Versions Compared


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Code Block
helm del demo-sdnc --purge
kubectl get persistentvolumes      persistentvolumeclaims -n onap | grep demo-sdnc | sed -r 's/(^[^ ]+).*/kubectl delete persistentvolumes     persistentvolumeclaims -n onap \1/' | bash
kubectl get persistentvolumes    persistentvolumeclaims  -n onap | grep demo-sdnc | sed -r 's/(^[^ ]+).*/kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaims persistentvolumes      -n onap \1/' | bash
kubectl get secrets                -n onap | grep demo-sdnc | sed -r 's/(^[^ ]+).*/kubectl delete secrets                -n onap \1/' | bash
kubectl get clusterrolebindings    -n onap | grep demo-sdnc | sed -r 's/(^[^ ]+).*/kubectl delete clusterrolebindings    -n onap \1/' | bash

The first command deletes SDNC but, despite the "--purge" option, some residual resources remain.  The subsequent commands discovers those resources and generates commands that can be copied and pasted into your terminal session to be executed.  If you know how to pipe a string into bash so it can be executed directly, kindly update this wiki page.  The "helm del..." command takes some time, so please be patient.  Once SDNC has been deleted, you can install the new version using the commands in the previous section.
