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Test Case ID


Test Case Name

Invoking the control loop in Policy


Invoking the control loop and sending DMaaP message to SDN-R with the PCI changes.




(a) Control Loop Policy is successfully loaded and configured in Policy module.

(b) SDN-R is initialized, configured and connected to the RAN-Sim (netconf servers).

(c) POLICY_PCIMS_PAIRWISE_002 has been completed.

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Policy executes the control loop for PCI use case, and prepares the DMaaP message (topic - SDNR-CL, and payload layout taken from the DMaaP message received from PCI-MS) to the yang model) to be sent to Policy. It sends 1 message for each PNF. SDNR-CL
  1. DMaaP message(s) is successfully received by SDN-R.

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab Ubuntu Docker Machine

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

Sending message(s) to RAN-Sim to update PCI values


SDN-R sending netconf (edit-config) message(s) to RAN-Sim to update the PCI values




(a) SDN-R is initialized, configured and connected to the RAN-Sim (netconf servers).

(b) RAN-Sim is initialized and configured properly.

(c) POLICY_SDNR_PAIRWISE_001 has been completed.

(d) SDNR_RAN_PAIRWISE_002 has been completed.

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. Policy executes the control loop for PCI use case, and prepares the DMaaP message (topic - SDNR-CL, and payload layout taken from the DMaaP message received from PCI-MS) to the yang model) to be sent to Policy. It sends 1 message for each PNF. SDNR-CL
  1. RAN-Sim receives the message, and makes necessary updates to the PCI values (GUI reflects these changes).

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab Ubuntu Docker M

Test Case ID


Test Case Name

Acknowledgement of successful update of PCI values.


RAN-Sim sending success response to netconf (edit-config) message(s) to SDN-R.




(a) SDN-R is initialized, configured and connected to the RAN-Sim (netconf servers).

(b) RAN-Sim is initialized and configured properly.

(d) SDNR_RAN_PAIRWISE_003 has been completed.

Testing Steps


Expected Result

  1. RAN-Sim sends a success response to SDN-R upon receipt of netconf edit-config message from SDN-R.
  2. Upon receipt of this response, SDN-R prepares a DMaaP message (Topic: SDNR-CL-RSP)
  1. Policy receives the DMaaP message, and the Control Loop status can be viewed in the logs.

Conclusion (Pass /Fail)

Testing Lab Ubuntu Docker M

Integration Testing

  1. Initialization (RAN-Sim, GUI, OOF, PCI-MS, Policy, SDN-R, Config DB)
  2. Neighbor list change (via RAN-Sim GUI)
  3. Application of PCI changes
  4. Advance scenarios
    1. More than 1 notification required for triggering OOF
    2. Neighbor list change when OOF is executing PCI optimization algorithm
    3. Neighbor list change for more than 1 cluster (is this relevant for PoC?)
    4. ???

Use case StepComponent(s)FunctionalityTest caseImpacted APIStatus
5PCI-Handler MS, OOFRequest for PCI optimization for network region.
PCI-Handler MS invokes OOF for pre-defined workflow for PCI Optimization via REST API.This call includes data for the cell and the network reqion involved.

Ensure that PCI-Handler-MS applies configuration policies, processes configuration changes in steps 4a,4b, and sends a message to OO

(Pre-requisite is step 2 is tested)

<API details>Not tested
6OOF, PolicyFetch PCI optimization policies
OOF fetches policies that specify how OOF will execute PCI optimization in response to PCI request for optimization
Ensure that OOF can fetch optimization policies from Policy, and applies it to invoke the appropriate solver module<Policy API details>Not tested
7OOF, SDN-CFetch Config data for cells in the region.
OOF fetches data for cells in network region from SDN-C
Ensure that OOF can query SDN-C to get required data (e.g. cellids, nbr_list, pci, lat/lon) from SDN-C Config DB<Config DB API details>Not tested
9PCI-Handler MS, PolicyRecommended PCI configuration.
PCI-Handler-MS provides PCI recommendation to Policy
Ensure that PCI-Handler-MS sends a message to Policy with recommendation for new PCI values for set of cells, along with reason for oprimization computation (RAN config change)
Not tested
10Policy, SDN-CPCI Configuration decisions
Policy sends message to SDN-C with instruction for configuration changes
Ensure that Policy applies operational policies to PCI change recommendation, and if appropriate, sends a message to SDN-C with instruction to change PCI value to set of cells
Not tested