-traversal at 1.8.0
    • SO
      • api handler infra at 1.8.1
      • nssmf-adapter at 1.8.0
      • bpmn-infra at 1.8.0
    • SDNC

For configuration, we used the instructions reported in points 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 at Install Minimum Scope for Option 1

For onboarding phase, plese use this guide Template Design for Option2 with the following fix:

  • Fill in the "Service Role" field with the value "ONAP_internal" (in the General section, in SDC ) for the resources: Tn_ONAP_internal_BH
  • Fill in the "Service Role" field with the value "huawei" (in the General section, in SDC ) for the resources: EmbbCn_External, EmbbAn_NF
  • Fill in the "Service Role" field with the value "option2" (in the General section, in SDC ) for the resources: EmbbNst_O2
  • Fill in the "Service Type" field with the value "embb" (in the General section, in SDC ) for the resources: Tn_ONAP_internal_BH, EmbbAn_NF, EmbbCn_External, CST_O2
  • Fill in the "Vendor Name" field with the value "huawei" (in the General section, in SDC ) for the resources: EmbbCn_External_AR, EmbbAn_NF_AR

IssueBrief description of resolutionComponents affectedWorkaroundJira(s)Status
(Onboarding phase
ServiceProfile_O2 in the wiki misses the step "Declare ar-invariant and ar-uuid as Input" and fill the Activity Factor param with a value (i.e. 20)
(Point 14 of Template Design for Option2)
DOCSDeclare them as input

AAI Distribution Fails
(Onboarding phase)
Distribution fails into AAI for the resources SliceProfileXXX
(missing Allotted Resource service model)

Add Slice_AR (the allotted resource componing each SliceProfile) as
service-model into AAI

NST SelectionOOF returns always an empty solution arrayOOF

OPTFRA-909 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OPTFRA-764 - Getting issue details... STATUS


NSI SelectionCamel_to_snake/snake_to_camel schema is wrongOOF

You will need to change several params into slicing_config.yaml file inside OOF container 

A working slicing_config.yaml is :


You need to restart the OOF docker container once you updated the slicing_config.yaml, you can do it using the following steps,

  • Login to the worker VM where the OOF container is running. You can find the worker node by running (kubectl get pods -n onap -o wide | grep dev-oof)
  • Find the container using docker ps | grep optf-osdf
  • Restart the container using docker restart <container id>

NSI SelectionPolicies from WIKI page are wrong. The NSI selection response from OOF does not contain all information in order to create the Slice Management Task properlyDOCS/POLICY

new policies  must be used

and for NSI policies, please use the following:

Follow the points Optimization Policy Creation Steps in order to create and push the new policies (both nsi and nssi).

NSI SelectionsubnetCapability.json file is wrong and it should be updatedDOCS/SO

Point 4 of Install Minimum Scope for Option 1 change subnetCapability.json file as following:

  "AN": {
    "latency": 5,
    "maxNumberofUEs": 10,
    "maxThroughput": 150,
    "termDensity": "50"
  "CN": {
    "latency": 1,
    "maxThroughput": 5,
    "maxNumberofConns": 6000
  "TN_FH": {
    "latency": 10,
    "maxThroughput": "100"
  "TN_MH": {
    "latency": 5,
    "maxThroughput": "50"
  "TN_BH": {
    "latency": 10,
    "maxThroughput": 100
  "AN_NF": {
    "latency": 5,
    "maxNumberofUEs": 100,
    "maxThroughput": "150",
    "termDensity": "50"

UUI does not display "CommunicationService" and"SlicingResouce Management" items In the UUI, in "5G Slicing Management" Section,  "Communication Service" and "Slicing Resource Management" items are not retrieved from AAI returning 500 Server error with message:
"5G slicing order query failed!

You should add a new service for MSB.

