
Our goal is to reach VNF from APP-C through Ansible, but we're facing couple of issues. In reach I mean to be able to execute arbitrary playbook in Ansible server instance from APP-C. We have Ansible server installed and configured which is accessible on this endpoint:, we have verified following request works (playbook gets actually executed):

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"Id": "12", "PlaybookName": "ansible_sleep", "NodeList": ["host"], "Timeout": "60", "EnvParameters": {"Sleep": "1"}}'

We performed demo VNF onboarding and instantiation with the help of materials available here: Running the ONAP Demos. Note we don't care about closed-loop yet, our sole goal is to interact with virtual network functions through APP-C.

Problem #1

For simplicity we tried to execute Restart action first, we believe it does not require any interaction with Ansible server, rather it uses OpenStack directly to restart whole VM.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46S3A4Yko0U1hzek0wV1hsaGFrM2VIbGNzZTJnQXc4NHZhb0dHbUp2VXkyVQ==' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-Transaction-id: 1521720096' \
  -d '{
"input": {
            "common-header": {"timestamp": "2018-03-22T12:00:00.00Z",
                                    "api-ver": "2.00",
                                    "originator-id": "Test-Originator",
                                    "request-id": "1",
                                    "flags": {
                                               "mode": "NORMAL",
                                               "force": "FALSE",
                                               "ttl": "2000"
            "action": "Restart",
            "action-identifiers": {
                                    "vnf-id": "9feb6ea5-05ac-435a-8760-575befa9a5c9",
                                    "vserver-id": "2f1b24ee-6382-4e2c-b405-e8fbaa3a2d64"
            "payload": "{\"vm-id\": \"2f1b24ee-6382-4e2c-b405-e8fbaa3a2d64\"}"

We got ACCEPTED as a response, however nothing happened. Here are the debug logs from APP-C ODL console: https://pastebin.com/raw/5W6quZSt.

We also see similar messages in logs:

2018-03-22 11:59:18,134 | ERROR | Appc-Listener-2  | HttpDmaapConsumerImpl            | 365 - appc-dmaap-adapter-bundle - 1.2.0 | Did not get 200 from DMaaP. Got 404 - {"mrstatus":3001,"helpURL":"https://wiki.web.att.com/display/DMAAP/DMaaP+Home","message":"No such topic exists.-[APPC-LCM-READ]","status":404}

Q1: We are expecting whole VM to be restarted, is our assumption correct? If yes what could be the cause of failure above?

Then we tried to check the status by ActionStatus action which is new in Beijing (http://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/appc.git/docs/APPC%20LCM%20API%20Guide/APPC%20LCM%20API%20Guide.html#actionstatus):

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46S3A4Yko0U1hzek0wV1hsaGFrM2VIbGNzZTJnQXc4NHZhb0dHbUp2VXkyVQ==' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-Transaction-id: 1521730814' \
  -d '{
"input": {
            "common-header": {"timestamp": "2018-03-21T10:49:00.00Z",
                                    "api-ver": "2.00",
                                    "originator-id": "Test-Originator",
                                    "request-id": "2",
                                    "flags": {
                                               "mode": "NORMAL",
                                               "force": "FALSE",
                                               "ttl": "2000"
            "action": "ActionStatus",
            "action-identifiers": {
                                    "vnf-id": "9feb6ea5-05ac-435a-8760-575befa9a5c9",
                                    "vserver-id": "2f1b24ee-6382-4e2c-b405-e8fbaa3a2d64"
            "payload": "{\"request-id\": \"1\"}"

but surprisingly request was rejected with following response:

    "errors": {
        "error": [
                "error-type": "protocol",
                "error-tag": "invalid-value",
                "error-message": "URI has bad format. Possible reasons:\n 1. \"appc-provider-lcm:action-status\" was not found in parent data node.\n 2. \"appc-provider-lcm:action-status\" is behind mount point. Then it should be in format \"/yang-ext:mount/appc-provider-lcm:action-status\"."

Now we're starting to doubt whether we really have Beijing, because I was told elsewhere that our installation looks like an Amsterdam release.

Q2: What is the definition of Beijing release? In the OOM project there are 2 branches: amsterdam and master. We assumed running OOM scripts from master branch would install Beijing. Is it correct?

