The table below indicates high-level test cases for the introduction of the cmNotify domain in DCAE and the cmNotify event.  cmNotify is a RESTFUL notification that supports the 3GPP fields defined for sending notifications when managed objects are created, deleted or modified.  This notification has been defined to also be suitable for providing notifications from non-3GPP XNFs.

#Component(s)Test CaseStatusRemarks

NF or emulator emits an event with the domain cmNotify to the DCAE VES Collector

Upon receipt, the VES collector verifies that the domain is supported, the format of

the event is correct and passes the event to DMaaP.


NF or emulator emits an event with the domain cmNotify to the DCAE VES Collector but the population

of the event violates the schema specified in the VEWS specification

#3DCAE and RunTimeDb

NF or emulator emits an event with the domain cmNotify. Verify that application that has subscribed to the

event has access.  If RunTimeDb is functioning in Frankfurt  we will use it for this test.  If not we will have to

emulate this


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