  • Got to msb https://{{master server ip}}:30284/iui/microservices/default.html
  • Select "Service Discover" from left panel
  • Click "Service Register" button
    • ADD the following info:
      Service Name: aai-business
      Url: /aai/v13/business
      Protocol: REST
      Enable SSL to True
      Version: v13
      Load balancer: round-robin
      Visualranfe: InSystem
    • Add host:
      AAI service ip and port (8443)
  • Save all

Netconf device not mounted to SDN-R

While starting the Netconf servers (Honeycomb), the device mount should happen automatically.||Exc in post {}
org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$Unauthorized: 401 Unauthorized: [no body]

RANSimulatorUsername and password to connect with SDN-R need be configured properly. Refer gerrit.onap Code Review - integration/simulators/ran-simulator.git/blob - ransim/docker/docker-compose.yml
Certificate error in RansimController

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target; nested exception is PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
        at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.doExecute(
        at org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.execute(

RANSimulatorUse the jssecacerts cert from sdnc container (var/custom-certs) and place it in ransim package under ransim/docker/config/ransim. It needs  to be replaced as it expires over time.


1.Download the SDNR cacerts from browser.

2.Import the cacerts into RANsim 

 keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias SNDC -file <certsfile> -keystore /ransim/docker/config/ransim/jssecacerts -storepass changeit

How download cacerts from browser?

  1. Login to firefox browser 
  2. Click on the lock icon in address url
  3. Click on more information
  4. Click on Security then view certificate
  5.  PEM (cert) PEM(chain) from both SDNC and intermediateCA_9

Maven CPS compilation error

Maven compilation fails withe the following error message:

mvn --release invalid flag

CPS/CPS-TBDMTUse the following java version linked to maven :

b@ranvm:~/cps/cps-tbdmt$ java -version
openjdk version "13.0.1" 2019-10-15
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 13.0.1+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 13.0.1+9, mixed mode, sharing)

Information about simulators used in the use case:

  • No labels


  1. Hi,

       Can you provide a workaround for the below issues mentioned above.

    NSI SelectionCamel_to_snake/snake_to_camel schema is wrong : Can you provide the working slicing_config.yaml 
    NSI Selection

    Policies from WIKI page are wrong. The NSI selection response from OOF does not contain all information in order to create the Slice Management Task properly

    Question: Where do we copy these ZIP files ? is this the link with details Optimization Policy Creation Steps 

  2. Hi Rajendra Prasad Mishra, I have uploaded a working slicing_config.yaml file, containing the camel to snake mapping.
    For policies, you can follow this guide Optimization Policy Creation Steps using the file uploaded here.



  3. Hi Aniello Paolo Malinconico ,

    We are getting below response from OOF during NSI selection.

    NSI oofResponse is: {"requestId": "1f232a34-01fe-4e1f-b892-7d8853e51a06", "transactionId": "1f232a34-01fe-4e1f-b892-7d8853e51a06", "requestStatus": "error", "statusMessage": "[Parameter 'exp_data_rate_dl' undefined in path demands > NSTO1[1] > filtering_attributes > service_profile > exp_data_rate_dl > value]"}

    Please let us know if any other configuration or policy needs to be updated for resolving this error.

    Thanks in advance.


    Elangovan T

    1. Hi, is it shared or non-shared scenario?



      1. Hi Aniello Paolo Malinconico ,

        It is for non-shared scenario.


        Elangovan T

        1. I think you have not used the latest file uploaded here . 

          I have checked the file and there are no occurrences of "exp_data_rate_dl" param ....

          Can you check?


  4. Hi Aniello Paolo Malinconico ,

    I can see the entry for exp_data_rate_dl as below in the optimization_nsi_non_shared.json file in folder.