Problem #2

Next we attempted to bypass LCM API and hit directly SLI, we executed following Ansible DG:

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46S3A4Yko0U1hzek0wV1hsaGFrM2VIbGNzZTJnQXc4NHZhb0dHbUp2VXkyVQ==' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"input":{"module-name":"APPC","rpc-name":"ansible-adapter-1.0","mode":"sync","sli-parameter":[{"parameter-name":"User","string-value":""},{"parameter-name":"Password","string-value":""},{"parameter-name":"AgentUrl","string-value":""},{"parameter-name":"PlaybookName","string-value":"ansible_sleep"},{"parameter-name":"Action","string-value":"None"},{"parameter-name":"EnvParameters","string-value":""},{"parameter-name":"FileParameters","string-value":""},{"parameter-name":"Timeout","string-value":""},{"parameter-name":"NodeList","string-value":""}]}}'

We were expecting playbook to be executed, but it didn't. Seems there is some error in the logs: https://pastebin.com/raw/hrQihnEc

Q3: Is our expectation correct? What could error from the logs mean? From the package name org.openecomp.appc.adapter in stacktrace I can presume Ansible adapter which is deployed currently is little bit old, in the current source code package is renamed to org.onap.appc.adapter, again this looks like an amsterdam realease, doesn't it?

Bonus questions

  1. How does APP-C determine which adapter to use: Ansible, Chef or NETCONF directly?
  2. We assume Ansible server should be installed only once manually and it's not the part of the ONAP automation, is this correct?
  3. Does vFW/vSink demo VNF support NETCONF interface?



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    2 answers



      Our goal is to reach VNF from APP-C through Ansible, but we're facing couple of issues. In reach I mean to be able to execute arbitrary playbook in Ansible server instance from APP-C. We have Ansible server installed and configured which is accessible on this endpoint:, we have verified following request works (playbook gets actually executed):   

      Q1: We are expecting whole VM to be restarted, is our assumption correct? If yes what could be the cause of failure above?

      • Scott Seabolt: 
        • Calling version 2.00 of the LCM API will restart all VMs associated with the VNF.  That is, any VMs loaded into A&AI associated with that VNF will be restarted round robin style.  When onboarding the VNF the user is provided with the opportunity to upload the capabilities (AttachVolume, DetachVolume, Evacuate, Migrate, Rebuild, Restart, Snapshot, Start, Stop, etc...) during the onboarding process.  Those steps along with examples are shown in the CDT Tool user Guide at http://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/appc.git/docs/APPC%20CDT%20Guide/APPC%20CDT%20Guide.html.
          • I can't view the log in the link provided.  However, the method you are using to make the action request appears to be attempting a direct APPC LCM API REST request as opposed to going through DMaaP.  Therefore, the error shown above in regards to DMaaP is not the error associated with your request.  The error you're seeing with DMaaP is due to the DMaaP topic not being created yet (I.e. APPC-LCM-READ topic does not exist on your DMaaP server).
        • I have several examples of requests either submitting via DMaaP or via the API Doc Explorer (http://yourappcIP:8282/apidoc/explorer/index.html).  The link to those examples can be found at APPC ONAP Testing Requests .The API Doc Explorer essentially uses the REST API within APPC.  Within the ONAP complex we recommend you utilize DMaaP to send/receive messages.

      Then we tried to check the status by ActionStatus action which is new in Beijing

      • Scott Seabolt:
        • I will work through an example ActionStatus request and post my findings to you.  I haven't tested this action in ONAP yet.

      Q2: What is the definition of Beijing release? In the OOM project there are 2 branches: amsterdam and master. We assumed running OOM scripts from master branch would install Beijing. Is it correct?

      • Scott Seabolt:
        • You are correct, pulling from the master will provide you with the Beijing release.

      Q3: Is our expectation correct? What could error from the logs mean? From the package name org.openecomp.appc.adapter in stacktrace I can presume Ansible adapter which is deployed currently is little bit old, in the current source code package is renamed to org.onap.appc.adapter, again this looks like an amsterdam realease, doesn't it?

      • Scott Seabolt:
        • I am not able to view the logs via the link in your post.  However, it apepars you pulled an early version of the Beijing code.  The current code should now reflect org.onap.appc.adapter.  You should see the requested action executed along with the success or failure of that action in the logs.

      Bonus Questions:

      1. How does APP-C determine which adapter to use: Ansible, Chef or NETCONF directly?
      • Scott Seabolt:
        • For Non-OpenStack commands, the protocol is selected using the APPC Design Tool
          • Example OpenStack commands:  Evacuate, Migrate, Rebuild, Restart, Snapshot, Start, Stop.  These capabilities/actions can be specified via the CDT Tool (these commands use REST but is implied when uploading as a capability in CDT Tool).

           2. We assume Ansible server should be installed only once manually and it's not the part of the ONAP automation, is this correct?

      • Scott Seabolt:
        • Stay tuned for an update on this one.  It will require a one time manual setup. We have discussed making the deployment available via CCSDK.  However, I will provide you an update ASAP. 

           3. Does vFW/vSink demo VNF support NETCONF interface?

      • Scott Seabolt:
        • Yes, the vFW/vSink demo VNF does support NETCONF.  The NETCONF itnerface on APPC will need to be setup manually.  Instructions for that can be found at Creating a Netconf Mount.

      Additional notes I have taken can be found at APPC ONAP Testing Notes.  I'll be doing something similar for the Beijing testing of APPC.

      1. Beka Tsotsoria

        Hi Scott, thank you for the answers.

        We progressed a little bit since OP, we managed to solve problem #1 i.e. restart VM from the APP-C REST endpoint. We had to change this:

        "payload": "{\"vm-id\": \"2f1b24ee-6382-4e2c-b405-e8fbaa3a2d64\"}"

        to this:

        "payload": "{\"vm-id\": \"http://<openstack_hostname>:8774/v2.1/<tenant_id>/servers/2f1b24ee-6382-4e2c-b405-e8fbaa3a2d64\"}"

        Also we had to override default OpenStack credentials from Config and storage > Config Maps > appc-conf-configmap menu of kubernetes dashboard with ones specific to our environment.

        We also managed to solve problem #2 i.e. execute Ansible DG from SLI. We were missing Version parameter and non-empty values for User/Password parameters. So all good so far.

        The error you're seeing with DMaaP is due to the DMaaP topic not being created yet (I.e. APPC-LCM-READ topic does not exist on your DMaaP server).

        When APPC-LCM-READ topic should be created? We believe after action completes (ex. restart) and result becomes available. Correct?

        Main problem now is to find CDT, it is missing from our installation. There is neither frontend neither backend (/restconf/operations/design-services:dbservice) available. Version of our appc is as follows:

        nexus3.onap.org:10001/openecomp/appc-image                  v1.2.0                  399e222d320b        4 months ago        3.04 GB

        What could be the reason? Can you confirm CDT should be available in v1.2.0 version?

        P.S. why can't you access pastebin links? Do you receive 404 or it's just empty content? I verified with my colleagues and it works for us 

      2. Scott Seabolt

        DMaap Tpics:

        • The APPC-LCM-READ (APPC reads this topic) and APPC-LCM-WRITE (APPC writes to this topic) topics should be created prior to receiving/sending requests to APPC.  The topics for the LCM API are configured in the /opt/onap/appc/data/properties/appc.properties file with these names as default. The WRITE topic will actually get created automatically the first time APPC tries to write an event to the topic.  However, DMaaP normally recommends creating the topics prior to use.

        APPC CDT

        • You can get the appc-cdt image via the below:
          • docker pull nexus3.onap.org:10003/onap/appc-cdt-image:1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-latest
          • docker run -d -p 8080:80 nexus3.onap.org:10003/onap/appc-cdt-image:1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-latest

        Logs via Paste Bin:

        • I noticed my work PC doesn't allow me to via the logs.  I can however view them outside my work network.  I'll have a look.
      3. Beka Tsotsoria

        Hi Scott,

        appc-cdt needs backend which should be accessible at /restconf/operations/design-services:dbservice. We assume this endpoint is part of the appc (by the looks of the source code). We can confirm there is no such endpoint in our deployed 1.2.0. We tried to update appc version to 1.3.0 from the kubernetes deployment, but it failed to start up, probably because newer version requires additional volume mounts. We are aware we're using slightly older OOM (March 27) and there were some changes since then. We would like to avoid reinstalling latest ONAP unless we're sure it really will contain design-services:dbservice endpoint. We tried to spin up only appc-1.3.0 container (with overridden entry-point command since it fails to startup due to reason mentioned above IMO) and then from the container shell checked contents of /opt/onap/appc/features/ directory, there is no such thing as design-services, which makes me think 1.3.0 does not have the required backend functionality neither.