        "minimizeLatency_{{ service_name }}": {
            "metadata": {
                "policy-id": "minimizeLatency_{{ service_name }}",
                "policy-version": 1




    Elangovan T

    1. Hi,

      I have now downloaded and the optimization_non_shared.json policy is the following:

          "minimizeLatency_{{ service_name }}": {
              "metadata": {
                  "policy-id": "minimizeLatency_{{ service_name }}",
                  "policy-version": 1
              "properties": {
                  "geography": [],
                  "identity": "optimization",
                  "goal": "minimize",
                  "operation_function": {
                      "operator": "sum",
                      "operands": [
                              "function": "attribute",
                              "params": {
                                  "attribute": "latency",
                                  "demand": "{{ service_name }}"
                  "resources": [
                      "{{ service_name }}"
                  "scope": [
                  "services": [
                      "{{ service_name }}"
              "type": "onap.policies.optimization.resource.OptimizationPolicy",
              "type_version": "2.0.0",
              "version": "1.0.0"
  5. Hi,

    Can you please attach that folder in this comment section.

    Thank you.


    Elangovan T

  6. Hi Aniello Paolo Malinconico ,

    Thank you so much for sharing the latest file. This resolved all the "undefined" errors from OOF. 

    Currently we are getting empty solutions list from OOF for NSI selection response. Can you please let us know if you have any information on this.

    NSI oofResponse is: {"requestId": "9fd98f41-dbec-4414-81c0-3d32f2e99e81", "transactionId": "9fd98f41-dbec-4414-81c0-3d32f2e99e81", "requestStatus": "completed", "statusMessage": "", "solutions": []}


    Elangovan T

    1. If I remember well, for non-shared case, OOF response is an empty solution . So it should be a good response.


  7. Hi Aniello Paolo Malinconico ,

    As per the existing logs attached, this is the expected response from OOF is below. existingNSI flag will be false and newNSISolution having sliceProfiles. But we are getting empty solutions response.

    Address: http://so-bpmn-infra.onap:8081/mso/WorkflowMessage/NSISelectionResponse/a1184d10-dc23-49c5-ba53-061cad228af7
    Encoding: UTF-8
    Http-Method: POST
    Content-Type: application/json
    Headers: {Accept=[*/*], accept-encoding=[gzip,deflate], Authorization=[Basic YXBpaEJwbW46cGFzc3dvcmQxJA==], connection=[Keep-Alive], Content-Length=[1037], content-type=[application/json], cookie=[JSESSIONID=3DA86F2C813894FB2DEF8EA99067496F], host=[so-bpmn-infra.onap:8081], user-agent=[Apache-HttpClient/4.5.13 (Java/11.0.8)]}
    Payload: {"requestId": "a1184d10-dc23-49c5-ba53-061cad228af7", "transactionId": "a1184d10-dc23-49c5-ba53-061cad228af7", "requestStatus": "completed", "statusMessage": "", "solutions": [{"existingNSI": false, "newNSISolution": {"sliceProfiles": [{"latency": 20, "sNSSAI": "01-63459CBE", "sST": "embb", "activityFactor": "20", "pLMNIdList": "39-00", "survivalTime": "10", "maxNumberofUEs": 200, "resourceSharingLevel": "shared", "uEMobilityLevel": "stationary", "expDataRateDL": 1440000, "expDataRateUL": 1200000, "maxNumberofPDUSession": 12000, "domainType": "AN"}, {"latency": 10, "sNSSAI": "01-63459CBE", "maxBandwidth": 1000, "pLMNIdList": "39-00", "sST": "embb", "resourceSharingLevel": "shared", "domainType": "TN_BH"}, {"latency": 5, "sNSSAI": "01-63459CBE", "sST": "embb", "activityFactor": "20", "resourceSharingLevel": "shared", "pLMNIdList": "39-00", "survivalTime": "10", "maxNumberofUEs": 200, "uEMobilityLevel": "stationary", "expDataRateDL": 1440000, "expDataRateUL": 1200000, "maxNumberofPDUSession": 12000, "domainType": "CN"}]}}]}

    Can you please confirm if this something related to NSI policy.


    Elangovan T

    1. Hi,

      you are right... OOF NSI response should not return an empty array .
      Can you see this JIRA ? In the comment section, I had a similar issue (no solution returned) and it was a mismatch type of an NSTO1 param during SDC onboarding ...

      Let me know if solved.