        Then we decided to build appc-inbound module of appc project (from latest master), obtained appc-design-services-installer-1.3.0.zip, placed in /opt/onap/appc/features/ directory of 1.2.0 appc container and tried to run install_feature.sh script, but it failed with: 

        Error executing command: Illegal character in opaque part at index 48: mvn:org.opendaylight.controller/features-mdsal/${odl.controller.mdsal.features.version}/xml/features

        Any ideas what to try next?


      4. Beka Tsotsoria

        Scott Seabolt any comment on this? We are totally blocked! I'm surprised we are the only one facing this issue? I was trying reverse engineering things, i.e.modifying APP-C DB manually to simulate CDT actions, but this process is very inefficient, there should be an easier way!

        We even pulled latest master OOM and installed only APP-C on separate VM, but design-services is still missing!

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      I realised we haven't actually performed self-service VNF onboarding after the VNF instantiation (this kinda answers my question about how APP-C determines which adapter to use). In this video it is mentioned that CDT is a temporary solution and I can confirm we don't have it in our installation (which we believe is Beijing).

      New question is: what is the current recommended way to perform self-service VNF onboarding. Anyone?

      1. Scott Seabolt

        Hi Beka,

        The CDT Tool is appropriate tool to utilize for onboarding VNFs into APPC for the near future.  In various forums there has been discussion regarding the CDT Tool possibly moving to SDC or at least a tool utilized in combination with the other controllers. 

        However, the CDT Tool is and will be the design tool for onboarding into APPC.  More information on the CDT Tool can be found at http://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/appc.git/docs/APPC%20CDT%20Guide/APPC%20CDT%20Guide.html.

        Additionally, I will combine my thoughts for the remainder of your questions above into a separate response.

      2. Scott Seabolt

        Hi Beka, 

        My apologies I missed this last question.  Please pull the latest code the error you were seeing was due to a defect in CDT.  Also, there is a video showing how to onboard a vLoadBalancer for ConfigScaleOut testing.  The team was still busy trying to work out some bugs when you last pulled the code.  Should be all clear now.

        APPC ConfigScaleOut Testing with vDNS/vLoadBalancer

        -Scott Seabolt

      3. Beka Tsotsoria

        Hi Scott,

        What you mean by latest? Can you tell me exact version(s) of artifacts used? Like OOM commit hash, docker image tags/ids? Additional info how you setup your environment would be helpful. It's important to be able to reproduce exact environment as images are built daily and there could be a regression introduced. I'm having trouble setting up latest ONAP. Here's what I did:

        1. Setup Kubernetes as described here: ONAP on Kubernetes on Rancher - deprecated. As a result environment looks like this:

          root@app-c:~/aai# helm version
          Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.8.2", GitCommit:"a80231648a1473929271764b920a8e346f6de844", GitTreeState:"clean"}
          Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.8.2", GitCommit:"a80231648a1473929271764b920a8e346f6de844", GitTreeState:"clean"}
          root@app-c:~/aai# kubectl version
          Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8", GitVersion:"v1.8.10", GitCommit:"044cd262c40234014f01b40ed7b9d09adbafe9b1", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-03-19T17:51:28Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
          Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8+", GitVersion:"v1.8.10-rancher1", GitCommit:"66aaf7681d4a74778ffae722d1f0f0f42c80a984", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-03-20T16:02:56Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
          root@app-c:~/aai# docker version
           Version:      17.03.2-ce
           API version:  1.27
           Go version:   go1.7.5
           Git commit:   f5ec1e2
           Built:        Tue Jun 27 03:35:14 2017
           OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
           Version:      17.03.2-ce
           API version:  1.27 (minimum version 1.12)
           Go version:   go1.7.5
           Git commit:   f5ec1e2
           Built:        Tue Jun 27 03:35:14 2017
           OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
           Experimental: false
          root@app-c:~/aai# docker ps | grep rancher-server
          5d47f7bc5a61        rancher/server:v1.6.14                                                                                                         "/usr/bin/entry /u..."    4 hours ago         Up 2 hours          3306/tcp,>8080/tcp   rancher-server
        2. OOM commit hash is: 39d7542106fddae23a79f37db856b997f9910c86 (building from master)
        3. I prepared local helm repository as described in oom/kubernetes/README.md
        4. I created onap-lite.yaml values file for helm chart which only has appc enabled:

          root@app-c:~/oom# cat kubernetes/onap-lite.yaml
          # Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
          # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
          # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
          # You may obtain a copy of the License at
          #       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
          # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
          # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
          # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
          # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
          # limitations under the License.
          # Global configuration overrides.
          # These overrides will affect all helm charts (ie. applications)
          # that are listed below and are 'enabled'.
            # Change to an unused port prefix range to prevent port conflicts
            # with other instances running within the same k8s cluster
            nodePortPrefix: 302
            # ONAP Repository
            # Uncomment the following to enable the use of a single docker
            # repository but ONLY if your repository mirrors all ONAP
            # docker images. This includes all images from dockerhub and
            # any other repository that hosts images for ONAP components.
            #repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
              user: docker
              password: docker
            # readiness check - temporary repo until images migrated to nexus3
            readinessRepository: oomk8s
            # logging agent - temporary repo until images migrated to nexus3
            loggingRepository: docker.elastic.co
            # image pull policy
            pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            # default mount path root directory referenced
            # by persistent volumes and log files
              mountPath: /dockerdata
            # flag to enable debugging - application support required
            debugEnabled: false
          # Repository for creation of nexus3.onap.org secret
          repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
          # Enable/disable and configure helm charts (ie. applications)
          # to customize the ONAP deployment.
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: true
              openStackType: OpenStackProvider
              openStackName: OpenStack
              openStackKeyStoneUrl: <URL>
              openStackServiceTenantName: default
              openStackDomain: default
              openStackUserName: <USERNAME>
              openStackEncryptedPassword: <PASSWORD>
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
              # openstack configuration
              openStackUserName: "vnf_user"
              openStackRegion: "Yolo"
              openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""
              openStackServiceTenantName: "service"
              openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "c124921a3a0efbe579782cde8227681e"
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            replicaCount: 1
              enableClustering: false
              disableNfsProvisioner: true
              replicaCount: 1
            enabled: false
            replicaCount: 1
              # necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
              # in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
              enabled: true
            # so server configuration
              # message router configuration
              dmaapTopic: "AUTO"
              # openstack configuration
              openStackUserName: "vnf_user"
              openStackRegion: "RegionOne"
              openStackKeyStoneUrl: ""
              openStackServiceTenantName: "service"
              openStackEncryptedPasswordHere: "c124921a3a0efbe579782cde8227681e"
            # configure embedded mariadb
                mariadbRootPassword: password
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
            enabled: false
        5. Built charts by running make all

        6. Then executed command: 

          helm install local/onap -n onap-lite --namespace onap -f onap-lite.yaml
        7. Apparently deployment was trying to pull dmaap-mr:1.1.3 which does not exist, so I changed it to 1.1.4 from the Kubernetes dashboard

        8. Finally all went green and as a result following Docker images were pulled:

          root@app-c:~/oom# docker images | grep onap
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/appc-cdt-image              1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-latest   0fd42205579b        24 hours ago        205 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/appc-image                  1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-latest   58ef0ee0c1a7        24 hours ago        2.8 GB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/ccsdk-dgbuilder-image       0.2-STAGING-latest      07fbe45737ca        25 hours ago        1.02 GB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/data-router                 1.2-STAGING-latest      71eb8474e885        25 hours ago        672 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/msb/msb_apigateway          1.1.0-STAGING-latest    1f84e3ae2622        25 hours ago        222 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/search-data-service         1.2-STAGING-latest      b469cac22d9f        25 hours ago        629 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/msb/msb_discovery           1.1.0-STAGING-latest    72567cfc8218        25 hours ago        205 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/aai-resources               1.2-STAGING-latest      ca105340737b        25 hours ago        667 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/babel                       1.2-STAGING-latest      964c9395bc40        25 hours ago        790 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/sparky-be                   1.2-STAGING-latest      bbfe5d400949        25 hours ago        697 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/model-loader                1.2-STAGING-latest      7cd6378192b0        25 hours ago        632 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/aai-traversal               1.2-STAGING-latest      b19dcfe08bdb        25 hours ago        685 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/oom/kube2msb                latest                  bcf13ddd527e        25 hours ago        41.3 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/dmaap/dmaap-mr              1.1.4                   f0858b5c021c        8 days ago          863 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/sniroemulator               latest                  e755cbf017f3        11 days ago         548 MB
          aaionap/haproxy                                        1.2.2                   3e52a8117da7        12 days ago         139 MB
          nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/gizmo                       1.1-STAGING-latest      bf2bfa4a0e54        6 weeks ago         702 MB
          aaionap/hbase                                          1.2.0                   3568a85848ab        8 months ago        432 MB
        9. However lcm-provider API is missing from ODL apidoc explorer. I noticed most of the appc features are uninstalled:

          opendaylight-user@root>feature:list | grep appc
          appc-dg-util                                     | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                              | application DG utillity
          appc-iaas-adapter                                | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-iaas-adapter-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                 | appc-iaas-adapter
          appc-config-params                               | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-config-params-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                | Application Controller Config Params
          appc-event-listener                              | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-event-listener-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT               | event listener
          appc-license-manager                             | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   | x        | Started     | appc-license-manager-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT              | application license manager
          appc-dmaap-adapter                               | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-dmaap-adapter-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                | appc-dmaap-adapter
          appc-artifact-handler                            | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | app-cntrl-artifact-handler-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT        | Application Controller Artifact Handler
          appc-command-executor                            | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-command-executor-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT             | application executor
          appc-config-flow-controller                      | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-config-flow-controller-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT       | Application Controller Flow Executor
          appc-request-handler                             | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-request-handler-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT              | appc-request-handler
          appc-oam                                         | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                              | appc oam module
          appc-dg-shared                                   | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-dg-shared-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                    | appc-dg-shared
          appc-ssh-adapter                                 | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-ssh-adapter-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                  | appc-ssh-adapter
          appc-dispatcher                                  | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-dispatcher-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                   | appc-dispatcher
          appc-network-inventory-client                    | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-network-inventory-client-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT     | Application Controller Instar Client
          appc-interfaces-service                          | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-interfaces-service-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT           | Application Controller Interfaces Services
          appc-sdc-listener                                | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-sdc-listener-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                 | sdc listener
          appc-aai-client                                  | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-aai-client-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                   | Application Controller AAI Client
          appc-metric                                      | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   | x        | Started     | appc-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                              | application executor
          appc-config-generator                            | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-config-generator-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT             | Application Controller Config Generator
          appc-config-data-services                        | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-config-data-services-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT         | Application Controller Config Data Service
          appc-config-adaptor                              | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-config-adaptor-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT               | Application Controller Config Adaptor
          appc-design-services                             | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-design-services-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT              | Application Controller Design Services
          appc-netconf-adapter                             | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-netconf-adapter-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT              | appc-netconf-adapter
          appc-ansible-adapter                             | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-ansible-adapter-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT              | appc-ansible-adapter
          appc-sequence-generator                          | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                              | Appc Sequence Generator
          appc-lifecycle-management                        | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   | x        | Started     | appc-lifecycle-management-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT         | application executor
          appc-provider                                    | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                              | application controller
          appc-config-audit                                | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-config-audit-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                 | Application Controller Config Audit
          appc-rest-adapter                                | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-rest-adapter-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                 | appc-rest-adapter
          appc-config-encryption-tool                      | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-config-encryption-tool-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT       | Application Controller Encription Tool
          appc-workflow-management                         | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-workflow-management-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT          | application executor
          appc-chef-adapter                                | 1.3.0.SNAPSHOT   |          | Uninstalled | appc-chef-adapter-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT                 | appc-chef-adapter

          And there were bunch of errors produced by appc container (which does not make any sense for me): https://pastebin.com/raw/7ZsuJRZZ

        I'm struggling with this for almost 3 days... Any ideas?


      4. Beka Tsotsoria

        Seems problem was inside nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/appc-image:1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-latest, when I switched to nexus3.onap.org:10003/onap/appc-image:latest karaf errors were gone.

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